I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 462: The unexpected harvest of eliminating harm for the people

"I'm not really a scumbag ( Find the latest chapter!

Lin Fang originally didn't want to go out.

He thought about throwing Liu Ajiu and Gou Sangosi in the deserted house and letting them fend for themselves.

When the old boatman was eating in his shop, he started a conversation and mentioned the mixed ecology on the pier. The other boatmen's cheering echoes made Lin put his mind down.

It turned out that the brothers Liu Ajiu and Gou Sangou Si were not a loose gang, and each had a gang background.

Liu Ajiu is the small leader of the Four Seas Gang, and Gou Sangou Si is from the Huachuan Gang.

The Four Seas Gang is notorious, from top to bottom, they rely on extortion on the dock to make a living.

If there is a little resistance, it will cut off the siblings, or sink into the river.

Liu Ajiu is even more of a stinky shit. As long as it is the wharf family that he is eyeing, there will be no ruined people.

The old boatmen were closely united, and they had some thoughts of fighting against the Four Seas Gang.

If they weren't large enough and united enough, there would be no bones left that were swallowed by Liu Ajiu's group.

The Flower Boat Gang is more about seeking a life on the water, not going ashore.

But these people are more dangerous.

Their roots are in Su Yang, and they are professional flower shooters.

Specializing in the activities of abducting women and children is the most abhorrent.

Hungry ghosts like Gou San Gou Si have committed countless crimes.

All the women who were taken away by them must have played dozens of tricks, and played a living person into a body without thoughts, feelings, or even crying and laughing, and then they just stopped selling them.

Even in the Flower Boat Gang, there are many people who criticize the two brothers.

It is really a woman they have dealt with, and the loss rate is too high. Out of ten people, it is luck that three survive.

It's fine that Lin Fang doesn't know. Knowing the evil deeds of this group of people, how can he bear it.

He made sure that Qi Ruizhu fell asleep and did not go through the main entrance, but went straight over the wall and went straight to the barren house by the river.

It was also a coincidence that Lin Fang arrived at the barren house by the river. He had just arrived nearby when he heard a slight banging sound from the door.

After observing around for a while, it was confirmed that this place was indeed desolate, few people passed by, and no one was disturbed, so Lin Fang opened the door.


Lin Fang did not open all the doors, but only opened a crack.

The door is old and makes a loud noise when pushed open.

The night birds were all startled by passive silence and made unpleasant calls.


Almost at the same time, someone in the deserted house called for help.

"Help! Help! Which knight is passing by outside the door, please save our lives!"

"Heroes help!"

"Whoever it is, save us!"

After the person started, the cry for help from the door came one after another, and it seemed that they all saw the hope of surviving.


With a sneer on the corner of Lin Fang's mouth, he pushed the door open completely.

Under the moonlight, Lin Fang stood in the dark outside the door, and could only see a figure. The people in the deserted mansion couldn't see his appearance, and thought he was saved, and immediately came up to him.

"Thank you hero! Thank you hero!"

"Thank you for saving your life!"

"My Four Seas Gang will never forget the kindness of heroes... ah... don't come here!"

Lin Fang didn't even enter the door, he just stood there quietly, waiting for a few people to come to the door by himself.

The people who were far away couldn't see clearly. When these people arched all the way to the gate, by the moonlight, they suddenly saw Lin Fang's handsome face with a sneer.

Even if they die, they can't forget that face.

Suddenly, screams came one after another.

These people are more scared than hell.

Ghosts are scary at best.

Lin Fang would die.

Seeing these people making a mess, Lin Fang walked into the deserted house.

The four people who arched to the door tried their best to escape, but they were using it. They had to use all their strength to move at all. How could Lin Fang be so fast?

Lin Fang just moved two steps at will, and easily surpassed these people.

He glanced around and saw that among the four people at his feet, two were subordinates of Liu Ajiu from the Sihai Gang, and the other two were Gou Sangou Si, but Liu Ajiu was lying on the spot where he left him. Not moving, not knowing whether to live or die.

Lin Fang shot at that time. Although he had the intention to kill, he did not have the intention to kill. He had been controlling the power in front of him, worried that he would kill someone with one punch.

That is to say, when he shot Liu Ajiu, the force of the foot was heavier, and the opponent vomited blood on the spot.

Now it seems that the power at that time was indeed heavier.

Lin Fang just glanced at Liu Ajiu, and didn't pay any more attention.

The left and right are just scumbags, and he will die if he dies, but it's cheaper for him.

"Where did you hide the abducted women?" Lin Fang didn't know which was Gou San and which was Gou Si, so he found one of the two at random and stepped on the other's broken ankle.

"Ah..." Gou Si screamed in agony, the pain pierced his heart, he only knew how to struggle, and he didn't have the heart to answer Lin Fang's question.

On the other hand, Gou San, who was arching in the other direction, thought, "Master, those women are our property. If you want to take them away, do you have to let our brothers go?"

"Are you talking to me about conditions?" Lin Fang looked back at Gou San in surprise, his eyes playful.

"No! No! No!" Gou San's heart was chilled by Lin Fang's stare, and he quickly explained, "Master, how can it be a condition? Those women are all given to you by our brothers! Master, you need it, even if you need it. Instructed, our brothers promise to get you more fresher and more premium items! We promise to satisfy you!"

"More, fresher and more premium items?" Lin Fang's eyes shone coldly, "Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Gou San didn't know that Lin Fang was murderous, and his face was bright, "Master, you don't know that the loss rate of women trained by our brothers is a little higher, but they live well, Obedient, and can often be sold at high prices. Our brothers rarely shoot in person now, they are all given to us by the people below!"

"Anyone." Lin Fang knew that this world was unstable, and there were more places shrouded in darkness, but he still underestimated people's hearts and underestimated how low the bottom line of the scumbags was.

"Master, why are you asking this?" Gou San noticed something was wrong, "This is the capital for our brothers to settle down..."

"I'm asking, who is there?" Lin relaxed and opened Gou Si, walked over, and stepped on Gou San's broken ankle.

"Ah~~ah~~ah~~ I said! I said!" Gou Sanqiang endured the severe pain, "Master, take it easy, it's too painful, I can't concentrate."

Lin Fang felt that it made sense, raised his feet a little, and looked back at Gou Si, who only knew how to scream from the beginning to the end.

As long as this guy has a three-point cleverness under his feet, he won't almost faint in pain.

"They are……"

Gou San read a list, from name, gender, physical characteristics to home address, social relations, and weaknesses, all of which were clearly stated.

"You remember it clearly."

"Of course." Gou San was slightly smug, "We're doing rude deeds, but we're going to lose our heads. If we don't guard against them, if they don't want to open the newspaper officer to receive the reward, how will our brothers be? Not to be trapped in…”

"Where did you put those women?" Lin Fang was too lazy to listen to Gou San's boast, so he interrupted him directly, "Be honest, don't play tricks!"

"Master..." Gou San hesitated for a while, "If I tell you, will there be a way for our brothers to survive?"

"Haha..." Lin Fang smiled, got up and walked to the side, mentioned Gou Si, and went to the backyard without saying a word.

"Master! Master, please don't go! I said...I said it's not enough?" Gou San was shocked and screamed, but he couldn't call Lin Fang back.

After a while, Lin Fang mentioned Gou San and went to another courtyard.

When he came out again, after a long time, he picked up the two of the Sihai Gang and took Liu Ajiu out of the deserted house.

Liu Ajiu didn't know if he was alive or dead, but the other two realized that something was wrong.

"God spare my life, I have money, I use money to buy my life! I don't have a girl in my hand, but you can spend money to buy it!"

"I'm rich too, I'm rich too! And I have a way, I know where to buy a good woman!"

At this moment, the two of the Four Seas Gang didn't know how much they regretted.

They not only regretted that they should not provoke Lin Fang, but also regretted that they didn't pay more attention to women when they bullied men and women.

If you were like Gou San Gou Si, the two flower boat gangs, if you had nothing to do with a few more women on hand, maybe you would be able to survive today.

The two of them already regarded Lin Fang as a womanizer.

"Noisy!" Lin Fang threw down the two of them, kicked them in the forehead, knocked them out, and then picked them up again and went straight to the river.

The night is getting darker, the wind is strong by the river, and the cold air is deep.

Before Lin Fang threw the people into the river, the two members of the Four Seas Gang woke up on their own.

"Forgive my life, sir, spare me a dog's life, I will never dare!"

"I know where Liu Ajiu hides the money, he lied, he doesn't only have a few small yellow croakers, dozens of dollars, he has at least a dozen small yellow croakers, hundreds of dollars, all hidden in the yard of No. 3, Lane XX, XX Road inside!"

"Oh?" Lin Fang glanced at the Sihai Gang who were talking in surprise, but he didn't expect such unexpected joy.

After so many years, buying a winery is probably enough, right?

"Thank you." Lin Fang originally thought about torturing these scumbags to relieve some of their sins, but now he has lost his mind.

He will go to the address mentioned by Gou San Gou Si after a while, verify it, and then go back to deal with them.

Now that Liu Ajiu's hidden treasure has been accidentally acquired, the time has become more compact, and there is no room for too much delay.

"Be a good person in the next life, don't do evil again." Lin Fang tied the three together, found a big rock by the river and tied it up, exerting all his strength, he threw them together into the river in the distance.

"You **** devil, you must die!"

"Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let go... Gollum... Gollum..."


Liu Ajiu woke up after falling into the water, but it was too late, so she could only follow the two gang members and sank to the bottom of the river.

After confirming that the three of them couldn't get up, Lin Fang left and went straight to the address that Gou San Gou Si said.

These two brothers are so **** good!

From their mouths alone, Lin Fang learned that there were well-trained girls hiding in two places.

To say that it is training is actually a process of enslavement of all kinds of humiliation.

In the end, they were nothing but dolls with human faces.

These are still enslaved, and there are still three places that have not been enslaved.

The key is that these addresses, all over the Shiliyangchang, east, west, north and south, can't come over in one night.

Lin Fang just checked two places to confirm the correctness of the address, then returned to the barren house and handed over the two of them to Shen Hai.

These two brothers are simply the scumbag representatives of the evil of human nature.

As long as Lin has enough time, he wants to concoct these two people well.

It's just that saving people is more important than punishing two wicked people.

However, Lin Fang did not make it easier for the two of them.

Those from the Four Seas Gang were only Shen Jiang, and Lin Fang cut some wounds on Gou Sangou Si and threw them both into the sea.

Come to think of it, the immersion in sea water and the bite of fish and shrimp will alleviate some of their sins.

After dealing with Gou San Gou Si, Lin Fangzhe went to Liu Ajiu's treasure trove and searched, and he found sixteen small yellow croakers and two hundred and twenty-seven pieces of ocean.

A small yellow croaker can now be exchanged for 55 yuan.

16 small yellow croakers, that is 880 yuan in the ocean, plus the ocean, which is a full 1,107 yuan, more than enough to buy a winery!

After Lin Fang bought the winery, he also bought the small shop he was renting...

Can't seem to afford it!

Lin Fang calculated, the small shop he rented was 500 yuan, and the winery next door was even more expensive, with a full asking price of 920 yuan, which added up to nearly 1,500 yuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his The gap is not small.

However, Lin Fang quickly figured it out. It doesn't matter whether he buys his current small shop or not. It is serious to buy the winery first.

It's a big deal. After earning money, I can buy the current small shop, or simply turn the winery into a snack shop.

After getting Qian Cai, Lin Fang acted at night, and first went to the three places where Gou San Gou Si had not been enslaved to save people.

Lin Fang never met these girls at all. He just opened all the doors and windows. These were locked in the small house, full of tears.

After doing so much in one night, it was too late to go to the other two places.

After Lin Fang returned to the store with the harvest, he started to worry again.

The two scumbags, Gou San and Gou Si, are really harmful.

It was easy for him to rescue those enslaved women.

But after being rescued, what should I do?

If you just let it go, these women who are like walking corpses will probably not survive this winter!

But if you manage...

It's a headache just thinking about it!

When Lin Fang came back, the sky was already slightly bright, and he was still a little sleepy after working all night. He fell asleep after thinking about it.

Not long after he fell asleep, Qi Ruizhu had already woken up.

Before going to bed last night, I followed Lin Fang to do some preparatory work. When she woke up in the morning, she naturally knew what to do.

Just waiting for Qi Ruizhu to finish all the things to do in the morning, before seeing Lin Fang get up, she couldn't help knocking on the door.

"Master, it's time for the stall!"


Lin Fang felt that he was a little unhappy when he was woken up not long after he fell asleep.

He felt that he had to set a rule for Qi Ruizhu in the future: he didn't sleep until he woke up naturally, and he was not allowed to wake himself up!

Every day, with whom?

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