I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1009: Lai wave light rain

After reviewing this week, Xia Ran finally gained confidence.

Jiang Siming took her to Fudan University for a very formal examination.

Xia Ran is the only candidate in the classroom.

And four teachers around her are proctoring the exam.

Because this is not a formal college entrance examination, it does not take two days. As long as Xia Ran is willing, he can finish the exam and start the next one immediately.

Xia Ran finished every exam in advance, and she didn't want to take a break.

Maybe you don't want to delay Jiang Siming too much time.

So after taking one subject, Xia Ran asked to continue taking the next subject.

In the morning, I finished the exams of Chinese, literary comprehensive and English.

Xia Ran loves fiction and literature so much, so naturally he studied liberal arts.

After the exam in the morning, Jiang Siming took Xia Ran for lunch in a restaurant outside.

"How about it? Are you tired? Or do you come back tomorrow?"

Jiang Siming sat at the dining table, watching Xia Ran sip and enjoy the expensive food she had never eaten on the table.

"No need, Brother Jiang, I'm not tired. Really, I slept for twelve hours last night and I am very energetic now."

Xia Ran waved her hand quickly, saying that she didn't need to.

"Really not necessary?"

"Yeah, I think I'm in a good condition. It's better to hit the iron while it's hot, I might play for a long time." Xia Ran smiled.

Jiang Siming nodded, but did not insist.

"Okay, then you can go to my car and sleep for a while after you have eaten. If you have enough energy, you can pass the afternoon test."

"I will, Brother Jiang, I won't let you down." Xia Ran said fightingly.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Okay, eat quickly. If it is not enough, I will call more."

"Enough, already a lot, my stomach is almost stretched."

Xia Ran clutched her belly and gratefully said to Jiang Siming, "Brother Jiang, I will repay you when I graduate in the future."

"I don't need your reward, you just have to live well, trust me, your life has only just begun, so don't have any stupid thoughts."

Jiang Siming persuaded Xia Ran like his own sister.

Xia Ran is two years older than Jiang Wanwan, but this age is really just a little sister in Jiang Siming's eyes.

After all, he is ten years older than them.

Besides, Xia Ran looked like a little girl next door, a bit like the first time I saw Wang Xinyi.

Jiang Siming is more than enough to be her brother.

"I know Brother Jiang, I will live my life well."

"That's good, then wait until you graduate and work and make a lot of money, invite me to dinner." Jiang Siming smiled.

Xia Ran snickered and said, "Actually, it can be done now."

"Oh, by the way, you are a great writer of Zongwang."

Jiang Siming remembered that this girl is not an ordinary girl.

You can write a best-selling fantasy novel at a young age. This skill is not blown out.

It is estimated that many young people have had this idea and plan in writing novels, but few can write them.

Jiang Siming also tried writing novels when he was in college, and thought it was a good way to make extra money.

However, I found out that writing novels is too tiring, especially online novels, which have to be updated every day, and the quality and plot must be guaranteed.

Jiang Siming was writing a book of "Sword God Jue" (Blind name, don't blame the same name), and he was very active in the beginning.

But I didn't write it for a week, and I felt that the book grades were like shit, so...the eunuch.

Keke, the past can't bear to look back.

So Jiang Siming now only reads novels and does not write novels.

Write novels and leave it to those with great perseverance...

"Brother Jiang, after I finish writing this book, I will go to your novel website to do a part-time job."

Xia Ran heard Jiang Siming say that he bought two novel websites, and she also felt that Jiang Siming wanted her to help herself.

"Are you not writing books?" Jiang Siming asked in surprise.

"You can write slowly. Besides, writing books is really tiring. I also want to be lazy. Besides, I don't have time to update every day after I go to college." Xia Ran said with a smile.

"That's OK, when you finish writing this book, just pick a website to be an editor, don't worry about part-time, not full-time."

Jiang Siming nodded.

Xia Ran agreed on the spot, and being able to help Jiang Siming is more important than writing any novel.

After the two had lunch, Jiang Siming took Xia Ran into his car and rested for an hour or two.

Xia Ran fell asleep in the car obediently, while Jiang Siming found a comfortable pavilion outside the car to smoke.

The climate in Shanghai today is still dry. Although it has entered winter, it has not rained for almost a month.

Although Jiang Siming didn't like rain, he didn't like not to rain all the time.

It is necessary to occasionally see rainy days.

After all, there is no rain, and the air smells of dust.

"If it doesn't rain, I feel like Shanghai will get moldy."

Jiang Siming glanced at the sky silently, still cloudless.


His head flashed.

Jiang Siming remembered that he still had a spell.

Little rain control!

Now after the Nascent Soul Stage, it has automatically grown into the Great Rain Control Technique.

Since it doesn't rain in Shanghai, why don't you just experiment with this skill that you've obtained for a long time but haven't used it.

Although the sudden rain may affect some people's business or itinerary, whatever it is, it's going to rain if you want to marry someone. This is called force majeure.

Besides, Jiang Siming didn't want to rain heavily, just a little drizzle.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming secretly used a small rain control technique to adjust the rainfall to the level of light rain.

Before long, the cloudless sky suddenly became gray. After a while, a drop of rain fell on Shanghai, followed by countless drops of rain.

"I'm going, why it's raining, and I want to play ball, go back quickly."

"I said it doesn't fragrant to beat and eat chicken at home?"

"Come on, I have any clothes to confiscate."


A few young people hurried past the pavilion.

Jiang Siming wanted to laugh, all thanks to him.

The sound of rain was pattering, and the rainwater quickly ran down from the eaves of the pavilion and hit the dusty ground, as if washing the whole world.

Jiang Siming sighed that this spell was too easy to use. If he really wanted to do it, he could completely replace Xiao Jinteng and become the real "Rain God".

The rain did not last long, and it stopped soon, but the rain made people feel very comfortable.

It's like a person who hasn't taken a bath for a long time, suddenly tidying himself up inside and out, making it pleasing to the eye.

Xia Ran, who slept peacefully in the car for two hours, still looked out of the car in a daze. Why was it raining?

After the break, Jiang Siming took Xia Ran into Fudan again and completed all liberal arts exams in one afternoon.

Because Xia Ran took the exam alone, all of Xia Ran's results were released after only half an hour.

In the exam with a total score of 750, Xia Ran got 631 points.

Moreover, Fudan University has produced its own paper, which is more difficult than ordinary college entrance examination papers.

Xia Ran is also a liberal arts, and can get 631 points, especially in Chinese, full score in composition!

Several teachers were shocked.

In the end, Xia Ran was successfully admitted to Fudan University.

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