Su Hao almost subconsciously remembered tomorrow's appointment.

Other than this, he couldn't think of anyone else talking about him at this time.

It really makes me feel hopeless.

At this moment, Su Hao answered a call.

After looking at the number, Su Hao felt a little numb.

Sure enough, Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

This call is from Mu Qinghan.

"Hey, senpai, what's wrong?"

Su Hao directly answered the phone and asked.

"Little brother, are you looking forward to tomorrow's date? Don't fall asleep at night."

"If the younger brother can't sleep at night, the senior sister can sing a lullaby for you."

Mu Qinghan's soft voice rang across the phone.

No one could imagine that this soft voice that seemed to be his girlfriend's voice was uttered by a cold and arrogant female president.

"I just want to move the time forward, preferably to Monday, so I don't have nightmares at night."

Su Hao complained.

Going out on a date with her is definitely not warm or expectant, it can only be called exciting.

Yes, quite an exciting date, and no one knows where surprises await him.

To say that Mu Qinghan would be as obedient as Cao Zijin, of course Su Hao would not believe him.

"I'll take what you said as a compliment. Do you have any suggestions for tomorrow's location?"

Mu Qinghan didn't seem to hear Su Hao's tone at all, and still spoke lightly.

"Since it's a date, it's up to you to decide the location."

Su Hao had no idea where he should go on a date.

As a former dating guru, he can clearly say that different personalities go to different places.

For example, Mu Qinghan would like to go to places with many people such as zoos and amusement parks.

"Then let's go to the amusement park."

Mu Qinghan said enthusiastically.

It was exactly what Su Hao had guessed.

"Okay, if you go to the amusement park, will Xuemei Lin also follow along?"

Su Hao was more concerned about this.

He was threatened last time, but now he really wants to be ashamed.

It is best to let the senior sister swallow the photo forever.

"Hee hee, Lin Xuemei is of course following her. Does the younger brother want to do something bad to Xuemei?"

"That can't be done. Sex is forbidden during the dating process."

When Mu Qinghan spoke, it was a righteous word.

"Remember what you said, don't give me all the bullshit."

After Su Hao heard this, he didn't quite believe it.

If Mu Qinghan could have a stable date instead of taking the initiative to attack, the sun would rise from the west.

"Of course, how could I deceive my younger brother? See you tomorrow morning, I'll go to inform Lin Xuemei."

Mu Qinghan smiled rather proudly and hung up the phone.

"It's really a reassuring guarantee."

Su Hao hung up the phone with a slightly melancholy expression.

I just hope that tomorrow's Senior Sister Mu can calm down a little and have a good time at the playground.

He couldn't figure it out. He clearly wanted to live a relatively peaceful life, so why did he become a master of time management?

Today's date with this, and tomorrow's date with that, are still being asked to go.

It's not that he wants to be a scumbag, but that his shining points are seen and constantly excavated.

Chapter 166 Haunted House: That woman is so fierce, I was so scared


It's a pretty nice weather.

The sun shone on the ground, casting a halo.

The amusement park is already full of people, laughter and laughter.

Some came with their parents, some with their girlfriends.

Adults and children all seem extra leisurely this holiday season.

Because people without vacations are still working.

When Su Hao arrived at the entrance of the amusement park, he saw Mu Qinghan and Lin Jiayu watching the time at a glance.

Mu Qinghan was wearing a black jacket with a dark red lining, and a black short skirt and Martin boots on the bottom.

A pair of slender thighs were wrapped in black silk and looked extremely supple.

This dress is a bit like a queen of abstinence.

Lin Jiayu, on the other hand, wore a cuter look, with a white plush knitted sweater on the upper body and jeans and white shoes on the lower body.

That proud murderer propped up the knitted sweater in a terrifying arc, which was extremely eye-catching.

He immediately compared Mu Qinghan who was beside him.

However, with Mu Qinghan, Lin Jiayu always gave people a feeling of weakness.

The two stood at the gate, not knowing how many people's attention they attracted to the amusement park.

When many young people saw the two of them, they were ready to confess to them.

But the cold expression on Mu Qinghan's body was too serious, and when he approached, he lost his courage.

People who don't have two brushes and self-awareness will not take their own humiliation.

"Hello, Miss, can you add your contact information?"

A handsome young man walked over and smiled at Mu Qinghan.

"Can you dodge, block my sight."

Mu Qinghan glanced at him with a terrifyingly calm tone.

The young man returned without success, and did not even have the courage to say the second sentence.

This kind of beauty is not something that can be taken down by being good-looking.

After the young man left, another person walked over.

This young man is handsome and sunny, wearing an expensive brand name, and he looks very fit for a tall, rich and handsome person.

"Hello, who are you waiting for?"

Gao Fushuai is undoubtedly very polite, and with a sunny smile, no one can feel bad about him.

He is still very confident in his own charm, and every time he is unfavorable.

A smile suddenly appeared on Mu Qinghan's face with a cold expression.

This smile seems to be melting ice and snow, and it is extremely happy, which makes everyone who secretly pays attention here stunned.

Does this work?

Gao Fushuai's heart suddenly rejoiced.

Mu Qinghan pulled Lin Jiayu and walked towards him.

"Two young ladies, if there is no one to accompany me, I can..."

Before Gao Fushuai said anything, the two passed him by.

His outstretched hand suddenly stopped in place, and his expression slowly solidified.

"It's been a long wait, the time hasn't come yet, why did you come so early?"

Su Hao greeted them with a smile, looked at his watch, and asked.

As a time management master, he is quite professional, and he is still five minutes away from the agreed time.

"It's getting late, little brother, why did it take so long to arrive, I almost called you."

A happy smile appeared on Mu Qinghan's face.

Lin Jiayu, who was beside her, silently complained and changed her face so quickly.

"Do you know what Zijin said when she was dating me?"

Su Hao looked at the clothes of the two women, and his eyes inevitably revealed a bit of surprise.

Although I have not seen these two less in my life, I have even communicated intimately.

But every time he saw it, he would have a heartfelt admiration.

If these two women followed him from left to right, they would definitely have long faces.

The female protagonist of the school flower writing can definitely stand out in the crowd.

"What did you ask her to do on this great day? Did Cao Zijin say anything?"

Mu Qinghan was a little dissatisfied, but still asked curiously.

"When I said to wait for a long time, she said, "It's okay, I just came."

"Look at how understanding people are."

Su Hao clicked his tongue twice and said.

He started to use his skills again - which pot can't be opened and lifted.

Lin Jiayu silently glanced at the senior who was pretending to be dead, and sighed silently in her heart.

Senior, I advise you to give up your strange ideas. Senior Sister, this is your decision.

Poor senior, being played with applause.

Everyone around who heard these words was stunned.

Saying such words in front of such a girl,

"I'm different from her, and I came early to play with you more!"

Mu Qinghan was not at all annoyed, she came to Su Hao's side, hugged his arm, and said with a smile.

"Senpai, is there anything delicious in the amusement park?"

Lin Jiayu came to the other side of Su Hao and blinked at Mu Qinghan.

I haven't eaten for a few minutes, my mouth is empty, and I'm not used to it.

"The amusement park is not a food street, where can you get delicious food."

Su Hao looked at Lin Jiayu strangely.

Looking for good food here?

She would be deceived by this reason, this kind of foodie psychology is really hard to understand.

At least, Su Hao couldn't figure out why.

"Sister, you lied to me!"

Lin Jiayu immediately puffed out her cheeks.

She has never been to an amusement park, but you can't lie to me!

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