Actually attacked the chest this set!

Is it really good to be so cheap in broad daylight?

"Let me go!"

Su Hao shouted loudly and directly reached out to block the hand of Lushan.

But although his strength has reached the level of dark energy, he is not the opponent of the top killer.

The hand that she stretched out was easily opened, Sophia directly stretched out her hand to hold his chest, and pinched it gently.


Kind of exciting.

But while stimulating, Su Hao didn't forget what to do.

He took a step back, reaching out to push her away.

But after the hand was stretched out, Sophia grabbed it all at once.

"Little handsome guy, do you know that I can read palmistry, or I'll test it for you?"

Sophia pretended to hold Su Hao's hand with a teasing smile on her face.

"Let me go and drink!"

Su Hao didn't hesitate any more, he directly pulled his hand back, and without hesitation came a flying kick.

The two were already training, how could they not stumble?

Showing mercy won't work at all, especially for such a top killer.

This time fast, accurate, hard.

The target was Sophia's waist.

There was no panic on Sophia's face, and her body suddenly flashed at an incredible angle.

This time, Su Hao kicked directly into the empty space, and the strength with nowhere to vent made him stumble.

At this juncture when the old force was gone and the new force was not born, a hot body was tightly attached to his back.

"Little handsome guy, you are still a little wolf dog, and my sister likes you like that."

Sophia whispered in Su Hao's ear, her hand had already touched his lower body.

"Don't try to succeed!"

Su Hao snorted coldly, bent his arms, and rubbed his elbows towards the back.

This time, it still felt empty.

His hand was also hugged directly, stuffed into the incomparably soft big murderer.

He didn't hit anyone with several attacks, and suddenly it was a little bad.

Originally thought that the strength of his dark strength peak is also a strong one, but who knows the result?

I really need to learn fighting skills.

The next few attacks were to repeat the previous scenario.

Su Hao was extremely anxious when facing Sophia's almost ubiquitous hand.

This kind of feeling is really like encountering a tram idiot, and there is nothing I can do.


He wanted to resist, but that idiot was too powerful...

In a few short fights, Su Hao was undoubtedly at a disadvantage, and it could be said that he was taken advantage of.

While being taken advantage of, while being taught a lesson.

"Little handsome guy, you should open your hands a little bit."

"We should use our strength here, we can't attack with all our strength, or the result will be like this... Hey! We succeeded!"

"Idiot, such an attack has no effect at all. You must retain your physical strength when fighting."

Sophia's voice echoed in the room.

Su Hao wasn't much annoyed. Although he was restless in his heart, he was listening quietly.

These are the ways to survive as a top international killer, but not everyone can learn them.

In other words, they are not qualified to learn these things at all.

Finally cleaned up.

Su Hao let out a hearty sigh of relief. He grabbed Sophia's hand and wanted to teach her a lesson.

"Master, I just said I'm sorry for the master, please punish the master."

The expression on Sophia's face also instantly became soft and weak, and she said respectfully.

Seeing her like this, Su Hao didn't have any temper in his heart.

I felt a little angry before, but seeing Sophia like this, the anger in my heart gradually disappeared.

No temper at all!

He had no choice but to let go.


Sophia lowered her head and smiled secretly.

No reason!

This maid is about to rebel!

"Come here and poke your ass!"

Seeing this scene, Su Hao suddenly became angry and couldn't hold back.

He directly pulled out the leather whip from Sophia's waist and shouted sharply.

Sophia shivered with fright, but still pouted her **** obediently.

clap clap clap!

The little leather whip pulled down fiercely, and the top killer let out a miserable cry.

"Master, master, I was wrong!"

"Please, forgive me, I won't dare to laugh at you again!"

five minutes later.

Sophia clutched her **** and escaped miserably, while Su Hao was satisfied.

What he didn't know was that Sophia showed a smile when she turned her back to him.

She deliberately gave Su Hao an excuse to vent, so as to facilitate further work in the future.

It's all about acting.

Chapter 165 You have dated her, not with me?

Friday night.

Lin Jiayu hummed cheerful songs and drank leisurely with a cup of milk tea.

This is not those instant milk teas, but genuine fresh milk teas made with the best ingredients.

Nutritious and delicious, Lin Jiayu, who likes to drink milk tea, is full of praise.

If you drink ordinary milk tea every day, your body will have problems, so naturally you can't drink more.

So Su Hao specially hired a milk tea master to serve Lin Jiayu milk tea every day.

In his words, such a long chest is the credit of milk tea, but you can't drink some bad things and become smaller.

In that case, but the loss of the eyes.

"Hey, should I go tomorrow? I'm a little confused..."

Lin Jiayu's fierceness propped up her shirt and placed it directly on the table.

At first glance, it seems that people have a strong visual impact, and they don't know where to put their eyes.

It's too illegal to be able to put it on the table like this.

Just then, the phone rang.

Lin Jiayu answered the phone without hesitation, and seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Jiayu, tomorrow is the weekend, remember to be there tomorrow, you must go."

Mu Qinghan said over the phone.

"Sister, just go play with the senior, I won't go, I want to understand these two days."

Lin Jiayu said with some confusion.

Although she happily agreed at the time, but after thinking about it for the past two days, it seems that something is not right.

Senior Su probably didn't want to let him go, so what's the point of going there again?

Even with hindsight, she realized that she had become a big light bulb.

"No, I have to go tomorrow."

Mu Qinghan said without hesitation.

"Why, senpai? Didn't you guys go on a date, what would I be like?"

Lin Jiayu was a little puzzled when she heard this.

"Because it's even more exciting if there is one more person."

Mu Qinghan let out a meaningful laugh over the phone.

"Senior, I found that you are so perverted."

Lin Jiayu was speechless.

"You must be there tomorrow, or I will go to you and take you to eat something delicious."

Mu Qinghan bewitched.

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow."

After hearing the delicious food, Lin Jiayu's eyes lit up obviously and agreed.

In fact, even if there is no delicious food, it is impossible for her to refuse Mu Qinghan's request.

Two people, one is strong and the other is weak, there is always one who speaks well.

Mu Qinghan hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Her real intention is naturally not because of stimulation, but to find a fixed light bulb.

In this way, it can play the role of lubricating oil in the middle, reducing the involvement of other bulbs.

Not only that, but it can also ensure that stealing is safe, killing two birds with one stone!

Of course, the more important point is to do something to prevent Su Hao from becoming angry.

Although she doesn't mind, it's hard to push the relationship forward in that situation.

If it is messed up again and is in a mess, I am afraid that I will indulge in this feeling.

Mu Qinghan licked his red lips slightly, as if he had some aftertaste.

She is looking forward to tomorrow's date.

"Ha Qiu!"

Su Hao sneezed heavily and rubbed his nose.

"Master, do you have a cold?"

As Sophia spoke, she reached out her hand with concern and touched Su Hao's forehead.

"It's okay, I just feel like I'm being missed. It's a bit scary."

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