Lin Jiayu: QAQ

"Damn, it's bearable and unbearable!"

Mu Qinghan's face flushed red, both angry and ashamed, they turned their heads and left.

She wants to come to the door and ask!

Liu Qingwu was also very angry, she suddenly got up and walked outside the school.

Leaving Lin Jiayu blankly looking at her raised hand, she was very confused.

Mu Qinghan came directly to Rujia's villa, and after ringing the doorbell a few times, Sophia, who was wearing a seductive maid outfit, opened the door.

On her delicate collarbone, a beautiful jade pendant hangs there.

The corners of Mu Qinghan's mouth twitched, and people went numb.

Thinking about how complacent she was not long ago, she had a feeling of incomparable anger.

The same was true for Liu Qingwu, who followed behind. Standing beside Mu Qinghan, the two began to share the same hatred.

ten minutes later.

Su Hao was sitting on the sofa, looking at the two women in front of him in confusion.

"Scumbag, do you have anything to say?"

Mu Qinghan gritted his teeth and said.

"Didn't I just give gifts to my friends, how could I be a scumbag?"

Su Hao said innocently.

"It's you who is wrong, little brother, you must be punished."

Mu Qinghan's words were a bit arrogant.

Although she thinks it wrong, she can't admit that it's her own problem, right?

"Yes, I think the little brother has to be punished too."

Liu Qingwu echoed in a rare way.

"Okay, what do you think?"

Su Hao decisively gave up reasoning with women.

"Today is too late, come to the rehearsal room tomorrow morning."

After Mu Qinghan finished saying these words, he took Liu Qingwu and left.

She is really guilty of such a rhetoric, and naturally she won't stay here for long.

"I haven't made a request yet..."

Liu Qingwu's dissatisfied voice came from the door.

"I will join your share, didn't you say we are friends..."

Hearing them leave, Su Hao rubbed his temples with a headache.

the next day.

Although Su Hao had no class in the morning, he still went to school.

No way, if the appointment is missed, the result will not be very good.

After going to the rehearsal room, Mu Qinghan had been waiting here for a long time.

She was wearing tights and training clothes, which perfectly set off her incomparably enchanting figure.

There was no one in the rehearsal room, and it looked a little deserted.

"I'm here, senpai, what's the matter?"

Su Hao looked at Mu Qinghan who was doing warm-up activities and asked.

"Help me train, little brother, press my legs first."

Mu Qinghan showed a gentle smile.

Su Hao was a little confused, but he did as he did.

The long legs in black silk look extremely slender, and they feel soft and elastic when pressed.

"Senpai, are you really planning to dance at the welcome party?"

Su Hao asked casually.

"Of course, my skills are very good. Wouldn't it be a pity if I didn't do a dance?"

Mu Qinghan let out a soft moan.

"So the purpose of having me here is to help you rehearse?"

Su Hao raised his eyebrows and asked.

"How could it be so simple, well, the warm-up is over, and the punishment can officially begin."

Mu Qinghan stood up and smiled meaningfully.

Su Hao subconsciously took two steps back, a little afraid that she would pounce directly.

"Little brother, let me show you a pole dance."

Mu Qinghan said with a smile.

"Show this for what?"

Su Hao asked suspiciously.

Are you calling yourself here just to dance for yourself?

If it was really that simple, he wouldn't believe it.

"Of course it's for you to see, of course, it's better to participate in it anyway."

"I want my little brother to play the role of a pole in my dance."

While talking, Mu Qinghan pulled Su Hao to the center of the stage.

"I didn't expect that I would still play the role of the steel pipe."

The corner of Su Hao's mouth twitched.

"When I learned this dance, it was for you."

Mu Qinghan showed a very charming smile.

When facing Su Hao, this glamorous and domineering female president was like a lovely fairy.

Su Hao didn't know what to say for a while.

Mu Qinghan didn't give him a chance to speak, so he started dancing.

Pole dancing was originally a very fragrant dance, and it was naturally very beautiful to be danced by Mu Qinghan.

Mu Qinghan danced extremely happily like a nightclub queen.

The delicate body and Su Hao had intimate contact from time to time, which made his heart itch more and more.

Physical contact is just too much.

The soft, fierce, long slender legs rubbed against Su Hao's body.

This kind of feeling is like scratching the itch, making people feel angry but have nowhere to vent.

Can't stand it anymore.

If you push it further, something will happen.

"Senior sister, I was wrong, just open the conditions."

Su Hao was forced to ask for mercy.

"Since this is the case, I will not embarrass you. At the welcome party, I want to make a big show."

"Little brother, let's do a duet show with me. I mentioned it once before, and now it's an official invitation."

Mu Qinghan said without hesitation, it seemed that he had planned it for a long time.

A pas de deux?

It sounds pretty simple.

It's just that this duo dance is not very easy to dance, and it is a test of two people's dancing skills and cooperation.

Su Hao does know how to dance duets, it's just Mu Qinghan's words...

"Senpai, you can also dance duets? This is different from a solo dance."

Su Hao asked his doubts.

He knew that Mu Qinghan had learned some dances, but those dances were all for slimming and shaping.

It can even be called yoga, which is non-performative.

And the duet dance is not the same as the single dance, which is a test of the dancer's level.

Otherwise, two people on the stage you step on me and I step on you, which will make people laugh out loud.

Those who knew it thought they were performing a duet, and those who didn't knew they thought they were performing a sketch.

Chapter 207 Scumbag, I won't be your plaything

"Of course it will, little brother, don't underestimate me, if you don't believe me, we can come for a while."

Mu Qinghan said confidently.

"Since you said that, I'll give you a chance to perform. You can come up with a paragraph yourself, and I'll see."

Su Hao nodded, looking forward to your performance.

Although he can't dance, he has a certain level of appreciation.

How Mu Qinghan's level is, just take a look at it to know.

Mu Qinghan stretched out his hand and made a standard invitation gesture.

Su Hao nodded silently, looking like that.

Then, Mu Qinghan began to dance alone.

The corner of Su Hao's eyes twitched while watching this scene.

To say that she is not good-looking, she is indeed pleasing to the eye, and with such a face, she will not be ugly.

However, to say that this is a serious duet would be biased.

How should I put it, I feel that the action in some places seems to be too much.

Such an elegant and moving double waltz actually jumped out of a nightclub style.

Mu Qinghan's movements were quite provocative, and he felt very astringent.

She stretched her legs and twisted her waist, her face flushed, bright and beautiful.

But Su Hao was very doubtful that the other party had already incorporated the pole dance he just danced into it.

He didn't remember such an action!

If Su Hao danced with her on stage at the welcome party, he might feel uncomfortable.

As far as dancing skills are concerned, Mu Qinghan's dancing skills are average, and it can be seen that she is not dancing randomly.

But that's about it.

If this level is not intentional, if you want to go to the orientation party, you really have to go through the back door.

Just when Su Hao sighed and shook his head, Mu Qinghan suddenly squeaked and fell towards the front.

Su Hao's eyes were quick, and he hugged her.


Mu Qinghan took a breath and said in Su Hao's ear.

Just by hearing this word, you can see that this is not some kind of cheap trick.

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