I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1010: South Korea also celebrates the Spring Festival?

It was like a dream for Xia Ran to go to university, or Fudan.

In the first two weeks, she almost committed suicide due to depression, but today she is a student at a prestigious university.

If Xia Ran said it, no one would believe it.

After arranging for Xia Ran to enroll in school, Jiang Siming asked Lu Yao to help take care of her.

Lu Yao is also in Fudan University, and is also a freshman, but the two have different majors.

Lu Yao has been in school for half a year, and it should be no problem for her to take care of Xia Ran.

Half a month before New Year's Day, Jiang Siming finally got good news from Chongming Plantation.

The batch of herbs that made Qingai Dan finally matured.

Jiang Siming rushed to Chongming immediately, harvested all the herbs, and sent them to his pharmaceutical company.

Jiang Siming called Qin Yiyi over, and told her in detail the configuration method of Qingai Pill and the effect of the medicine.

Qin Yiyi had to figure out the rest for himself, believing that it would not be difficult for her to be a genius genius girl to prepare a medicine that had been told.

Mainly Jiang Siming wanted to give all the credit to Qin Yiyi. When this medicine comes out, it will definitely become a sensational drug invention in the world.

Jiang Si has been accustomed to the world's gaze early on, so he doesn't want to try this kind of panda-like spectator and various media reporters.

No matter how the visual drug is officially developed, it has to wait until the Spring Festival this year.

Don't worry, after waiting so long, will it be another month or two?

The outside affairs have finally been dealt with temporarily, and Jiang Siming will not leave the house for at least a week.

It's really hard for him to come to his favorite home during this time. The master dignified the shopkeeper himself for so long, so he must be lazy at home to compensate.

I sleep at home during the day until I wake up naturally, watch TV and play games with my wives at night, and go to the instance to look at it at night.

This kind of life Jiang Siming feels really comfortable, 10,000 times better than toiling.

Now in the copy of Zombie World, Rick's team has become the most powerful team of supernaturalists in Japan.

After all, during this time, Rick and the others have found many T3 zombies for Jiang Siming.

After Jiang Siming killed them, many kernels Jiang Siming didn't like them, so they distributed them.

After Rick got so many fragments, the team's strength naturally grew rapidly, and there were more than 20 T3 abilities in the team.

It's even called T2. In addition, Rick and the six Japanese girlfriends of Jiang Siming have successfully evolved into T4 abilities.

However, after entering T4, the zombie storm has stabilized.

I have never heard of the birth of T5, maybe this is the limit of this copy of BOSS.

Jiang Siming didn't force it, either, so at least Akihara Yuuka and the others are safe.

He glanced at the instance time, and the countdown was approaching.

If T3 zombies are not found later, Jiang Siming intends to activate the Dungeon Accelerator, and finish the zombie Dungeon earlier and open the next one.

I don't know what the next copy will be, whether it is still a dangerous environment.

"Dad, which mother do you plan to take home this Chinese New Year?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was eating, grabbed the chopsticks and asked Jiang Siming, she was just a little curious suddenly.

Jiang Siming glanced at the girls on the table and smiled and said, "Not to mention that I almost didn't pay attention, and it is indeed almost the New Year. How about it, wives, how do you plan to arrange the New Year?"

Jiang Siming naturally meant to look at the women, and he would definitely raise his hands in favor of going home with him for the New Year. It doesn't matter if there are more.

Anyway, he knew his mother would definitely not refuse to come, the more the better.

Zhimu Mo Ruozi.

Upon hearing this question, all the women chose to remain silent and embarrassed to pretend to eat.

Fortunately, Zhao Xuan, as the eldest sister, stood up.

"Of course it's Zhirou. You don't know the relationship between Zhirou and the family. She can't go home for the New Year. Besides, I will return to you on Mid-Autumn Festival. Uncles and aunts must be very happy to know that Zhirou is coming.

Zhao Xuan said.

Jiang Siming nodded, it was the same reason, but he still asked everyone.

"Aren't the others going to follow? Don't worry, just come, my mother will definitely welcome it."

The women blushed, and they all shaved Jiang Siming with coquettish eyes. What do you mean by coming...

"Next year, it's been a long time since I went home this year, you have to go back to celebrate the New Year, next year you pick whatever you want." Zhao Xuan said.

Jiang Siming thought about it, except for Zhirou's speciality, everyone has a family, so they have to go back to see why during the New Year.

"By the way, Yoona, Rimi, you are all foreigners, shouldn't it be the Spring Festival?"

Jiang Siming remembered that the two of them can make a little idea (smirk), so that they don't have to work hard for Zhirou to'resist pressure' by herself during the Chinese New Year.

Yooner took a bite of crispy pancakes and replied grinningly: "Oba, you are wrong. Our Korean festivals are actually very similar to Huaxia."

"We have four major festivals, the Cold Food Festival, the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival. They are all passed down from China, so we also celebrate the Spring Festival in South Korea and we will post couplets."

Jiang Siming heard nothing, but he didn't expect South Korea to have this routine.

I can only look at Rimi Ishihara.

"You Japan will not celebrate the Spring Festival, will you?"

Rimi Ishihara blushed and shook her head honestly.

Jiang Siming laughed, patted the table and said, "That's it. Rimi and Zhirou go home with me to see their parents."

Rimi Ishihara was at a loss when she heard that, but instead of helping her, the sisters were all laughing...

"I'm still not going. If I go, how can I tell my uncles and aunts?" Rimi Ishihara worried.

Zhao Xuan said to the side: "Don't worry, you didn't listen to him. Uncles and aunts will definitely welcome you. Besides, this guy is supporting you, don't be afraid."

"But my Chinese is still very poor..."

"That's okay. There are still two months left before the New Year. In these two months, we will give you a surprise tutoring on how to please the communicative language of in-laws, haha."

Zhao Xuan looked at the excitement and it was not too big a problem.

"Mom, I also want to spend the New Year with Dad~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao also really wanted to.

It must be very fun to go to his house with my father for the New Year~

"Aren't you going to add chaos, besides, grandpa and grandma have not seen you for so long, you can't go back and accompany them, wait for next year, next year's New Year, if your father allows you to take you." Zhao Xuan said.

"That's good! One word is for sure!" Zhao Xiaoxiao is satisfied, and next year will be fine.

After dinner, the girls all drank tea and watched TV in the living room.

Jiang Siming came over, holding a lot of bank cards in his hand, and handed them each one.

Everyone took the card with some doubts, not knowing what it meant.

"Come here, every wife has it."

"What does this mean?" Reba looked puzzled.

"Of course it is the pocket money that your husband gave you. I'm afraid that I will forget about the troubles before the New Year, so I will give it to you in advance." Jiang Siming replied.


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