I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 509: 2 losers

Wang Weiren's words were tough, but his heart was actually beating.

Shiliyangchang is too prosperous, I don't know how many people have been attracted to fight for their lives.

Gangs big and small are like crucian carp crossing the river.

If you want to gain a firm foothold in Shiliyangchang, if you don't have any strength, you will be submerged if you can't even stir up a wave.

The fame of the "Axe Gang" was entirely forcibly chopped down by axe by axe.

The entire "Axe Gang" from top to bottom, those who can stay will have no chance of losing their lives.

Maybe there was before, but it was probably all given to Shen Jiang by Wang Mingqiao.

Wang Mingqiao is one of the most willing to sacrifice his life.

In a fight with such a lunatic, the chance of survival is less than 10%.

But Wang Weiren had no other way.

He never imagined that a reckless man like Wang Mingqiao would actually use his tricks.

Hanging him with the goods of their "crocodile gang" forced him to take the bait.

But he deliberately let them easily find that batch of goods, so that the "crocodile gang", including him, was paralyzed.

Finally, when they were at their most slack, they released the ambush man.

The most hateful thing is that they actually have so many foreign guns!

If Wang Weiren hadn't yelled at him, he might not have been able to win this last chance.

Fight, nine deaths.

If you don't fight, you will die without life!

"What? Don't you want to fight me one-on-one?" Wang Mingqiao crooked his mouth, looked at Wang Weiren and squinted, "Aren't you a coward? It's okay! As long as you kneel on the ground, call me big brother, bring If the person following you messes with me, I will spare your life."

"Help Master..."

Zhu Sanchuan was taken aback and couldn't help but persuade again, "Help Master, no, help Master! In case..."



Wang Mingqiao suddenly turned around and kicked Zhu Sanchuan to his knees on the ground, becoming a rolling gourd.

"Why are you teaching me how to do things? Ha~tui~" Wang Mingqiao spat out a mouthful of phlegm, "What kind of stuff! When I was in the world, you were still an uneducated master!"

Zhu Sanchuan covered his stomach and rolled a few times, barely getting up.

His face was pale, his forehead was sweating, and he resisted humming.

Wang Mingqiao hates the screams of other people's men the most, and the shivering and cold like a **** is the real bitch.

"Wang Weiren, this is your chance. Would you like to cherish it?" Wang Mingqiao turned around, his face full of jokes.

"Wang Mingqiao, are you really willing to give me this chance?"

Wang Weiren was moved.

Fighting, the probability of winning is too low and too low, 99% will be beaten to death by Wang Mingqiao.

But if it's shameless, just kneel on the ground like this...

"Hahahahahahahaha..." Wang Mingqiao laughed and trembled, "Guess what?"

I guess you pulled a XXX...

Wang Weiren was incompetent and furious, and looked behind him.

The Four Great Kings have long since fallen into a pool of blood, I don't know if they are dead or alive.

His most trusted confidant was the only one left, Luo Lao Qi, who was still with him, but he was also shot in the arm and covered in blood.

But Song Guangbiao, an idiot, didn't know what was going on, but he was safe and sound, behind him.

A huge "crocodile gang", when they came, there were nearly 200 elites.

Only half of the people who can still stand now are less than one hundred people.

Near Wang Weiren, there were only three of them.

Everyone else was surrounded by the "Axe Gang", and their defeat was just a matter of blinking an eye.

As long as Wang Mingqiao gives an order, it only takes a few bullets.

Desperately, Wang Weiren can't do it.

"I hope Brother Ming can keep his word..." Wang Weiren took a deep breath, thudded, and knelt on the ground, "Big brother, please accept my little brother's bow!"

"Pfft, hahaha..." Wang Mingqiao was extremely proud.

The "Flower Boat Gang" has disappeared.

The ambition of "Huaiyang Kitchen Gang" is not in the arena.

In the entire Shiliyangchang, the only gangs that can be counted are the "Axe Gang" and the "Crocodile Gang".

Killing the "Crocodile Gang" counts as a fart?

If you want to destroy them, Wang Mingqiao has already been destroyed.

What he wanted to see most was such a result today.

Crushing the last hope of the "crocodile gang" with one's own hands and letting them kneel in front of him is the greatest joy in life!

"Wang Weiren, ah Wang Weiren..."


A gunshot came suddenly.

Lin Fang silently landed and fired, and silently jumped onto the warehouse.

The whole process is extremely covert.

Relying on his [Free Heart Cloak], the sky was dark and he didn't attract any attention.

"Uh..." Wang Mingqiao covered his throat, his eyes bulged out, pointing at Wang Weiren with a face full of unwillingness, "You... hello... ok..."


Before Wang Mingqiao finished speaking, he fell to the ground and died.

Wang Weiren was dumbfounded at first, then horrified.

"It wasn't me! I didn't kill it, I don't have a gun..." Wang Weiren shook his hands, trying to justify one or two, "You have to believe..."

"Avenge the gang master!"

Zhu Sanchuan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly raised his arms and shouted, "These grandchildren of the 'Crocodile Gang' are so worthless! The gang leader is benevolent and willing to give them a way out, but they are ungrateful and assassinate the gang leader. Go ahead, avenge the gang leader!"


The scene suddenly became chaotic.

The "Axe Gang" who surrounded the "Crocodile Gang" gang members all of a sudden went crazy, pulled out the axe around their waists, and chopped anyone they saw.

In desperation, the members of the "Crocodile Gang" could only resist desperately.

Seeing that the scene was getting more and more chaotic, Lin Da was satisfied, glanced at Wang Weiren who had escaped while taking advantage of the chaos, and looked around for the foreign gun team of the "Axe Gang".

However, I saw that the team that made great achievements first quietly retreated under the secret dispatch of Zhu Sanchuan.


Seeing this, Lin Fang was thoughtful.

When Wang Mingqiao died, it was foreseeable that the "Axe Gang" would fall into a split.

This gang is a big fan of martial arts.

The core and spiritual pillars are maintained by Wang Mingqiao alone.

When he was alive, the "Axe Gang" were invincible and invincible, and their fighting power was amazing.

Once he dies, the gang will only fall apart.

Zhu Sanchuan took the opportunity to hold the foreign gun team in his hands, and also used the power of the "crocodile gang" remnants to cut off the dissidents. I have to say that he was quite quick-witted.

That is to say, his prestige is not enough, otherwise, with a loud call, using the foreign gun team, he can completely kill all the remaining members of the "Crocodile Gang", and then use the thunder to sweep the caves to destroy the "Crocodile Gang" remnants.

It's a pity that Zhu Sanchuan didn't have such appeal, so he could only deliberately withdraw the foreign gun team and give the "crocodile gang" hope of escape.

No matter who can escape from the "Crocodile Gang" in the end, and how many escapes, I wish Sanchuan can achieve their goals.

Others can go, but this Wang Weiren...

Lin Fang put his hand on the gun, and was about to catch up to give Wang Weiren a ride.

Who would have guessed...

Wang Weiren was about to run out of the siege, when Song Guangbiao suddenly shouted from behind him, "Help Leader! Help Master Wang, wait for me! I'm a loyal minister of our 'Crocodile Gang', you must not leave me!"

In the dark, the situation was so chaotic again, Wang Weiren took off his little jacket, which didn't look very conspicuous at first.

But when Song Guangbiao shouted, Wang Weiren subconsciously stopped for a while.

Suddenly, Wang Weiren was like a firefly, dazzlingly bright in the dark.

The nearby "Axe Gang" gang members hardly hesitated, and they didn't care about the obstruction of the "Crocodile Gang". Even if they were cut by a knife, they didn't hesitate at all.

Holding the hatchet, he rushed towards Wang Weiren.

"You guys don't come here! Don't come here!" Wang Weiren lost his courage early. If it was another time, let alone a few "Axe Gang" helpers, even if ten people came, he would dare to fight hard.

But now, he's like a man, waving his hands around, only howling, without any rules.

"Help Master! Hurry up! I'll block them!" Luo Laoqi was shot in his right arm, and his left hand holding a knife was very difficult to resist, but he still blocked in front of Wang Weiren, "Help Master, I can't hold back for too long, Hurry up!"

"I'm going... I'm going..."

Wang Weiren ran away quickly, but was stopped by several other "axe gang" gang members who suddenly came over.

"Seventh, come and save me!"

"Help... help master..."

Poof! puff! puff!

Luo Laoqi blocked an axe, but couldn't stop more.

He was hit by three axes at the same time. He looked back at Wang Weiren with difficulty, "I... I can't, I'm sorry..."

As Luo Laoqi fell to the ground, the number of "Axe Gang" surrounding Wang Weiren increased again.

These "Axe Gang" gang members, with red eyes and a bloodthirsty aura all over their bodies, are like dead creatures without consciousness.

"Please let me go! As long as you let me go, I'll give you money! How about 10 taels of gold per person? Twenty taels! Fifty taels! My brother is the chief of the patrol room, as long as you let me go, I will guarantee your future. …”

Poof! puff! puff!

The axe wielded by the "Axe Gang" interrupted Wang Weiren's plea for mercy.

They just swing the axe, pull it out, swing the axe again, repeating this mechanical process.

In just a moment, Wang Weiren was cut with countless wounds, and the blood rushed out like a fountain.

"Song...Song Guangbiao...I belong to your ancestor...ancestor!"

Wang Weiren suddenly regretted that he didn't cut off Song Guangbiao's dog's head the moment he returned to the main hall.

He finally scolded, his eyes wide open and unwilling to fall to the ground.

Song Guangbiao, who was about to rush to Wang Weiren's side, saw this scene, stopped at his feet, and fled in a different direction while shrinking his neck.

Who could have imagined that Wang Weiren, who was guarded by Luo Laoqi, died so tragically.

Song Guangbiao thought it would be better to slip away quietly.

When Lin Fang saw this dramatic scene, he felt amused, but found that today's goals have basically been achieved.

The top management and elites of the "Crocodile Gang" were almost completely lost.

The only one who can still stand on the stage right now is Song Guangbiao.

The leader of the "Axe Gang" was solved by Lin Fang himself, and the elites of the "Crocodile Gang" also fought back at their death, and the losses were not small.

It is foreseeable that the next two gangs will fall into chaos.

In order to gain power, whether it is Zhu Sanchuan or Song Guangbiao, they will probably try their best to pour dirty water on the other party in the name of revenge for the gang leader, and then they will be a good dog bite dog.

This situation is better than Lin Fang expected to destroy the "Crocodile Gang".

Lin Fang estimated that for a long time to come, not only himself, but the citizens of the entire Shiliyangchang will be much quieter.

It's just that in an era like the Republic of China, Shiliyangchang was so prosperous, I'm afraid it won't be long before new gangs will emerge.

Lin Fang shook his head slightly, stopped thinking about these things, and set foot on the way home.

After sneaking all the way, Lin Fang took off the [Free Heart Cloak] when he was about to reach the Douhua Courtyard.

The camouflage effect of this cloak was better than Lin Fang had expected.

When he assassinated Wang Mingqiao, he had already made plans to be discovered. Unexpectedly, he was close to the shot that Wang Weiren fired, and even Wang Weiren, who was close at hand, could not find it.

If this is left in the future, it is simply stealing incense... It is simply an excellent weapon to make your girlfriend feel at ease.

"Master, are you back?" Qi Ruizhu helped Lin Fang open the door with a look of joy.

Chen Qingyuan's father and daughter hid in the corner and also got up.


"You haven't slept yet?" Lin Fang smiled and nodded, "Are you hungry?"

"Master, look at what you said!" Qi Ruizhu hurriedly brought over the wash water, "You haven't come back, how can we sleep peacefully? We have all eaten and are not hungry."

"You're not hungry, but I'm a little hungry." Lin Fang washed his face, "I remember that in the water tank in the yard, I put a few crucian carp, and a basket was hung in it, with some sixties and spit sand, do you have any? Didn't you eat it?"

"Of course not, my boss!" Qi Ruizhu explained, "What we eat is the leftovers from the sale..."

When it came to the words "sold left", her voice subconsciously became smaller, and a hint of embarrassment flashed across her face.

Where can I sell the leftovers from the Douhua Store?

The reason why they can stay is naturally because of the relationship they deliberately stayed.

Lin Fang smiled and didn't care.

"Okay, then I'll deal with it, what about Da Mao Xiao Hei? Everyone will eat a little later and taste it."

"The two of them don't learn well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You don't need to worry about them!"

When it comes to the two brothers, Da Mao and Xiao Hei, Qi Ruizhu gets angry.

She still remembered that when Lin Fang talked about it last time, the two brothers promised not to go to Nanyan Lane again, saying that they would ask someone to bring a letter to their hometown and ask the old lady to introduce them to an honest girl.

Today was a good day. As soon as Lin Fang went out, the two brothers sneaked out.

No one has been seen so far.

Designated and slipped to Nanyan Lane to fool around!

Qi Ruizhu was left alone, staring at Chen Qingyuan and his daughter.

Lin Fang nodded and went to pack the ingredients without saying a word.

Seeing that Lin Fang's face was not good, Qi Ruizhu couldn't help but feel a little stunned, and regretted her talkativeness.

In the event that Lin Fang gets angry and drives away the brothers Da Mao and Xiao Hei, wouldn't she have to face Chen Qingyuan's father and daughter alone every day?

Seeing Lin Fang tidy up the crucian carp and deal with the sixties, Qi Ruizhu couldn't help but cautiously went back to make up for it, "Master, in fact... Da Mao Xiao Hei and the others didn't fail to learn well, they just wanted to go out for a walk, they probably wouldn't go to that kind of place... …”

"Which place?"

"That's...that's..." Qi Ruizhu babbled for a long time, still embarrassed to say.

Until Lin Fang stuffed the chopped cowpeas, along with tempeh, pickled sea peppers, and ginger, into the stomach of the processed crucian carp and put them on the grill, she couldn't say why.

Just at this time, Da Mao Xiao Hei came back.

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