Jiang Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a pretty good chance to make a fortune!

And an ordinary bodyguard earns 10,000 a day. If his performance is better, wouldn't he have a bright future?

Moreover, Tian Lai Song Ji...

This is a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!

Unexpectedly, the **** of luck still favored him, he would definitely apply for the job and seize this opportunity!

Chapter 206 This is a gift from the younger brother, do you have it?

The joys and sorrows between people are not connected.

Compared to Jiang Yi, who was struggling to eat, Su Hao's side could be said to be rich.

Several pieces of top-quality jade that I had earned at the previous auction, I took it home and showed it off as soon as possible.

As for why you earn it yourself...

He laughed on his own merits, why didn't he earn it by himself?

But what I didn't expect was that Su Feiyan, who had never been very cold to these things, took most of the rough jade away.

The reason is also quite righteous, helping his younger brother save his wife's book.

This made Su Hao stunned and lost his temper.

Fortunately, Su Feiyan has a lot left for herself, and she can give it to a few girls after polishing it.

Dong Puti's gift was the first one, and other jade ornaments also arrived one after another.

What a joy.

After Su Hao got the things, he started the road of giving.

It's not that he has any purpose, but that it would be a pity if these beautiful things couldn't be worn on them.

He came to the campus with something, and the first one to look for was Cao Zijin.

The movement of this fairy is very fixed, and most of the time she is active near the art building.

Unless you're looking for him.

"Zijin, this is a gift for you. I got a piece of jade before, polished it out, and gave it to you."

Su Hao directly pushed the door and entered without much hesitation, and directly stated his purpose.

"For... me? Su Hao, thank you!"

Cao Zijin held the bracelet with an indescribable surprise in his eyes.

Is this implying something?

Could it be that his actions not long ago made him make up his mind?

This is an uncompromising surprise.

"You're welcome, you can continue practicing the piano, I'll go first."

Su Hao is a little more sensitive to Fairy's thanks now. Before she says she wants to thank herself, she should leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if he kissed himself again, he wouldn't be able to take it lightly.

The next one is Mu Qinghan.

Su Hao also knew very well where she was. It was the top floor of the law school.

As a special character like a senior, Mu Qinghan still has special treatment in the law school.

She has a separate lounge, which is usually undisturbed like Cao Zijin's piano room.

Su Hao didn't knock on the door, he pushed in directly.

"This is a private office, please don't enter."

An extremely indifferent voice came from the bench, as if to reject people thousands of miles away.

"Sister Mu, are you bothering you? It seems that I'm not here at the right time."

Su Hao looked at Mu Qinghan who was leaning on the chair and looking out the window, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and said with a smile.

From this position, Mu Qinghan looked like an indifferent queen looking at her subjects.

After Mu Qinghan heard this voice, he suddenly raised his head, and the expression on his face was almost instantly released.

"Little brother, you actually came to see me! Come in quickly."

Mu Qinghan's voice was filled with a bit of surprise.

"Senpai, are you thinking about life?"

Su Hao asked curiously.

"No, I was actually thinking about how to attack you."

Mu Qinghan showed a charming smile.

"Come on, the last time I drank, I drank myself down, and I still had such an idea."

Su Hao sincerely admired her perseverance.

"What did the younger brother come to do with me, do you want to come to a classroom play with me?"

"If that's the case, I don't mind."

Mu Qinghan blinked and asked.

"Come on, remember the jade last time, I have polished the jewelry, this is for you."

Su Hao quickly took out the bracelet and gave it to Mu Qinghan.

"I knew that the younger brother was hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, and he would definitely give it to me."

Mu Qinghan smiled very happily.

Although this is just a bracelet, it is of great significance.

"I still have something to do, so I won't bother you."

After Su Hao gave the bracelet, he turned his head and left.

Staying in the same room with this goblin is too dangerous.

Better to leave early.

The next one is from Lin Jiayu.

Her itinerary is quite simple. She basically goes where there are classes when she is in school.

After a little thought, Su Hao blocked Lin Jiayu at the door of an elective course.

"Senior Su! You actually came to me on your own initiative!"

When Lin Jiayu saw him at a glance, there was an undisguised surprise in his eyes.

Several of her classmates also saw this scene and showed quite envious expressions.

Although this is a rumored scumbag, he is really good!

Although it takes a little bit of effort, people are also powerful.

"Give you a present."

If Su Hao took out the jade bracelet.

This bracelet was originally made of excellent jade. Naturally, it looks crystal clear, with natural color and very good-looking.

When I looked at it at a glance, in addition to being good-looking, only four words were displayed.

Not cheap.

"What a beautiful bracelet, thank you Senior Su!"

There was a bit of surprise on Lin Jiayu's face.

Although I often receive gifts from various sisters, there are still very few gifts from seniors.

However, she still quite liked this gift.

But, why did you suddenly give yourself such a precious bracelet?

Is it implying something?

When the people around saw this scene, their faces became even more envious.

It seemed that Lin Jiayu really had an inexplicable relationship with this young master of the Su family.

"You're welcome, you have a class later, I'll go first."

Su Hao touched Lin Jiayu's head and turned to leave.

The other was from Liu Qingwu, and this one had to go to the company to find her.

There was no class left or right, so Su Hao drove directly towards Liu Qingwu's company.

Liu Qingwu was also very pleasantly surprised after receiving Su Hao's gift.

It's not that she hasn't seen anything better than this, but this bracelet is not like a good thing in the conventional sense.

After Su Hao was done, he went straight home, leaving behind Liu Qingwu, who giggled from time to time.

After Mu Qinghan got the bracelet, his face was full of happiness.

She played with the bracelet, looking like she couldn't put it down.

No, you have to go out and show it off.

How to say that sentence, wealth does not return home, such as clothing at night.

When she went out, she wanted to show Liu Qingwu that vixen.

This is a token of love!

Before leaving the school, Mu Qinghan ran into Cao Zijin, and was instantly overjoyed.

Show you the same!

But before she could walk forward, she saw the bracelet on her hand.

At that moment, the smile on Mu Qinghan's face froze.

Although the appearance of the bracelet is different from his own, in terms of texture, it is basically the same.

Not right.

The smile on Mu Qinghan's face faded a little, and he didn't go any further, and walked outside with a heavy heart.

She already had some not-so-good guesses.

Before she could walk out of the school gate, Liu Qingwu was on the way.

Today, she deliberately wore a short-sleeved dress, revealing her white arms and the sparkling bracelets.

Very beautiful, quite beautiful, just a little familiar.

"Qinghan, I..."

It was obvious that Liu Qingwu came with the same purpose, but she just said a few words and couldn't go on.

She also saw Mu Qinghan's bracelet.

At that moment, the two women who were not stupid at first suddenly understood something.

Four words can describe their current mood.


I originally thought that only I had it, but I took it out to show it off, but it turned out to be one person? !

It's just too much!

"Sister Mu, Sister Qingwu, how are you?"

Lin Jiayu, who was just about to go home, greeted them warmly.

Two pairs of eyes stared at him immediately.

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