I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1005: Touching picture

The evidence search time is over.

Everyone came to the meeting room.

Chairperson Sa sat in the detective's position.

Let everyone report their findings and inferences in turn.

The first thing that started was He Jiuhe's assistant driver.

He Fujia presented a series of evidence he had searched.

The first sign of these evidences is Jiang Siming.

"Manager Jiang, Stewardess Ou, please tell us what is the relationship between you and why in Stewardess Ou’s room, we found so many love letters written to you by Stewardess Feng Ou, and the blood type of Captain Zhen’s family. The report sheet states that Captain Zhen has blood type A, stewardess Ou is also blood type A, and their baby has blood type B."

He Jiu finished talking and asked with a smirk: "Excuse me, my parents are of type A blood, how could the baby born with type B blood?"

As soon as this was said, everyone began to look at Jiang Siming and Wang Ou with ambiguous eyes.

Anyone who has studied biology knows that children born with the same blood type will only have the same blood type, or they are universal blood type O.

Two type A couples will never give birth to a type B baby.

"Executive Jiang, what blood type are you?" Xiaobai asked curiously.

"I am Type B." Jiang Siming confessed honestly.

The big guy understood in seconds.

The child of Captain Zhen is Jiang Junling's child.

Love is a light, so green that you panic, Captain Zhen, like being a father, you are too miserable~

And Jiang Siming also had a hooded look, because the information did not tell him that he had a child.

This...this Nima is a son? Suddenly there was a child.

"Wait, Teacher He, I have a piece of evidence that is similar to yours. Let me show it to you!" Xiaobai said, looking out the photos of the evidence from the phone.

“This is a text message from Captain Zhen’s mobile phone. It indicates that Captain Zhen has noticed something wrong, so he has handed over the blood types of his child and Senior Executive Jiang to the hospital for DNA testing. The hospital explained that it will be at 12 o’clock tonight. The results."

Xiao Bai's discovery immediately made everyone's eyes brightened. This clue is too crucial!

Yes, Captain Zhen died before twelve o'clock tonight.

If after twelve o'clock, Captain Zhen would find out that he was cuckolded, the most disadvantaged person would naturally be Executive Jiang.

And Executive Jiang, probably because of this, chose to kill Captain Zhen before twelve o'clock to hide this secret.

Jiang Siming's suspicion value rose to a peak.

Jiang Siming was speechless, looking at everyone's eyes, he almost began to suspect that he did it.

"But I didn't know that I still had a child. If I didn't know, why would I be afraid of Captain Zhen's investigation?"

Jiang Siming found a path for himself to be washed away from the "cracks."

But everyone was deeply distrustful of these words. Jiang Siming had a certain way and could only respond to them with pure eyes.

I didn't do it, it was not me. You have wronged the good people.

After He Jiu finished speaking, he returned to his seat. At this time, Xiao Bai took over the analysis position, and his sign was naturally Jiang Siming. Of course, flight attendant Ou was also very suspicious.

"We also found the information of the paternity test in the Stewardess Ou’s mobile phone, indicating that Stewardess Ou also knew about this, so I think that except for the senior executive Jiang, the suspicion of Stewardess Ou is equally great. After all, she loves the house and Wu, especially women. Love will turn flight attendant Ou into a killer of certain feelings."

"Xiaobai, you are so courageous and fat, dare to say that your sister and me, right?"

Wang Ouqi closed, his eyes shot a ‘death ray’.

Xiaobai, as the youngest child in this show, had a convulsive heart at that time.

"If you don't threaten the witnesses so much, you are more suspicious like this." Host Sa knocked on the table dissatisfied from the side.

At the same time, he said to the flight attendant Ou: "Also, don't change the subject and explain honestly. Did you do it?"

"It's not me." Wang Ou said.

"Then what is the relationship between you and Executive Jiang?"

Xiaobai interjected again at this time: "By the way, I also found a repeater in the stewardess Ou's wardrobe. There was only one song in it, which was Liu Ruoying's "Successful"."

Fulfilled? Who is it who makes it?

This made everyone more curious about the story between the flight attendant Ou and the executive Jiang.

Under everyone's torture, Wang Oucai told the story between her and Jiang executives.

Wang Ou and Jiang executives were college classmates ten years ago, and they are in a romantic relationship, both are first love.

However, because both of them are not very well-educated, Wang Ou has a good academic record and successfully entered the aviation industry with Captain Zhen.

However, the senior executive Jiang did not do well, so he could only arrange ground work in the end.

The two drifted away, just as the executive Jiang met the daughter of the boss of MG Airlines with a lot of money while working on the ground.

A lot of money chases Jiang's executives.

For the sake of future, executive Jiang chose to be with Qian Duoduo and became the door-to-door son-in-law.

Wang Ou finally lowered his head seriously and said:

"He told me that he might not love me anymore. He felt that love was worthless in front of bread, so he had to choose his better future and let me fulfill him. After fulfilling him, the song "Successfulness" became A song I listen to every day."

When he said this, Wang Ou was obviously taken into this role.

It is easy for actors to take on roles when they act, which is a good thing for actors.

Jiang Siming wanted to skip hip-hop, but seeing Wang Ou's emotions suddenly came, he didn't smile.

So Jiang Siming quickly cut into the role, and it was too easy to enter the role before the actor mastery.

Everyone looked at Jiang Siming and found that his face was full of memories and regret and loneliness in his eyes.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became much quieter.

"So you and Zhen were together after the breakup?" Jiang Siming asked Wang Ou.

With gentleness and guilt in her tone, the faint voice passed into Wang Ou's ears, which made her fully enter the role.

Wang Ouhong nodded and said: "After breaking up with you, I found out that I was pregnant with your child, so there is no way, I can only choose to be with Zhen."

Jiang Siming was silent for a while, touched his nose, and said, "Why are you singing that song?"

Without any hesitation, Wang Ou sang a cappella on the spot: "I have spent so many years of youth for you, but in exchange for a sentence thank you for your fulfillment, which fulfilled your chic and adventurous, fulfilled my blue sea and blue sky..."

Jiang Siming's eyes were suddenly moist, and his hands propped his forehead in an attempt to cover his sadness.

The others at the scene were moved and sad.

They recorded this program for so long, and it was the first time they encountered such a touching experience.

The conversation and expressions of the two really moved each of them.


"Director, can you call it a click? Isn't my performance okay?"

Jiang Siming's teasing brought everyone back to reality...

It turned out that this guy just... all acted!


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