I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1006: Fantasy case

Others also showed their findings and opinions one after another, but in fact, everyone is suspected.

It's just a matter of suspect size.

The suspicion of Jiang Siming and Wang Ou is still the biggest.

Finally, it was Jiang Siming's turn to speak.

Everyone was expecting what Jiang Siming would say, and who would he suspect.

Or will Jiang Siming play this kind of game for the first time?

Jiang Siming walked to the front seat and began to post evidence of his own shooting on the blackboard.

Jiang Siming first pointed to a photo of a work permit and marriage certificate.

"This photo shows that the shuttle bus driver is a woman and Bai Kongshao's wife."

He pointed to a screenshot of Bai Kongshao's mobile phone text message, which was a message sent by the deceased Captain Zhen to Bai Kongshao in the morning.

The content of the message is that Captain Zhen told Bai Kongshao not to let his wife drive the shuttle bus today.

"This photo shows that Captain Zhen seems to know in advance what is going to happen today and that the plane will hit the shuttle bus today."

Jiang Siming put a photo again. The photo was a box with tools for crime.

There are wires, electric batons, daggers, iron bars, etc.

"These tools should all be used for crimes, and they were all hidden by Captain Zhen and placed in a box in his room."

After Jiang Siming said this, he then asked Deputy Driver Chao He: "Did Captain Zhen say that strange and inexplicable thing on the plane today?"

"Yes, he did send a broadcast before landing, asking all passengers to hold their heads, breathe deeply, and welcome the impact." Hejiu answered honestly.

Jiang Siming snapped his fingers and moved coolly.

"Then can we come to the conclusion that the death of Captain Zhen was either premeditated by him, his personality split, and he killed himself."

"Either, he has experienced the killing a long time ago. He is a traverser. No matter how bad it is, it has something to do with traversal. He knows what happened in advance.

After Jiang Siming finished his analysis, everyone's first reaction was not to believe it.

This diagnosis is too weird, right? Split personality? Crossing? Where is this?

"Have you seen the movie "Butterfly Effect" or "Happy Death"? The plot that Captain Zhen has encountered now is very similar to these two movies.

When Jiang Siming said so, everyone felt a bit like it. But it feels too ridiculous.

Your analysis is over, Chairperson Sa is going to vote.

This is the first round of evidence search and analysis. As a detective, Mr. Sa will cast a single vote.

As for who he voted for, no one knows yet.

After voting and returning, Mr. Sa asked everyone to start the second round of evidence search.

There is no need to group this time, everyone will search together.

At the beginning of the second round of evidence search, Detective Sa received an autopsy report from the forensic doctor.

The report confirmed that Captain Zhen died because of mechanical suffocation caused by pressing his nose and mouth.

"Captain Zhen died of suffocation, but why did he lie next to the shuttle bus with only one footprint." He Jiu suspiciously asked.

Jiang Siming reminded: "Don't forget the steel wire. The murderer can use the steel wire to hang the dead here."

"Find evidence, look for it!" Detective Sa can't wait to know the truth.

Everyone began to search separately.

Flight attendant Ou first found a painting in the cabin.

"Jiang Shen, come and see!" The stewardess Ou was named Jiang Siming the first time, and she didn't know why, it might be a conditioned reflex.

Jiang Siming walked over and looked at it. In the painting, there is a very scary portrait.

And a few words were written on the painting: Who are you? I want to live past twelve o'clock tonight, 12:00!

"This figure looks terrifying, especially like the masks in those horror movies." Stewardess Ou said.

However, Jiang Siming had a bit of spirit, and said: "The words above should be written by Captain Zhen. He wants to live through twelve o'clock tonight, which shows that he really experienced the bad luck of being killed before twelve o'clock."

"As for this number, you can write it down and see if there are any passwords that need to be opened later. You can try."

Stewardess Ou nodded after hearing this. After searching, she really found a Captain Zhen's laptop and opened it with 1200.

Inside the computer, there was an email that convinced everyone that the inference Jiang Siming said before was true.

Because this email was sent to him by Captain Zhen, it clearly stated what would happen at each point in time today.

With this email, it is thoroughly confirmed that the plot this time is really such a magical setting.

Captain Zhen is a traverser, or it can be said that he is trapped in a certain period of time.

He knows exactly what will happen today, so he told Young Master Bai Kong not to let his wife drive the shuttle bus in advance.

Although his wife drove and died in the end, it was more proof that Captain Zhen was'things like a god'.

The plot suddenly appeared in fantasy, but it became more interesting.

Everyone searched again and found another piece of paper, which was indeed full of the time and passage of each death of Captain Zhen.

These are all written by Captain Zhen himself, and his purpose is to find out who killed him.

After the evidence search, everyone returned to the meeting room, but their faces were solemn.

Because of this plot, almost everyone is suspected.

During the two rounds of evidence search, Anchor Sa failed to rule out even one person, let alone lock the murderer.

"To be honest, I am a little confused, this episode is so difficult."

Sa host smiled bitterly.

"The main reason is that the evidence we found seems to be well-founded, and everyone has problems."

He Jiu also smiled bitterly.

Seeing everyone's sad faces, Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Actually, the answer is almost out."

"Oh? Really? Senior Manager Jiang, please analyze the wave for us." Host Sa quickly asked.

Jiang Siming also didn't want to play mystery, got up and picked up the piece of paper, and said: "The above is all the time and passage of the murder written by Captain Zhen."

"This doesn't seem like a clue, but it gives us a big direction."

"What direction?" Ghost Maintenance asked suspiciously.

"Since every death is today, it can be proved that the murderer’s motive for death could not have occurred today. TA must have premeditated to kill Captain Zhen, that is, before today, not today, Do you understand what I mean?" Jiang Siming said.

Host Sa and He Jiu reacted first, and they both patted their thighs at the same time.


Indeed, if the murderer only had the motive to kill Captain Zhen today, how could he have done it in so many time points.

The murderer must have had the motive and idea to kill him before today.

"Then we can exclude those who have the motive and reason for killing Captain Zhen today." He Jiu said.

Unexpectedly, a seemingly ordinary piece of evidence could dig up such a deep truth.

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