I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1016: Call me Dad Jiang...

When Jiang Siming came to the zombie copy again, the T4 and T3 zombies in Japan were almost extinct.

Most of them were killed by him.

Without the high-level zombies, Jiang Siming also lost interest in this copy.

After leaving Rick and their team with six women, they found an uninhabited island in a paradise in Japan.

Then use the intermediate soil control ability to create a safer fortress and turn this into a paradise with everything you need.

The six women were extremely satisfied with this place, they could no longer be troubled by the zombie world, and there was no disgusting and **** environment.

I couldn't ask for it everywhere, plus Jiang Siming was there, and the six women soon fell in love with this place and started living happily.

After getting it done, Jiang Siming announced the end of this copy.

Use the copy accelerator to fast forward the remaining copy time.

[The zombie copy has ended, do I need to save it? 】


"The copy is being archived... the archive is complete! After completion, you can enter the zombie copy at will, and open the next copy world after 24 hours."

After another copy was over, Jiang Siming was a little bit emotional, but also a little looking forward to what the next copy would be.

There will be one day to reveal the new copy.

Jiang Siming is not in a hurry, just to meet a friend at the airport today.

This person is Jiang Siming's partner, President Wang who was restricted from traveling a while ago.

He let his father take care of that, and he would naturally be able to fly back to China.

In addition, the route to the winery on the Russian side has been opened up, and he no longer needs to stay in Russia.

Principal Wang naturally flew back home like an arrow.

Principal Wang was very happy to see Jiang Siming coming to pick him up, and he gave Jiang Siming a punch in the past.

It's just that this fist hit Jiang Siming and almost didn't break his own hand.

"You guy, how did you train this muscle?" Principal Wang complained, his hands still massaging themselves.

"It's not my problem, it's that you are too vain, you seem to be drained in Russia, young man, you can't beat people."

Jiang Siming teased.

"You fart, will brother be imaginary? I don't know how strong it is. Which one of those blond little sisters is not screaming after me."

Principal Wang started to talk again, and there was no public figure to say.

"Believe you will have a ghost, go quickly, I have to go back to eat after picking you up."

"Wow, aren't you, I finally returned to China, you didn't even invite me to dinner, the richest man brother."

President Wang was also envious when he said this.

I had known that at the beginning, I had to follow my father to Jiang Siming to win the big ship of Huan Finance.

If he had invested some money himself, his net worth would be doubled again.

Jiang Siming has become the new richest man in Asia by sniping on Wall Street this time. You said where he is going to make sense, too abnormal!

"It's really not possible today, another day, you rush to the parking lot, someone will treat you to dinner for me."


"Our third shareholder." Jiang Siming replied.

"Oh, Cheng He, is this force coming too?"

In order to get on the boat of Jiang Siming and President Wang's winery, Cheng He resolutely agreed to buy shares, spending almost all his savings, and asking for 10% of the shares.

Of course, his decision is very wise. The winery can make him pay back and make money in one year.

It can be said that Cheng He is indeed lucky, which may also be the reason why he is cheap.

If you are cheap to a certain level, you can add luck, which is said to be the case.

"What about you, aren't you together?" Principal Wang still wanted to take Jiang Siming to dinner together.

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said, "No, I have to wait for someone here."

In fact, he came to pick up Principal Wang today only by the way, and the person who really wanted to pick up was Lin Zhenna.

Lin Zhenna officially broke away from the original brokerage company and invested in the embrace of Huayi under Jiang Siming.

He also successfully persuaded his parents to go to China Development by himself.

Lin Zhenna happened to return to China on the same day as Principal Wang, and they were two hours apart.

"Who? Is it a girl? Isn't she pretty?" Principal Wang came to his mind.

Based on his knowledge of Jiang Siming, it is either his family or the beautiful girl who can make this guy come to the airport to wait for someone to be picked up.

Of course, so is he.

"The rain girl has no melons, and she disappears quickly. If you don't leave, I will call Uncle Wang and ask him to screw you back. I think Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang miss you very much and want you to go home and see." Jiang Siming threatened.

"Don't, can't I leave? I haven't returned to China for a long time. Let me spend a few days in the country before going home."

As Principal Wang said, he could only leave with resentment.

Jiang Siming found a place to sit down at the pick-up point, strolling around the phone and waiting for Lin Zhenna's arrival.

Taking advantage of the boring time, Jiang Siming began to read novels for pastime.

I wandered around on my two novel websites, and finally clicked on the novel "Fate Against Heaven" written by Xia Ran. The author of Xia Ran is Xia Ye Ziran.

Jiang Siming read a few pages and found that it looked pretty.

Moreover, Xia Ran's writing style is very good, and the plot is also very attractive. After a while, Jiang Siming fell in love.

Looked slowly, until Jenna was almost there before he stopped reading.

The novel also saw the latest updated chapters.

No way, Jiang Siming's mind is not a problem, reading novels is naturally fast.

Otherwise, he had read more than 4 million words after only reading the "Sword to Come" for a long time.

In the last chapter, it can be seen that Xia Ran has already begun to fill the hole, and it is estimated that he is not far from the end.

It seems that this girl is determined to help herself manage the website.

Jiang Siming handily rewarded this novel with 5 million book coins (1:10), which made it the first place in the reward list of Xia Ran's novels.

But I didn't expect that Xia Ran sent a message on WeChat as soon as he was rewarded.

"Brother Jiang, is that [Call me Dad Jiang] you?"

Jiang Siming blushed when he saw the news. That's right, he got this ID, which he got when he was reading a novel before.

It feels so embarrassing now.

But I can't rely on it. Xia Ran is so smart that I can guess it.

Jiang Siming had to reply yes.

Xia Ran immediately replied: Thank you boss for your reward. Xiaosheng is grateful, and only constant updates can repay you.

There is also a grinning emoticon package attached to the back.

Jiang Siming shook his head with a smile, and asked her about school life.

Xia Ran told Jiang Siming that she was very comfortable in school, and that Lu Yao's sister had been taking care of her. The two ate together every day after class, and even Jiang Siming helped the school arrange Xia Ran's bedroom into Lu Yao's bedroom.

The two of them lived in a double room, so they could talk more about it. In a few days, the two became iron girlfriends.

Seeing Xia Ran saying that he was doing well, Jiang Siming was relieved.

Just about to talk a few more words, suddenly a pair of soft jade hands covered his eyes from behind him.

"Guess who I am?"

Jiang Siming put down the phone, smiled, and said, "Of course it's my little Jenna."



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