I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1011: Must be prodigal

In fact, the wives were with him and almost never spent any money on him.

One is that apart from Xinyi who is still in the postgraduate entrance examination, they all have jobs, and some of them are still rich women.

Needless to say, Zhao Xuan, one of the original directors of a fish, the current president of Fu Xi, Hundred Billion is a super rich girl, and Ying Zi is the president of Yinghuan.

Yoona, Reba and Ishihara are all hot stars.

Chi Zheng is now the vice president of LILI, and Liang Tian is the director of Mango Channel.

Jiang Lan is Jiang Siming's agent. All the variety show fees that Jiang Siming gets are with her. Jiang Siming allows her to distribute it freely, without giving her.

Dadai and Tuantuan are two popular anchors with an annual salary of 10 million.

Shengxue earns the lowest money, but she is a public institution, and Jiang Siming has learned that the salary of the members of the Tian Group is actually quite high, with an average of tens of thousands.

After all, people rely on their strength and ability and risk their lives to get this salary.

So don’t think Jiang Siming is the richest man in Asia, but his wife is not entirely dependent on the vases he feeds on, but is a small expert who can make money and support his family~

The other is that they don't like to spend money too much. There is no shopaholic at home, and the only thing that buys the most is Tuantuan.

But Tuantuan loves to buy...only PUBG skins.

As long as the game has a new skin, she will definitely buy it (cover her face).

So Jiang Siming has always ignored this point.

Thinking about it now, Jiang Siming feels a bit ashamed. The wives are with him, and he hasn't paid the wives yet.

What I did, the richest man in Asia, was too negligent.

"Each card has 20 million in it. Wives don't care if you spend them, and you can ask your husbands after spending them."

Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Why don't you give more than 20 million? That's not Jiang Siming stingy.

But he knows that if you give too much, the wives will be reluctant to spend, and the money in it may not be touched for a few years.

So if you give it less, they will feel that this is really pocket money and can use it with confidence.

Alas, in order to make his wife spend more money, Jiang Siming also had to work hard.

Although the women said it was unnecessary, they were all happy to put them away.

After all, this was given to them by Jiang Siming, and it didn't matter how much money was in it, they were still happy even if it was two thousand yuan.

"Remember, you must spend all the money before you come back in the New Year. If you don’t finish it, you will spend it on all my father-in-laws. If anyone dares to bring the money back, I will knock on her door every night for a month after returning. Just knock on her door, do you understand?"

Jiang Siming's eyes were bad, and this threat was indeed very deterrent.

The women who originally wanted to save money were determined to spend the money.

Oh, why is my husband different from other people's husbands, other people's husbands don't let their wives spend money.

But my husband has to ask them to spend money, they have to be prodigal, is there a problem with their husband’s ‘factory settings’...

As the weather gets colder and colder, Jiang Siming prefers to stay in the manor and not go out.

Isn't it good to play games at home, accompany your wife, and sleep late?

After handling the matter temporarily, Jiang Siming also returned to live broadcast.

Almost these days at home, it will be broadcast for a few hours every day, playing games, and bragging about it with fans.

It's a pity that even if I took the lucky pill today, the fragment explosion rate is still very low.

But it’s much better than before, the quantity is larger, but the quality is not that good.

They were all tasteless things, and they were thrown into the furnace for Jiang Siming.

At present, Jiang Siming has saved 8 universal fragments. When the spring game starts next year, it is time for these universal fragments to come into play.

Today Jiang Siming still started the live broadcast in the afternoon.

As for why it is afternoon instead of morning and evening.

Nonsense, I can't get up in the morning and pay public food in the evening, so there is no time to broadcast.

In the past few days, Jiang Siming has been broadcasting steadily, and his live broadcast has once again reached a new peak.

"Come here, dear friends, there is a good thing about today's live broadcast. The computer was shut down during the Paris game before, and Blue Hole promised to compensate me for an exclusive skin. It has been sent to me today, do you want to watch it?"

Jiang Siming's Chi Guoguo aroused everyone's curiosity, of course I want to see it, exclusive skin?

"GKDGKD, although I know that we are not in our position, but have you ever experienced eye addiction?"

"Are you exclusive skins? How many? Is there a lottery?"

"Myojin is so appetite."

"Old hanger is too much, show off wealth among them?"

"Is there a fool upstairs, Myojin needs to show off his wealth? Brother smelly, he looks like a middle brother."


Jiang Siming did not grind, after opening the game, a new box popped up automatically on the game interface, which was a new box that had never been seen before.

After Jiang Siming turned on it, he didn't expect it to be a parachute skin.

The parachute's skin was as black as ink, and the whole was covered in black, but the umbrella bag was inlaid with brilliant stars.

A "Ming" is branded in the center of the umbrella bag, and it swims slowly with the font of stars on it.

"It doesn't seem to be a surprise."

Jiang Siming finished the game and tried it out and parachuted as soon as he got on the plane.

Then he opened his parachute, but now everyone including Jiang Siming was amazed.

I saw Jiang Siming's parachute unfolding and the stars were shining, as if a small night sky suddenly appeared.

And the Mingji slowly swam in the night sky, as if it had come to life.

What surprised Jiang Siming was that after the parachute landed, the skin of the umbrella bag would cover Jiang Siming's shoes.

Jiang Siming's shoes are like stepping on the night sky, so cool!

"I take back what I just said, this skin is great."

Jiang Siming can't escape the definition.

This parachute skin, loved it.

In addition to his warehouse, there are a thousand sets of CDKs with the same parachute skin in Jiang Siming's mailbox.

These were given to him by the Blue Hole, and were freely distributed by Jiang Siming.

As soon as I discovered this, some "cats" smelling fish came over.

Dumbly and Tuantuan asked Jiang Siming for 20 sets.

Forever, they ran to Jiang Siming's LILI channel, asking for a parachute skin for Jiang Siming.

This guy, Great God, hurriedly called when he was on his honeymoon abroad and asked Jiang Siming to keep him a set.

And 17shou, the little lion, they all fell in love with this parachute skin at first sight, and they all asked for a set.

There was even a guy like Cheng He who called and asked Jiang Siming for ten sets.

Fortunately, President Wang probably didn't have time to watch the live broadcast in Russia, otherwise he would definitely ask Jiang Siming for dozens of sets.

Jiang Siming generously agreed to their demands. There are a thousand sets anyway, too many.

Five hundred sets of skulls and crossbones have not been distributed until now.

Give them a set. Jiang Siming has more than 900 sets of special meows in his inventory. Alas, there is no way. They are drawn out in the live draw.


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