I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 463: earthly

"I'm not really a scumbag ( Find the latest chapter!

Lin Fang opened his sleepy eyes and opened the bedroom door with a yawn.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he opened the door, he saw a girl in coarse clothes with a braided braid standing at the door.

Even the loose and coarse old clothes are still raised high on the top.

Usually, Lin Fang just glanced at it and never looked at it.

But today Qi Ruizhu braided her hair into a whip, not to mention, but also deliberately caged it in front of her chest, just stuck in the ravine.

The long black braids fell down at her chest, slightly pressing down on her chest, revealing a dent.

On the contrary, her chest became more and more compelling and could not be grasped with one hand.

It was early in the morning, and the yang qi was rising sharply. Lin Fang saw such a scene as soon as he opened the door. No matter how he could stand it, he naturally reacted.


Qi Ruizhu let out a shy cry, put the washbasin in her hand on the ground, and ran away, "Don't be ashamed!"

"..." Lin Fang felt that he was more wronged than Dou E, "It's not like I'm undressed... er..."

The early morning breeze was still a bit chilly, blowing on the bare legs, it was still quite cold.

Lin Fang felt that it was not appropriate to wear only the robe, so he quickly turned around and entered the room, took off the unfastened robe, added middle clothes and trousers, and put the robe on again before going out, which made him feel much more comfortable.

After this little episode, Lin Fang was completely awake after taking a simple shower.

He made a trip to Baji Xiaojia as usual, and felt that he was more diligent, so he began to order bean curd and steamed rice.

After cooking the bean curd and letting Qi Ruizhu take care of it in the store, Lin Fang went out and bought some things to bring back.

This time I mainly bought some mustard greens to pickle sprouts.

Pickling sprouts is very labor-intensive. It is necessary to cut the tender stems of mustard greens into chopstick-thick shreds, and then pickle them after drying.

100 catties need to be dried into 13 catties, and the recovery rate is only 13%.

Lin Fang bought a few sacks of mustard greens and hired a trolley to come and go.

He can handle it himself, but he bought some accessories, ingredients, condiments and so on scatteredly, and Ding Ling was in trouble.

Now that he has more money in his hands, Lin Fang simply bought back the things he could buy or not before.

When I saw a candied fruit on the road, I bought two bunches for Qi Ruizhu.

Because of the embarrassment in the morning, even if Lin Fang was about to go out, Qi Ruizhu just nodded and didn't speak to Lin Fang.

I bought some things and went back to the store. I gave a few more copper coins and asked the laborer who pulled the cart to stack the things in the small courtyard. Lin Fang took two strings of candied haws and handed them to Qi Ruizhu, "Come on, here are you. of."


Seeing the candied haws held up by Lin Fang in front of him, Qi Ruizhu couldn't help swallowing, and wanted to take it.

"I don't want it!" Thinking of the embarrassment in the morning, Qi Ruizhu felt that she had to restrain herself and get angry for a while, lest Lin Fang think of herself as the shameless woman who leans against the door and sells laughter in the Goulan courtyard.

"Stop talking, just take it if you want!" Lin Fang grabbed Qi Ruizhu's little hand and stuffed two strings of candied haws into her hand, "I'm busy, I don't have time to talk to you!"

"Master, you are bullying people..." Qi Ruizhu whispered, seeing Lin Fang hurried into the backyard, but did not catch up, but aimed at the candied gourd in his hand, "It's so sweet..."

Qi Ruizhu stretched out her little tongue and took a sip. The sweet maltose stuck to the tip of her tongue and slowly melted. The sweetness flowed from the tip of the tongue into her heart.

Take a bite, and the hawthorn wrapped in maltose is easily bitten.

The freshly picked hawthorn has a fresh fruity aroma in its slightly sour taste, and then is stimulated by the maltose wrapped on the outside. At this moment, the sour and sweetness have ingeniously reached an extremely palatable ratio.

Oh well!

Qi Ruizhu's happy eyes narrowed, "The Dong family is so nice!"

"Thank you, the shopkeeper!" Just as she whispered, the laborer who pulled the scooter expressed his thanks, and happily took the reward and planned to leave.

When he was about to walk out of the store, he saw the number 20 written on the blackboard and stopped.

A laborer pulling a rickshaw is no easier to earn money than a driver pulling a rickshaw. In addition to pulling the rickshaw, he also has to carry the bags and sell some coolies, which is barely able to make a living.

If you are lucky, you can earn five yuan a month, or 1,500 copper dollars.

If you are unlucky, you can earn three yuan a month, or 900 copper dollars.

A family of three crammed into a small room, no matter how much they save, they have to spend at least 800 copper dollars a month, so they can barely survive.

Lin Fang even gave the fare and reward money to Xiaoyang, who was a laborer. This is 120 copper dollars, which is enough to earn the laborer's usual three or four days of hard work.

Happy in his heart, coupled with his gratitude to Lin Fang, he thought, be generous and have a good meal.

"Madam, what is it that you sell for 20?"

"Of course it's bean curd rice!" Qi Ruizhu replied without thinking, "This is a set meal, including a bowl of bean curd, a plate of water, and two bowls of rice. Do you want to eat it?"

"So many things?" Li Gong was taken aback. "The buns on Dongjie are only the size of a fist. One bite has no filling. After two bites, it will cost 10 copper dollars a piece! Your family gives so many things. , only sold for 20, is it 20 copper dollars?"

"Of course it's 20 copper dollars!" Qi Ruizhu was a little distressed, but also a little proud, "Our owner has a good heart, this is doing good deeds, if you don't make money, you will lose money!"

"Madam, you and the boss are good people, good-looking and kind-hearted. The Bodhisattva will bless you!" Li Gong was overjoyed, "Can I buy two? Eat one here, and I will take the other. I will bring it myself. There is a food box, no trouble!"

"I'm not the proprietress!" Qi Ruizhu's face blushed, and the laborer had called her "the proprietress" several times, and it was only now that she reacted.

Qi Ruizhu looked back at the backyard with a guilty conscience. She didn't see Lin Fang appearing, so she breathed a sigh of relief, "Sit down first, I'll get you a meal right away."

"Don't sit! I don't sit!" Li Gong smiled honestly, "I'm dirty, don't soil your stools."

"What's the matter?" Qi Ruizhu responded while loading the bean curd, "Our owner has said before that we will treat everyone equally. On the first day we opened, there was an old lady who was wearing much dirtier clothes than yours. Our owner didn't dislike it, it doesn't matter. ,sit down!"

Anyway, the laborer sat down cautiously.

Qi Ruizhu asked him what he liked and gave him a red oil dish.

"This bean curd should be dipped in red oil before eating. It's delicious and ready to eat." Qi Ruizhu put the food on the table, "Call me when you're about to finish eating, and you can order another to take away."

"Thank you old...Thank you girl!" The laborer thanked, quickly picked up a piece of bean curd, dipped it in red oil, put it on top of the rice, and shoved it into his mouth together with the rice.

"Hey... roar... delicious!" The beancurd that was just out of the pot was still very hot, and the rice was also kept warm in a bamboo bucket.

The bean curd is soft and delicious, softer than tofu, and harder than tofu brain.

It was obviously just dipped in an unsurprising dipping sauce, but it was surprisingly delicious.

The red oil is not very spicy, but it is very fragrant. The blend of minced garlic and fish fragrance, after wrapping the bean curd, is so delicious that people can't stop.

Ligongshe didn't want to eat more beancurd, just eat a little beancurd, and eat several mouthfuls of rice.

By the time he had finished eating the two bowls of rice, more than half of the bean curd was left, and there was even a lot of dipping sauce left.

"That... hiccup..." The laborer felt a little embarrassed after eating until he was full, "Girl, can I just take this portion and take the rest away? If not, give me another one. share……"

"One serving is one serving!" Qi Ruizhu spat out the hawthorn seeds, "come more often in the future!"

"Definitely!" When Ligong paid the money and took away the rest of the beancurd and dipping sauce, he kept turning his head and memorized the location of the store of "Lin Kee Beancurd Rice".

Lin Fang was completely unaware of the little things that happened in the store, so he returned to the small courtyard and first built four bamboo stands with the bamboos that were brought into the small courtyard with labor.

After cleaning the mustard greens briefly, they began to divide and dry them on bamboo racks.

After washing and drying, Lin Fang also rubbed the mustard shreds with his fists before placing them on the bamboo rack.

Quan Jin has an accelerating effect on pickled food, and whether it has any effect on drying, it is not known for the time being.

Lin Fang could only test it first.

Not in a hurry either.

There is still a lot of mustard in a sack. Lin Fang thought that four bamboo racks might not be enough, but he did not expect that one bamboo rack would be enough.

Mustard greens tanned with fist strength have lost a lot of water.

Lin Fang felt that the drying time might be less than he estimated.

After cleaning up the sacks of mustard greens, Lin Fang washed his hands and looked at his courtyard, feeling extremely satisfied.

There is a row of jars next to the wall, which are pickled with salted duck eggs, preserved eggs, pickles and pickled peppers, and some more mustard shreds that have just been tanned.

Once completely dried, you can start making sprouts.

After the sprouts are marinated, you can make authentic Sichuan-style buckled pork: salted and whitened.

Even if it is used to fry minced meat, or to fry chicken rice sprouts, it is also a good meal.

If there are a few more cylinders of douban, and red peppers and garlic on the wall, this home will look more like it.

Looking at the small courtyard in his hands, which was filled with fireworks little by little, Lin Xin felt extremely satisfied.

Having lived through several worlds, he is most satisfied with his present life.

"Master, come and help!" Qi Ruizhu ran into the small courtyard and only glanced at the mustard shreds that Lin Fang had handled, "Those boatmen are here to eat again, I can't be busy by myself!"


The old boatman brought people to eat again, which means that "Linji Douhua Rice" is regarded as a canteen.

It's not easy to find such a cheap, tasty and well-stocked restaurant.

These boatmen do heavy physical work. If you don’t have enough oil and salt to eat, your body will not be able to support it at all. If you don’t work for a long time, you will have problems.

No matter how much other places save, in terms of food, they are still willing to spend some money.

I've spent money before, but I didn't eat well.

Good stuff, bad taste.

Good taste and expensive.

To find such a cheap, delicious and plentiful food is simply an eye-opener.

These boatmen really wish they had three meals a day here in Lin Fang.

A busy morning passed quickly.

Lin Fang looked at the time, "Ruizhu, close the door and clean, I'll go out for a while."

"Master, why are you always running out!" Qi Ruizhu was a little uneasy, "Won't you go where to do it again...'promotion'?"

"No." Lin Fang shook his head and laughed, "Now that we have regular customers, we will not do promotions. The business will gradually improve. If there are customers who need it, we can still sell stir-fried vegetables in the future. I'll deal with it a little bit. private matter."

"Okay." Qi Ruizhu acted obediently, "Then you have to go and return early!"


Leaving the store, Lin Fang went straight to the Zhihua Building.

He thought about it in the middle of the night last night and felt that it would be better to ask professionals how to deal with those doll-like girls.

These girls are not unconscious, but have too much psychological trauma, and some are even psychologically distorted.

It is impossible for them to live a normal life again.

Lin Fang could only ask Sister Hua to help think of a way.

Sister Hua is still standing at the door of Zhihua Building to solicit business.

After not seeing her for a few days, Lin Fang felt that Sister Hua seemed to have lost some weight.

"Miss Hua..."

"Little gentleman?!!" Just as Lin Fang greeted, Sister Hua rushed over and took his arm, "Come on, let's go, let's find a place to talk!"

"Uh... that's fine." Lin Fang glanced at Zhihualou, which was deserted in front of the door, and did not refuse, letting her drag herself into the alley.

"Little gentleman..." Sister Hua smiled like a flower, "Where are you now? Why do you have time to come to our lowly Goulan yard today? Do you want to open meat?"

"Sister Hua~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Fang couldn't bear to see Lu Yinghua like this, "You can tell me if there is any difficulty. I can do my best to help! "

"What difficulty can I have?" Sister Hua's face changed, and she was full of smiles again, "Oh! Don't talk about me! Don't talk about me! Tell me, little gentleman, what the **** are you doing for this rare guest?"

"I saved some girls..." Lin Fang briefly explained the situation of those girls, and finally added: "I saved these girls from Gou San Gou Si, and I will come to the trouble later. Just settle it. I just don't know, can Sister Hua help them?"

"I can help, I'm very good at dealing with little hoofs, but..." Sister Hua hesitated for a while and sighed: "It's just that today is not as good as in the past, I can't afford to support so many idlers, I'm afraid I'll lose your trust. !"

"I can come up with some money to keep them temporarily." Lin Fang took out four small yellow croakers and stuffed them into Sister Hua's hands, "I also ask Sister Hua to help! I really don't know where to give these girls other than Sister Hua. A way to live."

"That's it! That's it! It's what I owe you!" Sister Hua took the little yellow croaker, "How many people are there, and where are they, I'll find someone to pick them up!"

"There are not many people, there are eight in total." Lin Fang said the address, "Sister Hua, you've been bothered!"

"How many people do I have!" Sister Hua left only one small yellow croaker, and returned the remaining three to Lin Fang, saying angrily: "Just give them a bowl of food if they are not hungry, give me so much money, do you still think about it? Can't you be raised as Miss Jiao?"

"Sister Hua, I didn't mean that..." Lin Fang scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Don't explain it, I'll save it! Leave it to me, you can go, I'll find someone to do things."

Sister Hua left in a hurry, and Lin Fang didn't even have time to say a word of thanks.

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