Jiang Yi's face suddenly flushed red, but the shocked look in his eyes could not be concealed at all.


Why is this so?

It must be the first time I have used golden pupils, and I am not proficient in using them.

It's just a misunderstanding, this is an accident, and the next one must be right!

"Oh, I didn't expect such a big piece of jade. Would it be better to carve a jade Ruyi or a jade rabbit?"

Liu Qingwu stood beside Su Hao, looking quite proud.

"This one isn't the one it used to be."

Su Hao asked in a low voice.

Although the various appearances are very similar, with his eyesight, he can see the subtle differences.

If it wasn't for Jiang Yi being too tired at this time, and his eyesight has dropped a lot, it can also be seen.

"Shh—don't let that woman know."

Liu Qingwu said in a low voice.

That woman was naturally referring to Mu Qinghan.

"How did you manage to drop Bao Puyu?"

Su Hao was very curious about this matter.

This auction was not held by the Liu family, otherwise it would be impossible to collect Liu Qingwu's tickets.

"Hey, this means that someone in the DPRK is easy to handle, and I have to treat him well."

The corner of Liu Qingwu's mouth twitched, revealing a little fox-like smile.

What happened next was not what Jiang Yi expected.

Nine times out of ten, the jade that Mu Qinghan bought that he affirmed was in a high state.

Even if it doesn't ship, it remains flat and there is no loss at all.

For a while, some people's eyes were on Jiang Yi's body, with a bit of strangeness in their eyes.

Could it be that this man really has strong eyesight and can see if something is a treasure?

It seems that this young man is still worth making friends with.

Suddenly, a few people came to Jiang Yi's side and had a cordial conversation with him.

Among the rough jades that Mu Qinghan bought, in addition to the more common jadeites, there were also two ice jadeites.

Although each piece is not as big as the first one Liu Qingwu bought, it is not too much to put together.

"This really made a lot of money, Qing Han, shouldn't this give me dividends?"

Liu Qingwu smiled and walked to Mu Qinghan's side.

She didn't fight Mu Qinghan, isn't this a kind of direct help?

"Come on, it's none of your business, little brother, do you want it? As long as you laugh at me, I'll give you a piece."

"Well, you can choose whatever you want."

Mu Qinghan snorted softly, looked at Su Hao, and said openly and seductively.

But she knew that with Su Hao's temperament, she would not want such a thing.

When everyone heard it, there was an uproar.

There are priceless emeralds and jade in this place, can you give them away?

Simply incredible.

Su Hao hooked the corner of his mouth and showed a smile.

Then, he very consciously began to choose, took a piece of jade that looked crystal clear, and finished it.

Mu Qinghan and Liu Qingwu looked at each other in a dazed look, but they were both stunned.

Jiang Yi felt extremely comfortable at this time.

The people around looked at him with rather surprised eyes, and some people handed their business cards.

He knew that his purpose had been achieved.

Unexpectedly, although I lost a lot of money, I got something that money can't buy.

As long as your reputation is established in the treasure appraising world, what do you want?

"Brother Jiang, didn't you buy these pieces of rough jade? It must be a good treasure."

A middle-aged man with a pot belly looked at the heavy-looking rough stones in Jiang Yi's hands.

"Of course, these are all good goods. Although they are not very high, it is possible to earn several times."

Jiang Yi said confidently.

You get what you pay for, in fact, this rule also exists in the stone gambling world.

The better the rough jade, the higher the probability of producing good jadeite jade, and the price is naturally terrifying.

If a piece of jade is likely to produce a piece of ice jade, I am afraid it can be sold for millions of dollars.

Therefore, with Jiang Yi's current financial resources, he simply cannot afford those relatively expensive jades.

Even if the price increases, it can only be said to be a small increase.

However, there is a rough jade stone that he is very satisfied with, and it is very likely that there is ice jade in it.

Although the size does not seem huge, it is guaranteed to earn more than five times.


"Sir, do you want to cut your rough jade on the spot, or wait until you go back."

A staff member came over with a smile.

"Certainly now."

Jiang Yi naturally wouldn't go back with the baby.

First, there are professional people and professional tools in this place, and secondly, he has to appear in front of people to gain prestige.

At that time, I will definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in the treasure appraising world.

"Okay, sir, please leave Puyu to us."

The staff still had a professional smile on their faces and waved back.

Two big men came over, and those rough jade stones were carefully taken away, looking extremely professional.

Soon, they began deploying specialized tools to prepare calcite.

"Brother Jiang, why do you look so tired? Didn't you rest last night?"

The pot-bellied man seemed to want to get close, and asked with some concern.

"It's okay, young man."

Jiang Yi showed a smile that you know, and secretly complained in his heart.

The ability of this golden pupil is good, but it really cannot be used frequently.

Looking from the beginning to the end at this treasure appraising conference, it is really a bit overdrawn, and my energy is not able to keep up.

Right now, he desperately wanted to turn his head to sleep and relax.

When it came to speaking, those people were all ready, and the big man at the head asked a question.

"Cut or grind?"

Is that even a question?


Jiang Yi said without hesitation.

Several men immediately started to get busy, and those who were expecting Jiang Yi to reveal the magic also widened their eyes.

monitoring room.

A girl who was pure white and didn't seem to be stained with dust sat on a chair and watched the surveillance screen quietly.

She was wearing a pure white princess dress, and her beautiful face had a feeling of weakness that could not help but look pity to me.

On her slender legs were a pair of creamy white stockings, which looked pure and flawless.

This person is Dong Bodhi.

At this time, Dong Boti's eyes were mostly on one monitor, and a few were on the other.

One is a scene of two women and one man chatting with a smile, and the other is a picture of dissolving stones.

"Miss, everything has been done, and it turns out that all the stones are good."

A woman walked in quickly. If anyone at the auction saw it, they would definitely recognize her.

She is the auctioneer who just presided over the auction.

"It wasn't found."

Dong Puti asked softly.

"No, we changed some very similar stones, and the young man didn't look at it much."

The auctioneer said respectfully.

"it is good."

Dong Puti nodded and finally looked away from Su Hao's body and put it on the picture of Xie Shi.

Jiang Yi was completely stunned at this time.

He opened his mouth, his expression sullen.

The few people around him who were still surrounding him left with a look of schadenfreude.

"Guest, this has already been ground into powder, can you open the next one?"

The man turned his head and asked.

"This-how-how-open... Hurry up and open it for me!"

Jiang Yi's expression showed a bit of grimness.

It's just a punch, because the golden pupil is unskilled, and it will definitely increase!

But after a few stones were opened in a row, only a few small pitiful pieces of jade were ground.

The appearance of this jade can actually be called a cobblestone.

Cloudy and even some pebbles look better than them.

"Guest, there is still the last piece, do you still want to open it?"

There was no ridicule on the man's face, and he still had the same unsavoury look.

But Jiang Yi seemed to see a silent sneer on the faces of these people.


Jiang Yi's words seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth.

This last piece is the piece he has high hopes for!

(Vote if you have a vote. The more you vote, the more you will get. Don't ask, the more you ask, the better.)

Chapter 193: The identity of the queen of the night, the fairy plays the fairy

Jiang Yi was like a gambler with red eyes, his face flushed, and he was gasping for breath.

The sounds of the people around him came into his ears.

"I thought it was a treasure appraising genius, but I didn't expect it to be so watery."

"That's right, speaking of it, he didn't stand out in advance to make a public appearance when he saw that Mr. Mu was preparing for the auction?"

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