I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 476: winemaking

Text Chapter 476 Winemaking

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

If everyone can't eat, the crowd will slowly disperse.

Who would have thought that Lin Fang actually opened up and reserved meals for a group of laborers who sold coolies at the wharf.

Under the excitement of the crowd, everyone has accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction.

It's good that Wang Fa Cai, with his own strength, attracted everyone's dissatisfaction with Lin Fang and jealousy of the laborers to him.

But Wang Facai didn't realize the danger was approaching, and became more and more embarrassed.

"It's good to have money!" Wang Facai took another piece of bean curd, dipped it in his mouth, and continued to enjoy it, "You poor and sour, if you say that the meat is delicious, that's because you don't have the chance to taste Chef Lin's cooking. It's delicious! I tell you from practical experience that bean curd is better than meat!"

This face... can't stand it!

When jealousy and dissatisfaction accumulate to the limit, people tend to be impulsive.

Especially the rear pushes the front and the front squeezes the back.

Under the push, the anger in my heart became even more violent.

When the crowd approached Wang Facai about half a meter in front of him, someone shot... they shot!

"Better than meat? I'll let you eat it!"

A leg stretched out from the crowd and gave Wang a fortune ruthlessly.

Just as he was turning his back, he kicked his knee on the bend of his knee. With a thud, he knelt down on one knee, the bamboo box in his hand overturned, and a small half of the bean flower was left on the ground. It was full of dust, and it seemed impossible to eat.

"My bean curd!" Wang Facai let out a piercing roar, "Who is it? Who kicked me! Stand up for Lao Tzu, if I can't kill you today, I am raised by my little mother!"



Seeing Wang Facai kneeling on the ground, the bean curd in his hand fell to the ground, there were a lot of outbursts around him.

The sense of substitution of this foot is very wow!

It felt like the onlookers kicked themselves.

I don't know who the hero is, but this kick is really heartwarming!

Especially seeing the bean flower sprinkled on the ground, Wang Facai was crying and rushing to the ground like a mourning concubine, and the surrounding crowd felt even more refreshed.

Let you babble!

"Young Master Wang, it's a **** if you spend the beans, you have money, why don't you just buy one more?"

"Who said it wasn't! Young Master Wang, isn't it just 10 yuan? You can't afford it, so you bought a special mother!"

"Young Master Wang, if you really can't bear it, why don't you pick it up and blow it, maybe you can still eat it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, haven't you heard an old saying? Tofu fell into the ash heap, and it can't be blown or beaten. I see, this bean curd is much softer than tofu, tsk tsk... I'm afraid I won't be able to pick it up. !"

Good guy, when did Wang Facai hear such words.

Being surrounded by people mocking him.

If he hadn't been beaten, he would be able to single out this group by himself!

What kind of people are you, this is hated for the rich!

Wang Facai decided that these people were just jealous that they had a good father and that they were too rich.

"Humph!" Wang Facai flicked his sleeve, "Laifu, go, come home with me..."

"Master..." Laifu squatted still, "I carry these things on my back, do we still need them?"

"No more!"

The tofu has fallen to the ground, what do you want for the rest of the dipping water and rice?

Wang Facai didn't even look at it, he turned his head and left.

"Okay!" Laifu's eyes lit up, he turned his back decisively, took out the bamboo box containing water and rice, mixed it in a pile, and didn't think his hands were dirty. "Master, wait for Ulu I..."

It turns out that bibimbap is delicious!

Laifu tried his best to fill in the rice, while catching up with Wang Facai's footsteps.

Seeing Laifu's actions, the surrounding crowd suddenly felt even more hungry.

"I heard that you can still eat it at noon, why don't you come and have a look at noon..."

"Please! I'm here anyway, and the limit is 50 copies. If you come back at noon, there may not be a place."

"Don't crowd! Do you know when you line up? If you annoy Boss Lin, he dares to close the door and not sell it. Do you believe it?"

After Wang Facai and Laifu's master and servant left, the streets became much cleaner.

Some go, some stay.

Those who stayed, spontaneously organized and lined up.

No more, no less, exactly 50.

No way, after the 50th place, he left with an unhappy face, and swore to himself that if he came early in the evening, he would always be able to eat once.

20 copper per serving of bean curd rice is really not expensive.

Even if you do odd jobs casually, you can still earn dozens or hundreds of copper dollars a day.

Shiliyangchang has high prices and many opportunities.

But this kind of cheap and delicious food is specially made by the Lin-level chef, and it is the only one.

Queue, as it should be.


At this time, Lin Fang asked Qi Ruizhu to look after the store, and then he went out from the backyard and entered the courtyard of the winery.

There are two courtyards between the bean flower shop and the winery. From the front, you have to walk a long way, but it is much cheaper to climb over the wall from the backyard.

There is only one wall between the courtyard of the winery and the small courtyard of the Douhua shop.

The two courtyards in the middle are both wider and shorter, which is why the courtyard of the winery and the backyard of the Douhua shop are separated by only one wall.

After Lin Fang went out in the morning to go to Yaxing to buy the wine shop, he went to the grain shop to order a sufficient amount of wine and grain: sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, wheat, and corn.

In later generations, the grain ratio of liquor is almost an open secret.

As long as the proportions of sorghum (36%), rice (22%), glutinous rice (18%), wheat (16%), and corn (8%) are strictly followed, the ingredients are mixed thoroughly, and then pulverized. The final brewed wine is usually Taste will be good.

The only difference is that after the fermented grains are put into the pot and the wine is steamed, the final blending and fragrant process is different, and the resulting taste is also different.

I had agreed with the people at the grain shop that the grain would be delivered to the winery compound at about this time.

When Lin Fang saw the appointed time, he stepped into the winery compound and opened the door from the inside.

It didn't take long for the convoy to deliver the grain from the grain shop. There were 5 carts lined up in a row, which was very noticeable.

After a while, there were a few more idlers watching the fun near the convoy.

Following the car was the second shopkeeper of the grain shop.

Buying a full 5 carts of food at one time is a big customer, and it has to be pleasing.

Moreover, I heard that Lin Fang bought grain for wine, and the grain shop further raised Lin Fang's important level, which is why the second shopkeeper personally delivered the grain.

"Boss Lin, just find someone to wait. How can you wait at the door in person?" The second shopkeeper of the grain shop was very polite. Seeing Lin Fang immediately took off his melon rind cap, he nodded and bowed again. , very flattering.

"Look at it for yourself, don't worry." Lin Fang said, walking to the front of the team, picking a pocket at random, "Open me and see."

"It's all at the door of the house, move in and open it again..."

"What do you want to say?" The second shopkeeper stepped up and gave the guy who pulled the cart a kick, "Just do what Boss Lin ordered!"

The guy who was kicked patted his **** and immediately opened the ration bag.

Lin Fang reached out and grabbed a handful. The bag contained corn, the grains were even and golden, and he looked rich and noble.

"Boss Lin, don't worry!" The second shopkeeper stood one step behind Lin Fang, "You are our big client of Liangji, so we can't cheat you, can we?"

Lin Fang smiled and didn't say a word. He threw the corn back into the grain sack, walked to the second car, touched the sack with his hands, and stopped after a while.

"This bag, open it for me to see."

"Where's the person? Why are you standing still? Open it!" The second shopkeeper smiled at Lin Fang, but he was not so polite to the people below, "Be smart, Boss Lin will open whichever package he wants, don't let it go. I'll say it a third time!"

The grain bag was opened, and Lin Fang reached out and grabbed a handful of glutinous rice.

Something is wrong with the food.

There is no problem with the quality, there is a little more slag.

"The shopkeeper." Lin Fang stretched out his hand in front of the second grain shop shopkeeper, "I said that I bought the grain for the sake of brewing wine, it doesn't matter if the price is higher, the grain should be given to me, and it should be clean and free of any dregs. I'm in your Liangji, am I clear enough?"

"Understood, of course I understand!" The second shopkeeper wiped his sweat, stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful in the bag, his face was very ugly, "Boss Lin, wait a moment, I will call the grain shop, and I will definitely give you a satisfaction. answer!"

There are no phone booths on Xixie Street.

To make a phone call, go out of Xixie Street and turn to Yangbang Road, where there is a red phone booth.

You can't directly cast copper dollars on the phone, you must first buy a copper token with a size similar to that of copper dollars.

The word "can be called once" is written on the token, which is issued by Shiliyangchang Telephone Company for calling coin-operated telephones.

The second shopkeeper of the grain shop ran to Yangbang Road with a calm face, put in a token, and dialed the phone directly to the boss Liang Congwu's house.

Soon, he got instructions and ran to the front of the winery compound again.

"Boss Lin, I have asked our boss for instructions, and our boss, Boss Liang, has spoken. These truckloads of grain will be paid to you by our Liangji Grain Shop, and we won't take any money! The batch of grain you ordered will be carefully inspected tomorrow. I'll send it to you again! Do you think so?"

"Huh! Boss Liang is so arrogant!" Lin Fang was a little more interested in this Boss Liang, who he had never met before, "Are you kidding me? These five cartons of food are worth one hundred and twenty dollars, not a small amount of money!"

"Boss Lin is joking." The second shopkeeper said with a wry smile: "Without the approval of our boss, how can I be a small shopkeeper with such great power? Our boss Liang also said that when he is free another day, he will definitely come to the door to apologize! Our boss Liang also said that when the time comes, we must send some fresh and high-quality ingredients."

"What ingredients are you sending... Oh?" ​​Lin Fang returned to Wei'er, and he glanced at the second shopkeeper with a half-smiling smile, "Your boss knows that I can cook well?"

"Boss Lin is joking!" The second shopkeeper couldn't help wiping his sweat, "Boss Lin, how can you say 'cooking is okay', you are too good! You are a top chef in the entire Shiliyangchang!"

"Okay. I accept the apology. But..."

"Hey...you say it! You say it!" The second shopkeeper was just about to greet the guy to unload the goods, when he heard Lin Fang's "but", he was almost flashed to the waist, "If Boss Lin has any orders, just say it."

"But these grains have to be checked again." Lin Fang pointed to the five grain trucks. "Those with dregs and poor quality should be thrown aside for me. I don't want them."

"Yes! Yes!" The second shopkeeper agreed and immediately greeted the man, "Have you heard what Boss Lin said? Unload the goods, check!"

Several guys agreed with a bang, and started working in full swing.

After five cartons of grain were unloaded into the yard, the second shopkeeper couldn't help but wiped his sweat again.

Among the five carts of grain, seven packs were found to be faulty, which is seven hundred catties!

There are only five thousand catties of grain in total, and the gang of gods in the warehouse dare not float so much.

On the warehouse side, it really needs to be properly rectified!

Anyway, most of the storerooms are from the big shopkeepers. No matter how angry the boss is, the thunder won't blow him.

When the second shopkeeper took the people away, Lin Fang closed the door, and pulled Da Mao and Xiao Hei from the bean flower shop to help him carry the food.

The two of them were in charge of moving, and Lin Fang was in charge of crushing.

Don't use stone grinding, just use stone mortar.

Anyway, Lin Fang has strength. When crushing grain, he can also exercise his fist strength.

This fist force falls on the grain along the stone pestle, and when it is crushed, it can also catalyze the grain from the inside, killing two birds with one stone.

That's it, it's noon.

At noon, Lin Fang prepared lunch for sale, and then pulled two big hair and small black, and was busy until the evening.

Liquor brewing process, in the era of the Republic of China, is still very technical.

When the wine is brewed well, it is wine, and when it is not brewed, it is vinegar.

In the absence of a precise proportioning guide, to brew a good bottle of wine, I don’t know how many times of trial and error.

Even if this winery has an old wine cellar with quite a history, it cannot last a few more years.

In the early years, there were also old wines in the cellar that were mixed with new wines for sale.

When the old wine is used up, the taste of new wine will never come up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naturally, it will lose popularity.

Lin Fang was able to take over the winery because the previous owner ran out of old wine and could not come up with new wines that were good enough.

Because of the high asking price, the winery hung up for a long time and could not sell it until Lin Fang took over.

For Lin Fang, this is not a problem.

In later generations, a random search of the winemaking process on the Internet is a pile.

Many small workshops rely on this kind of brewing technology found on the Internet, under the banner of "handmade grain wine", the wine they brew, actually sells well.

I am used to drinking some wine blended in the winery, and I feel quite different when I suddenly drink the grain wine from the small workshop.

Lin Fang strictly followed the winemaking process of later generations, steaming the crushed grain into the cellar and waiting for fermentation.

Generally speaking, this world is about seventy days or so.

However, in the process of making wine, Lin Fang used his fists to speed up the whole process.

He estimated that in three days, the wine cellar would be ready to be steamed.

"Okay, go back to eat." Lin Fang clapped his hands and instructed Da Mao and Xiao Hei, who were tired and paralyzed on the ground, "In three days, let's open the cellar and steam the wine again."

Hearing that they could finally go back to eat, Da Mao and Xiao Hei managed to get up, and when they heard the second half of the sentence, the two of them almost fell back.

"Three...three days?" Da Mao looked suspicious, "Master, are you kidding me? I heard that brewing takes at least a hundred days to ferment!"

"That's someone else." Lin Fang was full of confidence, "I'm different!"

Da Mao: "..."

Xiao Hei: "..."

You are the owner, just be happy!

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