I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1008: Awei is married

At the end of the program recording, Jiang Siming took Liang Tian back to Shanghai from Changsha.

Not long after arriving home, Jiang Siming received a great news from his good brother A Wei that he was getting married.

After 7 years of long-distance running between Awei and Bee Boy, finally there is a certain number.

The two fell in love when the bee was hit by the great god.

Although there were a lot of twists and turns in the bizarre quarrel, the two were still together.

Now that the two are getting married, Jiang Siming naturally blessed with both hands.

After the two had a wedding in their hometown and set up a banquet, they hosted another one in Shanghai. After all, many of their friends stayed in Shanghai, so that everyone was not running around.

The wedding in Shanghai was very grand, after all, Ah Wei is also a well-known figure in the gaming circle.

The LGD genius mid laner, today's PUBG champion, 4AM boss, and Awei's gaming life are legendary.

Friends in the e-sports circle rushed to participate in the wedding banquet, and Awei is also the brother of a certain platform.

Certainly, Mouya cannot be let down. The major Mouya anchors have appeared one after another, which is even more lively than the Fan Festival.

Even because Jiang Siming unified Mouya and Mouyu, the two platforms are not friendly or foe, and many anchors of Mouyu have also come here.

The wedding banquet is naturally held in Fuding. How can we not take care of the banquet held by my family.

More than 80 tables were set up, but they were almost not enough.

When Awei and Bee Boy came out, more than 80 guests applauded.

Jiang Siming is at the front table, and the people next to him are 4am players, friends like 17shou, and big anchors like PDD, a big Sima Sao male.

On both sides of Jiang Siming, there are even two beautiful women accompanied, one is PUBG's commentary kite, and the other is LOL's commentator Rita.

Both commentators are fans of Jiang Siming. As a female fan and a female fan with such a high profile, Jiang Siming naturally doesn't mind if they sit with him.

Don't worry, don't worry, I, Jiang, is not a person who values ​​color and despise friends.

If you are my male fan, so good, I will never let you down, the table closest to the gate, see?

It's the 79th table, there is still a place there, go.

The first one Awei came out was naturally to come to Jiang Siming's table, and the two couples came over with their wine glasses.

"Wow, Awei, you are embarrassed to come out to toast if you hold such a small cup." 17shou said.

Great God took it for granted: "Nonsense, do you know how many glasses of wine I have to toast today? If you come to block the wine for me, I will immediately change the big glass."

"What are you afraid of, come on, A beast, I am optimistic about you. It's a man, don't persuade you." Jiang Siming watched the excitement on the sidelines.

17shou wasn't fooled, so he quickly retracted his neck and stopped speaking.

He is not stupid if he wants to keep him from drinking.

Ah Wei was in a good mood, and he didn't have time to talk to A Beast. He raised his wine glass and said to the people: "Thank you for coming to my wedding banquet. I toast you all. Eat and drink."

Everyone raised their glasses for the sake of face.

After serving a cup, Great God poured another cup and raised the cup to Jiang Siming alone.

"Lao Jiang, I toast you alone for this glass of wine. Thank you for joining me. It has allowed my club to win so many championships. To be honest, without you, the team's funds have begun to be tight, and your arrival has also been completed. Thanks for my dream of champions."

After speaking, Great God was bored.

Jiang Siming naturally had nothing to say. After drunk the wine, he smiled and patted his shoulder, and said: "Back when I was just an unknown person, it was 4am that saw me, so that I could become a big player in the e-sports circle. Killing the Quartet, so there is nothing to say, it is fate."

"Yes, it's all fate." The Great God laughed loudly after hearing it.

Only 17shou listened a little bit uncomfortably. He also saw Jiang Siming at first, but unfortunately he felt that Jiang Siming's conditions were a little too much, and he hesitated.

But he was boarded first by 4am.

Otherwise, this year's championship will definitely belong to their 17th team.

Not to mention, it is really a fate, fate, wonderful.

"Okay, don't talk such nonsense between brothers. You get married. As a father, I can't help expressing my good son."

Jiang Siming started to hide again. The boys had no brotherhood at all, and some only wanted to be each other's father.

"Fuck you, dad wants to see what my good son honors me." Great God responded with a smile.

Jiang Siming was not annoyed, and laughed and put out a bunch of keys on the table.

"Don't expect it too early. This gift is not for you, but for my fan Bee Boy."

When everyone looked at the key, they were very puzzled. This seemed to be a bunch of door keys.

"What kind of key is this?"

"I always listen to you, your girlfriend likes bags or something. This is the key to the Hermes flagship store in Zhengda Plaza, Lujiazui. I just don't have time to manage it. Let me give it to you as a wedding gift."

I'm not willing to pay for the gift, but I used the fragments to give it. Jiang Siming really wants to praise himself. He is really clever~

When Jiang Siming said so, everyone exclaimed.

Hermes, although it is only a flagship store, anyone who has been exposed to luxury goods knows how profitable this store is.

Tens of millions a year is too simple.

I thought Jiang Siming would send a car or a suite, but he didn't expect him to send a shop directly to Great God.

This is a hen laying golden eggs, with tens of millions of profits every year.

In addition, it is still the favorite industry of bees, this gift is too appetizing!

The bee took it almost immediately, and was so excited that he almost took off.

"Thank Myojin, thank you idol, thank you dad!"

Bee Boy's face flushed with excitement. This is the most expensive and best gift she has ever received in her life!

Great God shook his head funny, why did he call his father...

She called to her father, doesn't it mean that she has also become Jiang Siming's son?

Although I am a little embarrassed, but good brothers give it, so take it.

"Thanks." Great God can only leave a heavy thank you.

"Go to the toast, there's so much **** here." Jiang Siming waved his hand to coax people, pretending to be impatient.

"You kid, don't care about you."

Great God finished talking and smiled, and took the bee-boy, who was so excited to lose his mind, to a toast on another table.

"Okay, Ah Wei has already toasted. We can let go of our stomachs and eat. I have to have a good meal, and at least eat back the money from a shop bag."

When Jiang Siming said that he started the chopsticks, everyone was amused.

Looking at the envious eyes of Everlasting and Eye-catching, Jiang Siming swallowed the delicious food in his mouth and said to them.

"Bright, always, fishy, ​​the three of you, who gets married in the future, my brother will give you a gift as precious as Awei."

Upon hearing this, the three guys were ecstatic and shouted long live Father Jiang!

At this time, Jiang Siming recognized a lot of good sons, and no one else...


[Author's digression]: The fourth more has been passed~

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