I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1012: Things to do in the past two years

On the way to the live broadcast, a head came in outside the study door. He saw that Jiang Siming was live broadcast, but he stopped talking, and finally decided to return.

Jiang Siming found the person outside the door, Li Yingzi.

Usually the woman at home would not disturb him when he was working, unless something happened.

When Jiang Siming saw this, he didn't care about this handy chicken, so he quit the game.

"Wait a moment, my girlfriend told me something."

After Jiang Siming got up from his chair, walked out of the study, and closed the door.

The water friends in the live broadcast room all showed wretched expressions.

"Understood, my sister-in-law urged public food."

"Everyone understands, after all, Lin Yooner is too stunner, and it's excusable that I can't bear it in urging me."

"The thought that Myojin might have defiled my goddess makes my heart hurt."

"Is this my girlfriend urging the'injection'? Guess how long it takes for the gods?"

"I bet fifty cents, 10 seconds."

"You look down on my Myojin too much, just my body like Myojin, it takes three minutes."

"A good figure doesn't mean that one is good. My mother, I have tried many men with good figures. All Nima are quick shooters."

"Upstairs, can you come and try me?"


Jiang Siming didn't know that these old dirty turtles were discussing this.

To be reasonable, the book friends in his Sake brother's book group also discuss this stuff every day, alas, they are all the same, a bunch of raccoons, ah tui!

After leaving the study, Jiang Siming grabbed Li Yingzi who was about to leave.

"What's wrong?"

Li Yingzi didn't expect Jiang Siming to come out, and said embarrassedly: "It's nothing big, you should work first."

"No matter how small your business is, it's a big deal," said Jiang Siming.

Li Yingzi was so sweet in her heart that she had to explain it honestly.

"That's right, Xiao Mingzi, my aunt wants to come to Win Huan to work..."

What did Jiang Siming think when he heard this, he was scared to death.

He thought that it was the same as Yin Zhirou's parents who made trouble last time.

"Okay, you can arrange it." Jiang Siming replied.

Yingzi's aunt seemed to be a little impressed. By the way, isn't it the Miaoli Young F who caught him in the first place?

"Don't worry, my aunt is studying accounting at university. It was because my uncle who was a scumbag delayed her career, but her foundation is still there. I let her start at the bottom level."

Yingzi was afraid that Jiang Siming thought she was the kind of person who likes to engage in nepotism.

The company really needs a company system. Jiang Siming, who has managed to become the richest man in Asia, said that it is impossible for no one to covet it.

The biggest fear of a large company is family monopoly.

But her aunt is indeed capable, so she will let her aunt come in.

"Is there something else?"

Jiang Siming felt that if it were just this, Yingzi would not have come to him so much.

"Um... my aunt may come here for two days when she finds a house and move out immediately."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming really felt a little troublesome. After all, he lived with so many girlfriends, wouldn't it be exposed when Aunt Yingzi came.

Although Jiang Siming is not afraid, so far he really has not found a way to face the world grandiosely.

"what's your plan?"

Jiang Siming guessed that Yingzi must have thought of a way, but he came to discuss it because he was afraid that he would not agree.

"I want to move to the previous small villa temporarily. You don't need to use it. I'll say you are very busy and don't have time to come back. I just live there with my aunt."

Li Yingzi had a weak tone, like a kid who did something wrong.

Jiang Siming didn't think she was wrong at all. On the contrary, it was him who was wrong.

If it weren't for him to hug right and left, there are so many women, how could Yingzi need to move to other places to perfuse her relatives.

Not only her, but other girlfriends are the same.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming made the more decision in his heart, no matter what method is used, he must announce all his girlfriends within two or three years.

There is also a grand wedding for them, a century wedding!

After this idea germinated in Jiang Siming's head, it was out of control.

It really doesn't work, I settled in Xiangjiang.

Hong Kong’s wealthy families have had the tradition of marrying their concubines since ancient times. The gambling king, Stanley Ho, married his wife of Sifang, and he still had a good time.

Of course, this is just one way.

If you can find a better way in the next two or three years, you will go to Xiangjiang to live if you can't find it.

"Okay, just as you said, I'll wrong you first, and I won't have to be so troublesome later." Jiang Siming agreed.

Li Yingzi has some doubts about this sentence, what does it mean to not have to be so troublesome in the future?

"Also, I will definitely be there, otherwise your aunt thought we were in a mood. Don't worry, I will be there."

Li Yingzi agreed a few times, and happily drove to the villa to set up the ‘fraud’ scene.

There is no need to arrange anything. After all, I lived here before and many things were confiscated.

Jiang Siming also told the women in the family about this matter, and they got their unanimous approval. He also made every effort to get Jiang Siming to behave better in front of other aunts and not have a bad impression.

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly, I am afraid that the bad impression has long been there...

It has been almost two weeks since Jiang Siming became the richest man in Asia, and the popularity has dropped.

However, many media and news magazines still want to invite Jiang Siming to do the show.

Among them, the central station can be said to be the most active request.

Yangtai was also looking for relationships everywhere, and finally couldn't find Yinghuan Company to block the door. The purpose was to invite Jiang Siming to accept an interview.

The main reason is that Jiang Siming's experience is too legendary. The 26-year-old Asia's richest man, if this is reported, it will certainly attract huge ratings.

In other words, this report will be very positive for young people.

In the past, the rich people they interviewed were all older people. Although these people's experiences are also inspirational, they are far away for young people.

After all, like Double Horse and One King, when he was young, he was just an unknown person.

How can you ask today's young people to start working hard after seeing their interview.

But now suddenly there is a young man who has achieved such a great achievement.

This is easy to bring resonance to these young people, and this promotion and motivating effect is impossible for Shuangma Yiwang and others.

Seeing Yangtai running to the company every day, Jiang Siming was also impressed by their perseverance, and in the end he could only agree.

After three visits to Maolu, the CCTV financial program group was very happy.

In fact, they are also quite helpless. Usually they have to do an exclusive interview with them, just say that the other party will be there.

Only Jiang Siming agreed to beg grandpa to tell grandma.

No way, who is against the sky...


[Author's digression]: Yesterday, I only changed one chapter. I'm really sorry, because I took a cold medicine injection with sake. After writing a chapter, I was really sleepy. I slept for 14 hours and took it all by myself. Today The fever has gone down, and it should get better soon.

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