I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1004: Search for evidence

"Look at the corpse, there are footprints!"

The ghost repair yelled.

"Ghost, it's normal to have footprints, this is snow."

Stewardess Ou vomited.

"Take off his shoes and compare his footprints." Jiang Siming ordered.

Ghost repairs did it immediately, and after comparison, they found that the footprints were the same.

"It's Captain Zhen's own footprints."

"But there is an empty wine bottle next to him, and his body is full of alcohol. Could it be that he was frozen to death here after being drunk?" Guigui guessed.

"The same footprint does not necessarily mean that it must be his footprint, if someone deliberately forged the scene."

Jiang Siming rejected the speculation of ghosts.

Wang Ou also joined the process of searching the corpse.

"Hey, his clothes are all smelling of alcohol, as if it was deliberately spilled on his body to cause drunkenness."

"He still has a red mark on his face. This is either lipstick or blood."

Stewardess Ou's inspection is much more careful than ghost maintenance.

But the two women still couldn't find the real cause of death.

Jiang Siming had to step into the scene of the ‘corpse’ and squatted down to investigate with them.

"Jiang Daxia, can you see the difference between the corpses?" The ghost was confused and could only ask Jiang Siming for help.

Jiang Siming took a closer look at the corpse and found something different on the corpse's belt.

"Ghost, take off his pants." Jiang Siming ordered.

"Huh? I take off my pants..." The ghost looked confused and blushed.

"I want to look at that belt, don't worry, this is a prop, why are you shy?" Jiang Siming smiled.

"No way, no, this is Stewardess Ou's husband. How can I pick up people's pants? Let Stewardess Ou come."

GuiGui threw the pot to Wang Ou, and Wang Ou angrily blew gently on her head.

In the end, Wang Ou pulled out the belt of the prop doll, but he didn't really take off his pants.

"Huh! Why is there such an obvious crack in the middle of this belt? It looks like it's being held back by something."

"Look for it nearby and see that there is nothing that can tighten the belt like this month."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he began to look for it.

Sure enough, he found a coil of steel wire next to the ferry, with traces of the steel wire being used.

Jiang Siming unfolded it and found that there was an obvious depression in the steel wire.

"How could this wire be like this?" Wang Ou asked in confusion.

"This steel wire is bent only after being subjected to gravity, and this steel wire just fits to pinch a belt crack." Jiang Siming analyzed.

This Captain Zhen did not commit suicide. Of course, the program team will not arrange suicide. After all, this is a detective reasoning game.

"Hey, do you think this strangled it?"

Wang Ou found that there was a lifting frame next to the shuttle bus, and the lever on the lifting frame was exactly the same as the curvature of the steel wire.

Jiang Siming glanced at the lever and found that everything else was normal, except for the signs of wear in the middle.

"Yes, the wire must be one of the tools of the crime. The murderer wanted to use the wire to lift the victim and put it here disguised as a scene of drunken suicide."

Having said that, Wang Ou also nodded in agreement.

"Daxia Jiang, I found a pair of shoes!"

Guigui also found a new piece of evidence, a pair of shoes exactly the same as those worn by Captain Zhen.

And the soles on the shoes had water stains. On the other hand, the shoes that Captain Zhen wore were indeed very clean, without any water stains.

You must know that when people walk in the snow, the soles of their shoes will definitely get a lot of water.

The soles of Captain Zhen's shoes were so clean. Obviously, this proved once again that Captain Zhen was homicide.

Moreover, the other party came to the scene of the crime wearing the same shoes as Captain Zhen, and it is likely that the new shoes will be replaced by Captain Zhen after processing.

Jiang Siming rummaged through the corpse of the props and found that there were wounds and bags on his head that were hit by a blunt weapon.

Jiang Siming's analysis convinced Wang Ou and Guigui, because this has always been their basic operation for investigating the case. Anyway, the suspenseful program group will arrange the case.

"Then why is there only one footprint?" Stewardess Ou asked Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled slightly and said: "This is normal, because after the murderer brought Captain Zhen on his back, he tied his belt with a wire, and then used the railing of the lifting frame to return according to the original footprints, and completely After putting it on the snow, take the steel wire back. The steel wire must be a live buckle."

"Then what we are looking for now is evidence related to the murderer's wine bottle, belt, and steel wire. Also, we need to find the motive for the murder."

Stewardess Ou found the search direction.

The three immediately began searching in the evidence room.

Jiang Siming came to the stewardess Ou's room for the first time. In fact, he just looked for it casually.

Unexpectedly, she really found a strange piece of evidence, which was a child's DNA report.

"Isn't your child yours and Captain Zhen?" Jiang Siming asked.

Unexpectedly, the flight attendant Ou, who was searching for something, heard Jiang Siming's glance, her tone was sour and sour, and said: "Don't ask me about the child, you should ask yourself."


The ghosts on the side just ran over to take a look at them, just as they had heard some great secret.

On the report sheet, it was stated that the child and Captain Zhen were not biologically related.

"Wow! Is this kid from the two of you? It's too much, you are carrying Captain Zhen** on your back!"

The ghost shouted.

Jiang Siming and Wang Ou both felt ashamed and wanted to cover their faces.

"Please, ghosts, don't guess whether it's okay, don't we know each other before, and then I will marry Captain Zhen?"

Stewardess Ou said irritably, Mei Mu secretly looked at Jiang Siming, but found that Jiang Siming was still immersed in the evidence search.

"Then you say that, were you and Jiang Daxia a couple before?"


"No wonder Jiang Daxia told you that your husband is dead just now."

Jiang Siming: "..."

After searching for some more seemingly useful evidence, the five-minute evidence search time was over, and the three of them exited the evidence room.

He Jiu and the other group also walked in.

"Let's compare today to see if it was the flight attendant Ou and the ghost maintenance led by A Ming who solved the case first, or the three men from the heaven group who solved the case first, okay?" He Jiu said with a smile.

"No problem, I will let the two ignorant women know that although my brother is not as good as President Jiang, my wisdom must be outstanding!" Said the host strangely.

Xiaobai added a sentence beside: "Are you saying that President Jiang has a low IQ?"

"Xiaobai, you are talking nonsense! How can I say such things, you are provoking discord!"

Host Sa hurriedly sealed her mouth, and looked back uneasy, as if she was afraid of being heard by Jiang Siming.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Sa was also afraid of others.


[Author's digression]: The first one.

I caught a cold with sake today. The weather has changed too fast recently. I was frozen last night without paying attention. I lay in bed for almost 20 hours today. I haven’t woken up. Now I go to the hospital for a drip. Write a chapter first. If I can tomorrow If you are good, you will make up all of them. If you are not good, you will make up for them in stages, owing you two more. Sorry for sake.

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