I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1007: Target the real culprit!

The chairman of Sa immediately began to rule out: "The first thing you can do is to rule out Bai Kongshao, because his wife died today, and he wants to avenge his wife. It is true that only today's murderous intent appears.

"Secondly, the first officer He can be ruled out, because his operation error caused the plane to land and cause an accident. This is also a murder that only appeared today."

"Except for the two of them, only executive Jiang, flight attendant Ou and the ghost maintenance are left, beautiful!"

Chairperson Sa couldn't help applauding Jiang Siming's analysis. This wave of analysis was too quintessential.

If Jiang Siming didn't say this, they would still be trapped among five people.

At least two have now been ruled out.

"Aming, do you have any ideas?" He Jiu felt that Jiang Siming shouldn't have only this in mind.

Sure enough, Jiang Siming continued:

"Look carefully, the time of each death of Captain Zhen above is before twelve o'clock tonight. Captain Zhen also wrote that he must live past twelve o'clock."

"The murderer probably knew that something very unfavorable to him would happen at twelve o'clock, so he would kill. Then what happened after twelve o'clock?"

Jiang Siming said this, and the host Sa said with a weird expression:

"Executive Jiang, you are still the most suspicious, because there will be a DNA report after 12 o'clock."

Jiang Siming responded without fear: "But the problem is that I didn't know that Captain Zhen was doing DNA identification."

"But in the second round of evidence search, we found evidence about you again. We found the huge bribery bill of 100 million bribes in the company in Captain Zhen’s pocket. Why do you rely on this? You have another reason to kill. , Because you are afraid that Captain Zhen will report you for taking bribes, you will go to jail."

Everyone felt that what Mr. Sa said was very reasonable, and Jiang Siming's motive for killing another man was hard evidence.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "Then I ask you, if I killed him for this reason, why would the bribery slip be found in his pocket? Shouldn't I take it away and destroy it long ago?"

"This..." Sa presided over the misfire.

Yes, if for this reason, why didn't Jiang Siming kill Captain Zhen and take away the bribery bill?

It shows that he did not know that the bribery slip was controlled by Captain Zhen.

Seeing that he was not speaking, Jiang Siming continued to speak: "Is it true that only the DNA report sheet comes out at 12 o'clock?"

"Also, there is also the specific cause of the aircraft accident. A detailed and accurate report will be issued at 12 o'clock." Bai Kongshao said.

"What is probably the cause of the accident on this plane?" Jiang Siming asked.

He Jiu immediately raised his hand: "I, I didn't open the spoiler, but I just didn't open the spoiler, but the aircraft itself has a problem, the landing gear is broken, it seems to be a screw problem."

"Screw? I remember what Guiyou said at the beginning of his accident?" Jiang Siming threw the problem to Guigui.

GuiGui's eyes were erratic at this time, but she was quickly suppressed.

"I was drinking too much with Captain Zhen the day before yesterday, and then accidentally replaced the No. 2 screw with the No. 1 screw when changing the screws."

"This is the reason that the landing gear broke, right?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

Guigui nodded with a guilty conscience, and immediately explained: "I do have the motive to kill him, but I just thought about it, and didn't really do it."

"That's weird, then why did Captain Zhen still ask you for a drink today?"

"What's weird about asking me for a drink? We often drink together, didn't we drink too the day before yesterday?" Guigui retorted.

Jiang Siming smiled and began to walk around the ghosts.

"Drinking is not surprising, but don't forget, before Captain Zhen died, there was an empty wine bottle next to him, and his clothes were sprinkled with alcohol."

"This... this empty wine bottle can't prove anything, can't others plant the blame?"

"Oh, planting the blame for a captain drinking? A captain drinking or not, I think strangers don’t know, only those close to him know. One is Stewardess Ou, and the other is your good buddy. Wrong?"

Jiang Siming rubbed his chin and asked with a grin.

The ghosts' eyes began to drift.

Just about to speak, he was interrupted by Jiang Siming again.

"Do you still want to say why you don't doubt Stewardess Ou?"

Guigui didn't answer, but the expression already told everyone the answer, she really wanted to say that.

"The problem lies in the fact that the cause of Captain Zhen's death was suffocation and he was sent to the apron with a wire and then used the lever of a lifter. People who can use the wire flexibly, do you think a stewardess can do it easily? Only you, maintenance man."

"And the other death methods of Captain Zhen, electric batons, wires, etc., seem to be related to you. You are most familiar with this method."

When Jiang Siming talked about this, everyone's mind had already begun to tilt.

I have to say that Jiang Siming's analysis is too good! Hit the nail on the head! People can't find a reason to refute.

"Finally, let me say one more point. Since Captain Zhen has died so many times, and he has been very defensive each time, he is still killed by the murderer. This shows that the murderer must be someone he never thought of, and the person he trusts most. ."

"And when he was so important, he didn't even look for his wife, and he went to see you for a drink today. It shows that you are the person he most never expected. He thinks you are completely safe, so he has been repeatedly brutally attacked by you."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the ghost was speechless.

Everyone said in their hearts that it was settled at that time, it was confirmed, that's right!

In front of these evidences described by Jiang Siming, ghosts have nowhere to hide.

No matter how big the suspicion of Jiang Siming was, he was immediately cleared up at this moment.

Then came the voting time, there was no curiosity, everyone voted ghosts.

The program group also announced that the murderer is indeed a ghost.

Guigui was imprisoned in the'prison'. When she entered, her eyes were very resentful, and her eyes were staring at Jiang Siming.

"Daxia Jiang, if it weren't for you, I would probably get six gold bars in this issue, oooooo~"

Yes, without Jiang Siming's analysis, it is estimated that the suspicion of ghosts is the smallest.

The murderer can win all the gold bars.

It's a pity that Guigui met Jiang Siming. This kind of brain seeds is a thousand times better than ordinary people.

This program ended successfully, except for ghosts, everyone got a gold bar.

The gold bars are still real, and the sponsors seem to be quite rich.

"Aming, what do you think of this show?" He Jiu asked Jiang Siming how he felt.

"Very good, really interesting." Jiang Siming said frankly.

"So are you interested in participating in the next issue?" He Jiu asked with a smirk.

"Yes, I must participate if I have time." Jiang Siming agreed happily.

"Okay, if you come again next time, we will definitely let you be a detective."

"Yes, yes, Jiang Daxia's detective ability is much better than Sa Sa."

"What nonsense, beat you up."



[Author's digression]: Today’s third update, I owe you two more yesterday. Try the sake if you can write it out. Try to make it up today. If you don’t make it, wait until the sake gets better.

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