I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1015: Not much, five hundred million

"I heard that after Yinghuan won a few beautiful stock battles, financial companies in many countries are paying close attention to Yinghuan. In the future, Yinghuan’s actions will not be so simple, and the Wall Street financial industry also threatened. In the future, if Ying Huan wants to make money from them, it will not be so simple. What do you think about this, President Jiang?"

After hearing this, Jiang Siming said indifferently: "I know, I also believe that it will not be so easy for Yinghuan to snipe big stocks in the future, but it's okay, even if Yinghuan makes money hard, I have other better money-making projects, even if Only relying on Fu Xi in the future will definitely surpass Ying Huan."

"Just rely? President Jiang, do you mean there are other industries?" Yan Sisi blinked curiously.

Jiang Siming nodded his head inconspicuously, and said, "There are still many industries still under development."

"Can you tell me a little bit what industry it is? If it's confidential, forget it." Yan Sisi said.

"Yes, the industries under development are medicine and mobile phones." Jiang Siming doesn't care about being known. Even if they know this stuff, even if there are a lot of competitors, they can't help Jiang Siming.

Can you develop cancer-clearing drugs? Can you develop a chip that surpasses current mobile phone technology for 20 years?

None of these are good, so it's no use knowing it.

"Mr. Jiang's industry is really rich, maybe this is why you became the richest man in Asia at such a young age." Yan Sisi laughed.

Jiang Siming shrugged. This is indeed correct. Only by casting the net more can you catch more fish.

Of course, the premise is that you have to have the same fragments as Jiang Siming, fragments that are not lost.

"The next question is about wealth accumulation. President Jiang, we all know that you are a game anchor who just appeared in front of the public. When did your wealth accumulation begin to change qualitatively?"

"Game anchors are my way to make a fortune. Before that, I was just a small intermediary. Later, I came into contact with games and live broadcasts. With the first pot of money in my life, I started investing in other industries."

Jiang Siming said that he raised one leg, and Erlang's leg seemed to lose his identity to others, but there was an unspeakable sense of freedom in him.

"If it changes qualitatively, I will find my old classmate, my old monitor, and invest in finance with her, and then we have today's Yinghuan Finance. After Yinghuan's success, other sidelines will rise."

"What was the profit of Yinghuan's first transaction?"

"Not much, 500 million."


How does Yan Sisi feel that ‘not much, 500 million’ will soon become a golden sentence on the Internet, and Mr. Wang’s small goal is only 100 million.

"Then what are President Jiang's plans and goals in the future? Is it to break out of Asia and become the world's richest man?" Yan Sisi said.

Jiang Siming got serious this time.

"Without this plan, it is not my concern to become the richest man in the world. Just let the flow go. The rich and the rich live the way, the rich and the rich live the way without money. For this world, many young people are too impetuous. , Digging into the eyes of money, yelling poor every day, yelling no money, if they are my friends or fans, you can come to me if you have no money."

Yan Sisi thought that Jiang Siming's image instantly rose up, but she didn't expect that she would laugh at the next sentence.

"They come to me and I will tell them how I survived when I was poor."


It was the first time that Yan Sisi recorded a show and couldn't help it anymore.

Knowing that he was out of state, Yan Sisi hurriedly adjusted, but Jiang Siming's words still echoed in his head, wanting to laugh...what to do...

After chatting for a while, after finishing talking about wealth, Yan Sisi finally changed the topic to other aspects.

"Mr. Jiang, besides being the richest man, you are also a very good singer. Some people say that you are the richest singer and the richest singer. Do you think this is reliable."

"Of course it's unreliable. I don't have money and I can sing best. Among singers, I also can sing best." Jiang Siming said without shame.

Yan Sisi couldn't find anything to refute. After all, Jiang Siming said nothing wrong. This year's singer is all from others.

"You also made a TV series, which is very popular in China recently."

"Don't, don't talk about the topic of the TV show, I'm shy."


The two of you say something to me, the interview time actually far exceeds the time Yan Sisi scheduled.

The questions she had prepared had already been asked, but Yan Sisi was curious about Jiang Siming, and asked him a lot of what she wanted to ask herself.

Such as calligraphy, such as e-sports, such as basketball and so on.

During the interview, Yan Sisi had been thrown away at random by Jiang Siming on more than one occasion.

Until the end of the interview, Yan Sisi still had some ideas. She felt that if she could, she could chat with Jiang Siming for three days and three nights.

Maybe this is the first time she has met an ‘rival’ better than her eloquence since she became a famous person in Yangtai.

One morning passed and the interview was over. Jiang Siming invited Yan Sisi to eat in the company cafeteria.

Yan Sisi envied Yinghuan's employees even more after eating the food in Yinghuan Canteen. In fact, her hidden attribute is just a snack.

In the afternoon, she did nothing but took her to see the newly built headquarters building and her private yacht.

On the private yacht, Yan Sisi was also shocked by this yacht.

"President Jiang, can you take the liberty to ask, how much is this yacht?"

"Not expensive, 2.6 billion."

Yan Sisi didn't want to say, really, chatting with rich people is too tired.

While enjoying the sea and blue sky comfortably on the yacht, while drinking expensive red wine and snacks, talking and laughing, this interview ends here.

Yan Sisi contentedly said goodbye to Jiang Siming, and asked Jiang Siming's phone number and WeChat before leaving.

She thinks Jiang Siming is the most special and ironic one she has seen since the show.

Yes, the most iron is iron, old iron.

And Yingzi's aunt stayed in that small villa for two days. After joining Fu Xi, she decisively moved to the female staff apartment.

Zhou Yun is a strong woman like Yingzi. She doesn't like to trouble others all the time, so she has to live in an apartment for everything.

Yingzi had no choice but to let her go.

In fact, another reason is that every night Zhou Yun would be "interfered" by the sound in Jiang Siming's bedroom, making her uncomfortable, she always had strange dreams, and she didn't get enough sleep.

So Zhou Yun felt that she had to move away, otherwise God knows that she really gets up, will she do something that she sometimes dreams of...

Before leaving, Zhou Yun also secretly found Jiang Siming and said earnestly: "Amin, I know that there are many women around people of your status and status, but I hope you can remember that no matter how many women outside, it is also good. You can't ignore Yingzi, Yingzi is the woman who loves you the most."

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. It is estimated that Zhou Yun knew that she had a public Korean girlfriend, Lin Yoona, so she was misunderstood...

But Jiang Siming happily agreed.

Zhou Yun moved away with confidence, and Jiang Siming and Yingzi naturally returned to the manor.


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