"It's very possible that you said that. It seems that President Mu is the one with the strongest eyesight. No wonder he became famous at a young age."

Jiang Yi didn't argue, his eyes were already darkened, and he stared straight at the man who was dissolving stones.

A stone... a stone... or... a stone!

Inside, a small pitiful jadeite was lying there, as if it were a silent performance.

How is it possible, how is it possible? !

Jiang Yi's face and heart began to twitch.

Puyu, who spent a million yuan on it, wants to make a fortune and fame...

As a result, not a single piece of valuable jade came out!

It turned out that it was all fake...

While dumbfounded, a bit of despair appeared in his heart.

In addition to the failure of this plan, the more desperate thing is the problem of golden pupil.

Could it be that the golden pupils that he cultivated were just an illusion, and actually did not exist at all? !

The joys and sorrows of the world are not connected, and Su Hao is extremely relaxed and happy here.

He unceremoniously smiled a few more times and picked a few pieces of jade of moderate size.

"Little brother, what do you want so much jade for?"

Mu Qinghan asked curiously.

She didn't feel bad about the expensive jadeite jade being picked away, only strange.

"Make some jade pendants or something to give away."

Su Hao said casually.

After hearing this, Liu Qingwu and Mu Qinghan's eyes lit up.

"Little brother, who are you going to give it to?"

Liu Qingwu asked impatiently.

Mu Qinghan also cast his gaze, with two words in his eyes.

give me!

"Whoever sends it has nothing to do with you, it's not for you anyway."

Su Hao looks like a straight man of steel.

"My little brother is really annoying, isn't that still my jade?"

"If the little brother sends the elder sister, the elder sister will give you benefits and satisfy everything you want."

The two girls sneered at once.

"Jade has already been laughed at by me. As for the request, I don't care at all."

Su Hao said unceremoniously.

"Little brother is really, I have such a close relationship with you, can't you coax others?"

Liu Qingwu directly hugged Su Hao's arm.

"In the public, you should pay attention to my image, you are the heir of the Liu family."

Mu Qinghan grabbed Su Hao's other arm and reminded Liu Qingwu.

"What does that matter? I'm a part of the Liu family, but that doesn't mean I have to give everything I have for the Liu family."

"I naturally want to pursue someone I like. Is there anything to be ashamed of?"

With a charming smile on Liu Qingwu's face, what she said seemed quite reasonable.

The two hugged a man from left to right, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Many people's eyes widened, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

How holy is this man?

These two beautiful girls, whose family backgrounds are not ordinary people, actually like the same man so much?

However, there were also people who knew Su Hao, who immediately showed a surprised look and introduced them to the others in a low voice.

Only then did these bosses realize that they had such expressions.

The eldest young master of the Su family is considered to be in the right place.

It's just that these two women are jealous, which is really incredible.

However, Su Hao noticed a cold aura coming over, so he couldn't help turning his head to look over.

A woman wearing sunglasses and a skull mask was walking away from him.

The tight leather jacket perfectly set off the devil's figure, and the proportion of a pair of long legs is perfect.

Queen of the Night!

In other words, it should be called Ji Luoshui.

"Su Hao, the eldest son of the Su family."

A cold voice came over, making everyone who heard it shuddered.

Ji Luoshui originally wanted to come here to see the baby to relax, but he never expected to meet this person.

The good mood for a walk disappeared all of a sudden, and under the new hatred and the old hatred, it made her extremely irritable.

I originally wanted to stay away from him, but somehow, I still came over.

She wanted to do her last struggle again.

"It's me, what's the matter with you?"

Su Hao asked with a half-smile but not a smile.

"I want to talk to you alone about something, you heartless man."

Ji Luoshui's voice was cold and mixed with a bit of anger.

Negative man?

The people around suddenly pricked up their ears and looked at Su Hao with a curious look.

Those eyes are simply the fire of gossip burning!

Mu Qinghan's eyes suddenly became dangerous.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go out and talk, Senior Sister, Qingwu, I'll go first."

Su Hao agreed without hesitation, and didn't mind the other party throwing dirty water on him.

In fact, he has already carried enough black pots, not less than one or two.

The treasure appraising conference has ended, and there is no need to stay here.

"Ah? I originally wanted to invite my younger brother to dinner."

Mu Qinghan's face was full of regret.

"It's not your turn to invite you to dinner, little brother, don't you think?"

Liu Qingwu said with a sweet smile.

The voices of the two women arguing sounded behind him, making Su Hao feel helpless.

Each of them is an existence that can make people feel like a spring breeze, but why is it different when they meet together?

When he left, he glanced at Jiang Yi inadvertently, slightly surprised.

Why does this protagonist seem to have been hit by a huge blow, and the whole person is pale.

How can this kind of heart be the protagonist?

There is a very lush grove next to the hotel, which looks very suitable for conversation.

Su Hao and Ji Luoshui walked in one after another and stopped in a secluded place.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Su Hao turned his head with a playful smile.

"Su Hao, you are going too far. You are simply daring."

"I found out before that you threatened a student with my identity. I have nothing to do with the student."

Ji Luoshui's cold eyes looked straight at Su Hao through the sunglasses.

"Do you think that your denial is too anxious, and it seems a little abnormal."

The smile on Su Hao's face became more playful.

"You! You are simply rotten wood that cannot be carved!"

Ji Luoshui's heart froze for a moment, knowing that he was cocooning himself, but on the surface he still said coldly and angry.

Then, she turned her head and wanted to leave directly.

"Want to go?"

Su Hao turned around and blocked in front of her.

After calling myself out and putting on a call, I wanted to leave, what kind of person do you think you are?

Does he not want face?

"What else do you want to do?"

Ji Luo took a step back underwater consciously.

"You beat me here, and you have to give me some interest."

Su Hao smiled as he approached.

"Su Hao, I warn you not to go too far!"

Ji Luoshui's voice was still full of anger, she stepped back step by step, until she couldn't retreat, and leaned against a big tree.

She can become the Queen of the Night, and she naturally has kung fu in her hands.

It's not an exaggeration to beat a few big guys on a normal day.

But the secret was revealed, which made her feel an unprecedented sense of shame, and the shame was mixed with a bit of excitement.

It was a rather chaotic mood, and she herself didn't know why she didn't resist.

Of course, even resistance would have no effect.

"Excessive? Just to keep your memory alive."

Su Hao directly put one hand on the big tree beside her, giving the Queen of the Night a wall.

Ji Luoshui's body has a very strange cold aroma, like the fragrance of wine, but also like the fragrance of body.

However, it doesn't smell bad.

Ji Luo's pupils suddenly widened behind his sunglasses, and a little panic flashed in his eyes.

It was the first time she had encountered such a thing in her life.

"Woman, I told you to stay away from me, why are you disobedient?"

Su Hao stretched out his hand and lifted Ji Luoshui's chin, while the other hand was placed on her waist.

He could clearly feel the trembling on the Queen of the Night, and was quite satisfied with his acting skills.

His acting skills are really getting better and better, it's just domineering.

Now you should have a long memory, right?


Ji Luoshui gritted his teeth and said.

The anger in her eyes seemed to become real, and she wanted to eat people.

"Yes, that's what I want, remember it for me."

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