"Lin, stop, the lion has no intention of attacking now."

But Pentis’s reminder was a step later. I had already taken over the iPad that Amy handed over and patted the lion’s face.


Dear students, there should be very few opportunities to use the iPad to slap the slap in the face, and at the same time have less chance to slap the lion's slap. As for the slap in the face of the lion with the iPad, it should be said to be a unique example.

The lion's face is thicker, the iPad is broken, and I have only one-third of the body in my hand. The ultra-thin custom type is not strong enough compared to the normal type.

Although all my knowledge tells me that the beast can't be afraid, the trepidation from instinct can't stop.

The lion's **** mouth is only one meter away from my neck. Even though it smells like a tiger on my head, there is a tendency to smother, but who can guess what the lion thinks.

In case the lion refuses to forgive me for saying bad things about the League of Legends and the Apple phone, in case the lion distinguishes the smell of the tiger from my head is from a tigress, and it has been single for many years, hunger and thirst, in case of whimsy What should I do if I burst the chrysanthemum and give birth to a lion and tiger beast?

Under the imminent threat, I couldn't think too much about it. I took the tall image of the 18-copper people in Shaolin Temple as an example and gave the lion an iPad.

The iPad said that there are a lot of metal components inside, and I am quite awkward, and the lion has been beaten by me.

"Why hit me," the lion slammed the gang to swear. "Even if you want me to kill your iPad, you can't use the way I slap in the face. You are like this." ”

That, the above is purely my brain fantasy, because I used Rising anti-virus software frequently in my early years, so when I saw the lion, I couldn't think of Rising, just like everyone would think of Tencent when they saw the penguin.

The average weight of an African male lion is 180 kilograms, and this male lion is eating more fat in the zoo. It is estimated that 200 kilograms can't be beaten.

I am less than half of it, and the strength is evenly different. According to the wild animal muscle strength is equivalent to 7 times the human weight of the same weight, this lion may have 20 times the strength of my strength.

Therefore, although the lion was attacked by my attack, it was not hit hard. Even a cockroach did not, but the face was slightly swollen.


Just as the lion was angry and wanted to fight back, two zoo workers armed with guns ran from the entrance of the aquarium. They fired two shots and the anaesthetic needle immediately let the lion lay in front of us.

"Ye Lin's classmates are so powerful that they have defeated the lion by hand."

Xiao Qin put gold on my face regardless of the facts.

"Who said that he is a freehand." Amy whispered, "not thanks to the iPad I handed him. I still remember that a newspaper had advertised that the iPad could not shoot flies, and where not to shoot, obviously Lions can stun."

Pentis is two meters tall, and my height is more than one meter eight. We are blocking the front. The audience behind us has been greatly affected. Many tourists only saw that I used some kind of thing to stun the lion. The real reason for seeing the lion faint is the anesthesia gun from the staff.

"It’s a miracle. Actually, the lion is knocked down by manpower, modern Wusong, modern Wusong."

I don't know who is the first to start, in short, the tourists are boiling.

When the lion fell to the ground and the crisis was lifted, the gossip of the tourists suddenly burned, and each of them turned into a duty-seeker. They all wanted to come over and ask me.

"Youth, boy, what kind of method do you use to stun the lion? We didn't see it again."

"What is your name, boy, I used the mobile phone to record the scene, and now I am going to send it to Weibo..."

Because I was worried that people were mixed up and smashed Amy, I and Pentos left and right, and Amy was in the middle, not allowing curious tourists to get too close.

Because the tourists at the scene did not have boys of the same age, and did not trigger the fear of male sorrow, Xiao Qin turned into my spokesperson, maintaining order:

"Don't squeeze, I want to ask questions one by one. If someone wants to send Weibo now, then hurry, and the speed is slower, you can't get the news starter."

Xiao Qin reminded that many people quickly bowed their heads and slammed the phone, and instantly sent the title of “Junior Zoo to knock down the lion” to the Internet, and accompanied several videos taken from different angles.

At this time, Xiao Ding also reconnected with me, privately put the beast out of the cage, and the group who attacked the zoo monitoring center had been subdued. Xiao Ding only had his arm bruised in the fight, no serious problem.

"Is it really a terrorist?" I asked, "How many people are there?"

"Well... it’s hard to say whether it’s a terrorist.” Xiaoding hesitated. "According to one of them, they are members of the International Animal Protection Organization's Animal Salvation Association. The purpose of the organization is to liberate all human oppression. animal……"

I rely on this group of grandchildren. Isn't it the one who once protested Dr. Yu’s experiment with white mice and threw the big stones into the courtyard of the VIP building?

Doing things completely does not consider the lives and deaths of others. They are not terrorists who are terrorists. The German branch of the Animal Salvation Association has been officially declared a terrorist organization.

I greeted the mother of the animal rescue team in my heart.

At this time, the situation has been completely controlled, and most of the beasts have been taken back to the cage, and the tourists have been comforted, but occasionally some animals have gone wrong, such as the lion that is being carried away in front of us. Its Lion Rock was invaded by a small penguin, and experts said that it symbolizes Tencent’s open provocation against Rising.

"Ye Lin, it’s great that you didn’t get hurt, but your courage is too big. I dare to use the iPad to smoke the face of the lion... Now this is the video of you online, you can become a celebrity what."

As Xiao Ding said, in the modern world of entertainment, a news of human beings who have defeated the lion has spread virally on the Internet, and I have entered the public eye in an unexpected way.

“Is it a real lion, will it be a computer stunt, or advertise the iPad?”

"Absolutely a real lion, the video is taken by a mobile phone. There are a lot of videos from different angles. You go to see it yourself, and the iPad is obviously broken. How could it be advertising the iPad?"

"Even if it is a real lion, the man in the video is not really like the one written in the title. It is empty-handed to stun the lion. Sure enough, the editors are all headline parties, and Xiaobian are going to eat it."

"Hey, why are you, you don't know anything about picking people, people who are full of mouths, you should go eat it, people have no empty hands, give you an iPad, can you stun the lion, you Is that courage?"

"Everyone should not quarrel. In fact, the video is not clear. The lion should have fallen in the anesthesia needle. But I heard that this boy is only 16 years old. It is really commendable to be so brave in the face of a lion..."

Along with countless quarrels and my mother-in-law, my real name was also smashed out. “The lion hero Ye Lin” immediately became a scene in Dongshan City, and became a news hotspot together with the terrorist incident created by the zoo salvation in the zoo. Beyond the momentum of the former.

"Internal news, internal news, Ye Lin once made a substitute for Wu Sheng, the hero of "The Tattoo Man". The two people are very similar to each other. When Ye Lin is a substitute, he does not need makeup at all."

"Cut, no wonder I looked at the lion who is familiar with the lion. It is said that the lion will not be the propaganda method of the "Tianxia" crew, but the film has been drawn from the major theaters. To promote, you should promote it early."

"Everyone noticed that everyone noticed that I went to see the micro-movie "Blood War Jinling" that Ye Lin played before. I feel that Ye Lin's physique is much stronger than Wu Sheng. Since the two are exactly the same, why should Wu Sheng play? The protagonist, Ye Lin can only play the role of a substitute. Now the Chinese film industry lacks Ye Lin, a tough guy who can really work hard, and strongly protests that Cao Jing’s director has not reused Ye Lin."

Although I am very happy to speak for me, in fact, this can not blame Cao director, director Cao originally wanted me to play Jinling, but I dismissed that it was the big villain who did not agree.

Since there is something quite right on the Internet, there are also people who are jealous of me, and the reasons are so strange and varied that people can’t prevent it.

"Hey, actually take the ultra-thin customized version of the iPad to play the lion, and it’s not a painful look when you break it... This Ye Lin is a local tyrant. The tall black man standing on his right side must be his private bodyguard, standing on him. Behind the brunette girl and blonde girl, it must be his girlfriend, while showing off the rich while playing the lion costume cool, but also showing his two girlfriends, Ye Lin really does not intend to let me wait for the silk to live."

Hello, you come to the conclusion that I am showing off my wealth. I still don't blame you, but how can you say that Amy and Xiaoqin are my girlfriends? They are my sisters now, I already feel that there are two heads. If they are all my girlfriends, I don’t want to die.

In addition to the remarks of envy and hatred, the following remarks are the most amazing:

"Ye Lin actually brutally beats the lion. This is an act of cruelty to animals. The lion in the zoo is completely threatening to people. It is obviously coming over and wanting to make friends with everyone, but it has been ruined by Ye Lin." Hit, Ye Lin is the enemy of all animal protectionists, this girl is going to the United States to sue Ye Lin for cruelty to animals."

Fortunately, netizens are more sensible in this regard, and there are people who admire the hateful posts, but this kind of yelling for the lion that I am cruel to animals has basically been spurred by everyone.

"You are stupid, even if it is a lion in the zoo, it is a minute to kill you. Actually, Ye Lin is going to the United States to sue him for ill-treatment of animals. If you don't take medicine, you feel like you are sprouting. The Pacific Ocean is not covered. Come and hurry to find your beauty."

The efficiency of the information age is astonishing. I have received a phone call from a winery before I left the zoo. I asked if I was interested in endorsing the “Jingyanggang Tiger Bone Wine” produced by them.

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