The auctioneer's face was a little helpless, but his heart was silent for this first commodity.

Either it was bought by someone, or it was passed away.

"Your eyesight is really bad, it must be true."

Liu Qingwu's words suddenly suppressed the voices of those who were talking in a low voice.

"I wonder what Mr. Liu has in mind?"

A middle-aged man who was somewhat bald and fat asked curiously.

"I can't talk about high opinion, but I don't think such a big auction will sell fake goods and pass the auction."

"So I concluded that there are good goods in it. In this case, I bought this jade for 100,000 yuan."

Liu Qingwu said without hesitation.

The other participants looked at each other, as if wondering who was right.

Jiang Yi's mouth twitched, but he had nothing to say.

After all, what people say is justified, what is there to refute?

"One hundred thousand times!"

"One hundred thousand times!"

"One hundred thousand three times!"

"make a deal!"

"Congratulations to Miss Liu Qingwu for winning the first auction item!"

The auctioneer smiled bitterly in his heart, but still slammed the auction hammer down.

Those who were hesitating did not hesitate to bid or not, and they all set their sights on the next rough jade.

"The next piece of rough jade, the starting price is 200,000 yuan, and the price increase is not less than 100,000 yuan each time!"

The auctioneer continued.

Another beautiful maid came out with a tray. This piece of rough jade has a little green on it, and it looks quite beautiful.

The price of this piece of jade has been considered passable.

Many people stretched their necks and looked at the jade carefully.

"There should be something in this rough jade. Although it looks like the greenery on the outside is very broken, it should be the reason for the stone."

"The stone covered the original color, which made this jade look not very valuable."

Jiang Yi is another wave of self-confidence analysis.

At this time, Mu Qinghan suddenly stood up.

Jiang Yi's heart skipped a beat, but he saw Mu Qinghan patted the dust on his body.

He breathed a sigh of relief, just as he was about to buy this piece of raw jade, he heard Mu Qinghan's voice.

"I want half a million."

(Many people will start school tomorrow, and today is 12,000. It’s fun to watch—in addition, it’s not too much to count more votes)

Chapter 192 When the villainous girl was robbed by the heroine

The hand Jiang Yi was about to raise stiffened.

He looked at Mu Qinghan a little dazedly.

This is not about martial arts. Just as I was about to bid, I was robbed first.

"I... I will pay 600,000!"

Jiang Yi gritted his teeth and reported a number.

"Eight hundred thousand."

Mu Qinghan said calmly.

Jiang Yi's face suddenly collapsed, and he looked at Mu Qinghan with aggrieved expression.

"Eighty thousand once!"

"Eighty thousand twice!"

"Eighty thousand three times!"

"make a deal!"

"Congratulations to the second auction item, which is obtained by Mr. Mu!"

The auctioneer's hammer fell again.

Mu Qinghan sat down, as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Yi was aggrieved and helpless.

For some reason, he always felt like he was being targeted.

And this targeting is not an illusion.

Su Hao kept silent, eating melons and watching a play.

He didn't quite understand why the two female protagonists around him were suppressing the male protagonist.

Isn't that what a big villain should do?

As a big villain, it stands to reason that he should be against Jiang Yi everywhere.

But he was actually robbed of the scene, and I really don't know what to say.

In the next auction, many people noticed a different atmosphere.

Unless Jiang Yi does not speak, but when he speaks, there will be two results.

If he said it was false, Liu Qingwu would definitely come out and refute it, analyzing it to be true, it would definitely be bought by Mu Qinghan.

Under this double torture, he has no love for life.

There is simply no way out.

Although he has recently taken some money from Ren Fusheng's company, the money is not enough.

Mu Qinghan's financial resources are astonishing, and if he wants to grab something from him, he has absolutely no power to fight back!

Another point is that no one robbed any jade that Jiang Yi had reviewed.

Everyone noticed the unusual atmosphere, and the two women seemed to be jealous.

They all had the mentality of watching a good show and did not participate in it.

Betting on stones is a fairly two-sided business, and even if you don't shoot, no one will say anything.

There may even be people who think you are sane.

Jiang Yi's heart was full of bitterness, but he never shut up.

It stands to reason that in this case, as long as you keep silent, you will not be targeted.

But what did he come to draw this time?

One is to make more money by virtue of his own ability at the treasure appraising conference.

The second is for his own reputation.

As long as you have a reputation, what do you want?

Even if he can't get the good jade that he commented on, even if he has been targeted, he will say it!

When you open the jade for a while, you will be remembered by others!

The auction is finally over.

In the eyes of everyone, this is a very interesting auction.

Two beautiful royal sisters actually joined forces to target one person, what's so special about this unlucky bastard?

"Several, the opening of jade is about to begin. Do you want to open it on the spot, or in private?"

The auctioneer asked the crowd with a smile.

Naturally, there is no hesitation in buying Pure Jade, and they all choose to open on-site.

Jiang Yi was already in tears at this time, his expression was full of exhaustion, and he looked rather miserable.

Using the ability for a long time made him feel very tired.

But fortunately things have been bought.

He is not without backing hands. Although he has been targeted, he also asked a person he knew here to help him buy it.

What he bought is of course genuine, and he will definitely make a lot of money after it is shipped.

Kaiyu started.

Several strong men held professional equipment and carefully placed Puyu on the workbench.

People stared at this scene with wide eyes, and their expressions were very excited.

Although most people do not buy it, it is also a pleasure to watch others open jade.

"Cut directly, or grind?"

a man asked.

If it is cut, it is directly cut with a knife, which may cut jade.

It takes more effort to grind, but the integrity of the jade will be preserved.

The first piece of rough jade was the piece of jade that Liu Qingwu bought, which sold very well.

"grinding, if there is something good in it, then I won't earn it."

Liu Qingwu said with a smile.


The men started grinding without hesitation.

Jiang Yi pouted his lips in disapproval.

He had seen it with golden pupils before, but this jade is golden and jade, and it has no value at all.

Grinding it is just a waste of time, it is better to cut it with a knife.

Although Liu Qingwu looks beautiful, her eyesight is really not very good.

Soon his reputation will resound throughout the entire treasure appraising world, and his reputation has grown. Isn't it easy to say anything else?

Money, beauty, and a business empire that has gradually built up.

How many beauties cried and threw their arms in their arms, and senior sisters and fairies also looked at them with admiration...

"Damn it, it's shipped!"

"What a big piece, my God, is this ice jade?"

"How can such a good jade come from such a cheap jade?!"

The shouting of the people woke Jiang Yi from his fantasy.

He looked around in confusion.


What's the deal, isn't this grinding a piece of scrap?

that is not……

Jiang Yi's eyes suddenly widened, and his chin almost dropped.

In the hands of those men, it was a piece of jade with perfect color!

"I didn't expect it to be a really good piece of jade, but I was deceived by that kid!"

"That's right, I wanted to buy it originally, but when the kid said it, there was nothing left!"

The whispering voices of those onlookers entered Jiang Yi's ears.

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