I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 1083: Please register as soon as possible

"What, you want me to endorse the tiger bone wine you produced? I am playing a lion and not a tiger, and the tiger is not a national animal protection. Now, with Rentang, I dare not sell tiger bone wine again."

The other party smiled on the phone. "So, everyone knows that the national policy is that our tiger bone wine is actually produced with dog bones, that is, it is sold to foreigners who come to Dongshan City to swindle foreign exchange."

I couldn't help but hang up his phone.

Although I really want to make money, I will never endorse fake and shoddy goods, and personally, my feelings for dogs are deeper than those for tigers (after all, I have not raised tigers), using tiger bones to make wine, For me, it is easier to accept than to make wine with dog bones.

Then there are fitness protein powder manufacturers, as well as an aphrodisiac manufacturer to contact me, want me to endorse their products, even the ad words are for me, that is, "true men eat protein powder (aphrodisiac), even a lion Can also get it."

I have never heard of these two manufacturers, and my muscles are not eaten with protein powder. The lions have no relationship with aphrodisiac, so they simply refused them.

However, when I was famous for playing the lion hero in Dongshan City and even the whole country, I just caught up with Fang Zuming’s drug abuse. I wondered if it was a chance for God to give me a fun entertainment circle.

You think, Fang Zuming’s list of 120 people under the police interrogation, these 120 people are naturally insiders. After they are arrested, each person will provide more 120 people, so it will develop like MLM. The circle is not very soon, no one can take this opportunity, I can officially debut with the heat of the news, making movies, recordings, interviews, endorsements, big red, day-to-day fighting, winning Bai Fumei Going to the peak of life, think about it and have some little excitement...

I am in the brain, yy my own bright future, surrounded by reporters who were heard by the news at the entrance of the zoo.

"Please say a few words to the microphone, Mr. Ye Lin, anything can be said."

"Mr. Ye Lin, what do you think of the nickname ‘Rising Conqueror’ given to you by the netizen.”

Nima, I didn’t think that when I saw the lion, I thought of Rising. It is said that the Meihua Zoo received countless petitions within an hour. I hope they can rename the lion that I was stunned to Rising, and I don’t know Jinshan Company. disagree.

"Hey, now you know that I was troubled by the paparazzi when I was entangled." Amy glared at me with a sigh of interest.

"Amy, don't ridicule me, get on the bus with Pentax." I asked my sister to leave the encirclement of the reporter.

After Amy sat in the car under the **** of Pentax, my mind was a little bit, and hesitated whether to talk to the reporters.

From the beginning to the end, Xiaoqin has been with me since, because the reporter who came to interview has a young man who just graduated. He triggered Xiao Qin’s fear of men, so Xiao Qin just stood down and said nothing. .

I just had a good draft, but I saw a reporter with a sharp-nosed monkey squeezing in from the crowd, and poked the microphone directly on my face, and said cheerfully:

"I am a special correspondent for Dongshan News Station, Zhao Yao, Ye Lin, you are also acquainted with me. How about telling me why the Lions will run out of the cage. You think this must be caused by the system. ”

For your sister, Zhao Yao, how is this monk still alive, your interview style is so embarrassing that you have not been killed by others.

I am wise to ignore Zhao Yao’s problem, but to clear the blind man to the young male reporter who looks like an intern.

Because I have a lot of time to reorganize the language, Xiao Yin search engine misjudged that I need the personal information of the young reporter, and he has made him online and showed the results on my smart contact lenses:

[Xu Shan, graduated from Dongshan Communication University, an intern trainer in urban life...]

Probably because of being a journalist, whether it is an official reporter or an intern reporter, there is public information on the Internet, so Xiao Yin can easily find it.

Unlike other senior reporters, Xu Shan is obviously not very suitable for the life of journalists. Other reporters are very loud and let me interview, but Xu Shan is rather shy, and a few words "please say a few words" I forced myself to say it. I didn't expect to get my response. At this time, I saw that I took the initiative to turn my attention to him. He was quite flattered.

"Ye, Mr. Ye Lin..." He was a bit stuttered.

I smiled a little, in order to ease his nervousness, said: "Do not add the word 'Mr.', if you want to ask, just ask directly, anyway, look at this situation, I will not answer you and will not let me go. ,, isn’t it, Xu Shan’s brother.”

Xu Shanyi, "That, Mr. Ye Lin, how do you know my name."

It seems that in the interview, there is no way for others to remove the word "Mr.". I pretend to smile mysteriously and replied: "In fact, I have super powers. I can know the names by looking at other people's faces."

While talking to Zhao Yao, "You see, this guy who jumped up and down is called Zhao Yao. I knew him when I saw his face."

Zhao Yao saw that I did not accept his interview and took him to open up, so angry.

"Ye Lin, what super power do you have? I just exposed my name just now, and you already know me."

I think that teasing Zhao Yao is quite fun, so I deliberately watched other reporters for a while. Soon Xiao Yin helped me out their online information. I pointed to them from left to right:

"The names of everyone are: Wang Weiguo, Zhao Lishu, Dong Li, He Yishou, He Baoku, Zhang Qilong, Li Fujuan..."

Everyone was suddenly stunned, and one of the reporters also gave his microphone to the ground.

"How do you know what we are called, even if you are an insider, you don't have to name it all."

"Does this superpower really exist because there is super power to defeat the lion..."

I can't help but laugh, one of the reporters suddenly sighed:

"I understand, Mr. Ye Lin, you are practicing Qigong. I have heard that practicing Qigong to a high level can be invulnerable. If you don't know the prophet, you can rely on Qigong to defeat the lion and calculate our name."

Who is practicing Qigong, the kind of Qigong that is no different from the special function, has not been proven to be pseudoscience? I still remember that my grandmother went to practice some kind of Qigong with the neighbors, in order to absorb the gas and use the back. Eucalyptus, ruined the clothes and did not cure the coronary heart disease.

I quickly shook my head: "I didn't practice qigong, I only practiced martial arts..."

In addition to the reporters, there are some curious tourists coming out of the zoo. At this time, a visitor shouted in the back:

"Where are you going to learn martial arts, I can also defeat the lion's martial arts. I also want to learn."

The speaker did not intend to listen to the heart, his words made me blessed to the soul, inspiration, I did not hesitate for a millisecond, immediately said to Xushan's microphone:

"The martial arts I practiced is called Yinyang Sanshou. It is a Chinese ancient martial art that was passed down from the Yellow Emperor Chiyou era. It is the first fighting skill in the universe. Just work hard to learn the yin and yang, not to mention defeating the lion, even if it is It is not a fantasy to have a special function like me. If there is a viewer in front of the TV who is interested in the martial arts of Yin and Yang, please contact me if you want to consult, how can I email... The email address is..."

Seeing that I turned the news interview into a TV commercial, Xu Shan’s right hand holding the microphone began to tremble unconsciously, and Zhao Yao next shrugged and shrugged:

"I have seen it. Ye Lin used this trick with me before. When I interviewed them to save the dog, he started selling Swiss army knives in front of my camera..."

I don't know what Xiao Yin has upgraded in the background of her own human flesh search. At this time, all the reporters present have been set as the focus of attention, and Zhao Yao’s name has a small red dot indicating that there has been a recent update.

I turned the pupil to move the virtual mouse inside the smart contact lens, and after positioning the little red dot, I squinted twice to confirm.

[The latest news, Zhao Yao’s desk had a small fire ten minutes ago, but it has been extinguished by colleagues,]

My mind was moved, the index finger of the left hand and the **** were close together, pointing to Zhao Yao with the attitude of a high-ranking person:

"In the face of the only yin and yang masters in the world, you dare to speak out. In order to punish you, I have already made a contribution to make your desk catch fire. If you don't believe it, please confirm it by phone."

After I reminded, Zhao Yao’s face turned white and cried with his good friend, Xiao Wang. “No, I am in a hurry, forgetting to annihilate the cigarette but the director will not spare me.”

As Zhao Yao’s emperor squeezed out of the encirclement, other reporters sent me incredible admiration, and the onlookers began to feel awkward.

"Zhao Yao, this guy, I know best. He doesn't care about the news, he can't give it to others."

"There is actually the ability to make other people's desks fire on the air, and then it is also difficult to see through the air. The yin and yang are really the first in the universe... Qigong."

Broken, I was proud of it. I really liked the yin and yang smug propaganda more like qigong, but when I said that it was like pouring water, I couldn’t get it back. I had to continue my scalp and continue to publicize:

"That, the yin and yang hands are ordinary martial arts before they reach the third floor. Only when I reach the fifth floor like me, it is possible to hit the cows across the wall and ignite the fire..."

Because my performance is too magical, Xu Shan, who is more boring, can't help but ask: "Mr. Ye Lin, how many layers do you have in this sacred work?"

"A total of nine layers, because there are nine layers of Jiuyin white bone claws..." I replied irresponsibly.

"If you practice the ninth layer of nine yin white bones... No, it is a yin and yang distraction, can you fight the forest fires from a distance?"

I was shackled and had to scratch my head: "Probably, but the 31 generations before me did not practice so high level..."

A female reporter wearing glasses caught the loophole in my words, and the speed of speech quickly asked:

"Excuse me, Mr. Ye Lin, you said that the yin and yang hand is a martial art passed down from the Yellow Emperor Chiyou era, but with you only a total of 32 generations, the legendary history of China has 5,000 years, only 32 generations, then every Doesn't the generation have to live at least 150 years old..."

I am worried about how to answer, but some people in the crowd replied to me: "This shows that Yin and Yang can still prolong life, Master Ye, how much is the registration fee, I have to learn now, please teach me the magical yin and yang. Sanshou."

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