I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 475: A premium of ten dollars

The four hundred and seventieth chapter of the main text is the premium of 10 yuan

There was no fun to watch. The crowd was about to disperse when the old boatman and a group of friends who were about to go to work came to the door of Lin Fang's shop.

Neighbors have long recognized the faces of the old boatmen.

Now seeing their group of people come to the door, the schadenfreude will open up.

"Hey, coolie, go somewhere else, you can't eat today!"

"Boss Lin is so famous now, he doesn't look down on you old customers. People don't sell breakfast!"

"Not only does not sell breakfast, but also limited supply for lunch and dinner. Only 50 copies are sold. Get out of here!"

The old boatmen were standing in front of Lin Fang's store and were hesitating whether to knock on the door. The gossip from the people around them came over, and they gave them a hard blow.

The other laborers surrounding the old boatman couldn't help but mutter: "Old Joe, it's a shame that you brought us all the way here and walked a long way. Boss Renlin doesn't look down on us coolies at all. What should I do now? Go to Liu Erniang's side again, and specify that there is no food to eat!"

"Old Joe, if you want me to tell me, we shouldn't have supported this surnamed Lin in the first place, but now it's good, his shop has become famous, and he has left us old customers behind in a blink of an eye, what a shame... …”

"Shut up! A bunch of Sabie stuff!" Seeing that his companions were about to be bewitched by the excitement, the old boatman immediately scolded, "Boss Renlin has a good heart and has always sold us food at a loss. Touch your conscience, what can you buy with just a few copper coins?"

"It seems to be the same... Liu Erniang's side costs 15 copper yuan for a bowl of plain noodles, and if you add a diced meat star, you dare to sell it for 25 copper yuan. After all, 20 copper yuan is really not expensive for a piece of beancurd rice..."

"It's more than cheap!" The old boatman glared at them, "Boss Ren Lin was worried that our coolies wouldn't get enough to eat, so he made a pot of pea soup for us for free, and the extra meal only cost 5 copper dollars. Think about it again, are we the one who cheers for Boss Lin?"

"It seems that Boss Lin is really at a loss..."

The laborers calmed down after being scolded by the old boatmen.

"A bunch of things that are not enough to take advantage of!" The old boatman still didn't relieve his hatred, "Boss Lin is such a kind-hearted person, if it is not for his difficulties, he has designated that he cannot cancel breakfast. Let's go, wait for Boss Lin to open the door another day, let's come over and ask again. …”

As he was talking, Lin Fang's beancurd shop suddenly opened.

The crowd that had dispersed suddenly gathered around again.

"Hey! There's a good show to watch now!"

It's okay to watch the fun, it would be interesting if these coolies on the pier had a conflict with Lin Fang's group.

"Everyone is here?" Lin opened the door, and he stood by the door with a very peaceful smile, "Come in quickly, I'll save you a meal!"


This is very unreasonable!

The crowd of onlookers exploded instantly.

"Boss Lin, isn't all the tofu rice in your store sold out? Why are there still?"

"That's right! We were kicked out when there was bean flower rice. Is this looking down on people or something?"

"Master doesn't care, they can eat it with a bunch of scumbags who sell coolies on the dock, why can't master eat it? Give it to master, master will go in!"

A fat-headed guy squeezed out of the crowd. He looked young, only in his early twenties. He walked without recognizing six relatives, and was accompanied by a thin monkey-like sidekick.

The two pushed forward, and the crowd immediately separated a path, allowing the two of them to squeeze in front of Lin Fang.

"The bean curd is freshly cooked, there's no extra amount!" Lin Fang didn't even bother to pinpoint this person with his eyelids, "If you really want to eat it, you can buy it from them! If they're willing to sell it to you, that's their business. "Sir, come in and sit."

"Hey! I still don't believe it! I, Wang Facai, won't be able to eat the bean curd in your store today!" Wang Facai, who was full of fat, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to force his way in, but he didn't know what was going on. Pressing, he seemed to be against a wall, and even if he exhausted his strength to suckle, he couldn't move a bit.

Wang Facai took a step back, took out a handkerchief and wiped his blushing face, and took a deep breath: This is a tough stubble!

If a chef wants to be promoted to a special class, he has a little bit of effort under his hands.

Wang Facai has only ever seen such a tough stubble as Lin Fang in his life.

Knowing that he had met someone who could not be provoked, he could only put out his mind to push hard.

"I'll add money!" Wang Facai glanced at the thin monkey behind him, "Laifu, bring the money bag to the Lord, I still don't believe it, if you have money you won't be able to buy food! Look at it, I'll go out. For ten times the price, buy you a place!"

ten times?

A serving of beancurd rice is only 20 copper yuan, so ten times that is 200 copper yuan? Rounding up is a piece of ocean!

There was a commotion among the laborers beside the old boatman, and some people were moved.

"Erase all my crooked thoughts!" The old boatman couldn't help but scolded angrily, "Boss Lin has a good heart and lost money to get us food. Even if we didn't make breakfast, he even reserved food for us. Conscience, you can't take Boss Lin's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs! I'm putting my words here today, whoever is greedy for that cheap, don't follow me in the future!"

"What did you say, old Joe? Are we that kind of people?"

"That's right! Don't say it's ten times, even if it's a hundred times, we can't do that!"

"You can't do this kind of childbirth without sex!"

Looking at a bunch of stinky laborers who have never seen money, you don't take 200 copper yuan seriously, and Wang Facai feels that his face is swollen.

"I'll pay 2 yuan to buy a spot in Dayang!" Wang Facai tore open his purse, grabbed a handful of silver dollars and swayed it in his hand, "2 yuan is not enough, right? Then I'll pay 5 yuan!"


5 yuan is now the ocean! 1500 copper dollars! Almost caught up with the income of a laborer who worked hard at the dock for a month!

It's a little fragrant!

"What? 5 yuan is not enough? You guys are really greedy..." Wang Facai saw the red eyes of the laborers, but he didn't speak, he smiled, and grabbed a handful of silver dollars from the wallet. , "10 yuan in the ocean! Is it enough now?"

"Master!" Qi Ruizhu stood behind Lin Fang, she couldn't help it, "How about we let him in?"

10 yuan is now in the ocean! It's almost half a year's income.

This dead fat man has engraved words on his face, with "fat" written on the left face and "sheep" written on the right face.

It would be too wasteful if you didn't slaughter the big head who was rushing to the door.

"Don't let it go." Lin Fang smiled and rubbed Qi Ruizhu's forehead, "Boss Lu, 40 small yellow croakers, your boss doesn't even care about it, 10 yuan ocean? Who are you looking down on?"

"Old Joe."

"Hey! Boss Lin, you have something to say!"

"Don't do this." Lin Fang sighed when he saw the old boatman bowing his head and bowing his head. The times were like this, but he didn't force it, "I just said, I'm selling this food to you. I don't care how to deal with it. But someone is willing to spend dozens of times the price to buy it from you, it's better if you give up a meal, you should invite everyone to eat meat, how? "

"Boss Lin means..." Seeing Lin Fang winking at himself, the old boatman thought for a while in several places that Lin Fang emphasized, and immediately understood.

"Miss Qi, please pack me a bean curd rice!"


"Just do it."

"Oh!" Qi Ruizhu turned around reluctantly, packed a beancurd rice, and handed it to the old boatman.

"This lord." The old boatman walked up to Wang Facai with a smile and stretched out his hand, "Pay with one hand, and deliver with the other."

"Did you not understand or what?" Wang Facai looked at the old boatman with strange eyes, "I said it clearly, I spent 10 yuan to buy a place, not such a garbage meal!"

"I think you didn't understand!" The old boatman was not annoyed, and looked at Wang Facai with a smile, "Boss Lin said, he doesn't care about the food he sells to us when he leaves the store. But his store is now in addition to We, no one is allowed to enter! We are old guests, you are not!"


Wang Facai felt as if he had given himself a dull hammer, which made him dizzy.

Co-author, what does Lin Fang mean?

This is for Grandpa!

He was about to lash out at Lin Fang when someone suddenly spoke in the crowd.

"Hey, if you want to enter Boss Lin's store for 10 yuan, who are you looking down on? Yesterday, Boss Lu from Zangfengzhai asked Boss Lin to go to Lu Mansion for 40 small yellow croakers, but Boss Lin said he refused. I refused. 10 yuan ocean, a lot of money!"

"Yes! I don't even think about the status of Boss Lin! He is a Lin-level chef, and he is like a royal chef!"

"If you have two small coins, it will float away. People now, tsk tsk..."

Snapped! Snapped!

Wang Facai felt that these people around him were targeting him.

His face seemed to be beaten in turn, his blood was surging, and he was about to burst.

"This master?" The old boatman was still smiling, "If you don't want this bean curd rice, I can take it and enjoy it!"

"I want it!" There were so many people watching, inside and out, that Wang Facai couldn't afford to lose the water he said, and he fiercely snatched the bean curd rice from the old boatman's hands and shoved the ocean over it.

Even though he bought Lin Fang's bean curd, Wang Facai felt suffocated for a while and had no pleasure at all.

"Master, why don't we go back..." Laifu, who was one position behind Wang Facai, made a careful suggestion.

"I'm not going back! I want you back!" Wang Facai sighed in his heart, and felt uncomfortable when he didn't let it out. "I want to see, what kind of junk food is the 10 yuan of bean curd rice I bought from Dayang!"

Wang Facai angrily wanted to open the bamboo food box, looked left and right, but couldn't find a place to put it, he swept to Laifu, "Squat down!"

"Yes, young master." Laifu knew Wang Facai's urination, so he could only squat down obediently.

Wang Facai put the bamboo box on Laifu's back, opened it and smelled it, only to feel a fragrant smell coming from his nostrils.

The soy products of the Republic of China are not particularly good for the beany flavor.

Even after cooking, it's still a little uncomfortable.

It is often necessary to add various auxiliary materials, and only after various flavors and flavors can be pressed.

Wang Fa Cai violently smelled the fragrance of bean curd, and subconsciously refused to believe it.

"Impossible!" Wang Facai said it was impossible, but his hands were not slow. He picked up the bamboo chopsticks in the oiled paper bag, picked up the bean curd and dipped it in a slightly smaller bamboo box, then slowly stuffed it. into the mouth.

He was standing at the door, and with a little glance, he knew how the laborers would eat this bean curd.

Thinking about these hard workers, they actually used their own money to sit in the "Lin Kee Douhua Rice" shop and eat hasai, but they could only stand at the door and eat the packaged food bought at a high price. .

This is too much!

The depressed mood didn't last long, and it was washed away by the deliciousness of the bean curd stuffed into the mouth.

"It's smooth and tender... It's salty and fragrant... It's even just the right amount of spiciness, sizzle..." Wang Fa Cai swallowed the food in his mouth, "Delicious!"

In order to experience this wonderful taste more, Wang Fa Cai hurriedly took another chopstick.


The crowd was busy watching the excitement and has not dispersed so far.

Seeing Wang Facai muttering and scolding in various streets, they felt amused and continued to watch the fun with their arms in their arms.

Indescribably happy.

But at this moment, they were suddenly unhappy.

Seeing Wang Facai eating bean curd, they were hungry for no reason.

"I'm going, I ate breakfast, why are you hungry again?"

"What's the matter, I don't eat breakfast all the time. I can last until noon with a few bowls of cold water. How could I be hungry?"

"What exactly is this fat man eating, and why does it smell so good?"

"I smell it, I smell it... I can't smell it..."

The fragrance of the bean curd is very light, and it does not float too far.

But the taste of the dipping dish is heavier, and the distance can be transmitted a little further.

The crowds standing farther away were fine, and they could only see Wang Facai's actions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's hard to imagine the deliciousness of bean curd rice.

Standing relatively close, it was a bit unlucky for a while.

They could clearly see every subtle movement of Wang Facai's meal, as if they were also eating.

The fragrance of bean curd in the air and the spicy dipping water lingered on the tip of the nose.

The stomachs of these people immediately protested.

The sound of swallowing saliva and the roar in the abdomen came one after another.

"What, it doesn't smell good, it's definitely worse to eat!"

"Yes! It's definitely not delicious. Who wants to eat this stuff! Isn't it delicious to eat meat?"

"There's no comparison at all, the meat must be delicious!"

In order to fight against the hunger in the stomach, some people can't help but deliberately sing the opposite.

"Hey!" Wang Facai has been captured by the deliciousness of the bean curd rice and has become a loyal fan of Lin Fang. How can you hear such slanderous remarks, "You guys didn't even eat it, talk shit!"

"It's not a loss to buy food made by a Lin-level chef for 10 yuan!" Wang Facai picked up the bamboo food box from Congfu's back, and swayed in front of the crowd at close range, "Look at it. Did you arrive! Did you see it! This white and tender, this smooth, this fragrance..."

After showing abruptly for a week, Wang Facai picked up the bean curd and dipped it in the dipping plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

"This is delicious, tsk tsk... Can you imagine it?" After closing his eyes and enjoying it for a while, Wang Facai continued to sigh, "You can't imagine it at all!"

What should I do if I suddenly want to kill this dead fat man?

plus 1!

Plus 2!

Add N!

There was another commotion in the crowd.

All the dissatisfaction with Lin Fang was immediately transferred to Wang Facai.

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