I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1017: What about my wallet!


Jiang Siming was puzzled, because he had been chatting just now, so he didn't pay attention to his side at all.

With a woman's hand covering herself, Jiang Siming assumed that it was Jenna who came.

But it doesn't seem right to think about it now. Jenna doesn't know where she is and how she can find it.

And the sound doesn't seem right.

"Wrong guess, goodbye."

The person behind him quickly retracted his hand after speaking.

Jiang Siming looked back and found that there were many passengers passing by, and he couldn't find who it was just now.

And he touched his pocket and suddenly exploded: What a **** Lao Tzu wallet!

Yes, he is a dignified monk in Yuanying stage, his wallet was stolen...

Jiang Siming was afraid of people making jokes.

But he will not suffer such a loss.

The whole airport was covered with a scan of his mind, and the source of his wallet was found almost instantly.

Because the wallet has been left with its own breath, it is easy to find.

It's staying in a little girl's schoolbag, and the key is that the little girl looks less than 10 years old.

Jiang Siming hardly believed that such a small child would steal things, but no matter what, the wallet was indeed with her.

"Sister Yu Fei, I got that big brother's wallet."

"Awesome little Guoer, wait for my sister to buy you candied haws."

"Sister Yu Fei."

"What's wrong, Xiao Guoer?"

"That big brother seems to be here..."

A glamorous girl in her twenties and a little girl under 10 years old, neither of them looked like thieves.

But Jiang Siming can confirm that his wallet is with them.

"Sir, I borrowed it. I rushed to take my daughter to pick up my husband."

A trace of panic flashed in the girl's eyes, she forced her acting, trying to bypass him.

"One step forward I can call the police." Jiang Siming's voice came from behind them.

The girl still ignored it and wanted to leave with the little girl.

"With the money in my wallet, enough for you to sit and wear, the little girl will also enter the juvenile management office, do you believe it?"

Jiang Siming's voice sounded again.

The girl finally stopped, her face uncertain and complicated.

Finally she turned around and said stubbornly: "Why do you say that I stole your wallet? I picked it up."

"Really, do you think the police will believe you or monitoring?" Jiang Siming said happily.

The girl smiled triumphantly and said, "Handsome guy, you can go and see if there is any surveillance where you sit."

Jiang Siming thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that there was really no such thing as the surveillance over there happened to be a blind spot.

Unfortunately, the airport is not monitored, but Xiaoxian has it.

Jiang Siming took out his mobile phone and played the scene just now.

In the video, the girl sneaked up behind Jiang Siming and covered his eyes, deliberately delaying time, while the little girl secretly took Jiang Siming's wallet beside him.

The whole process is clearly recorded, and it can be a DV if you just handle it.

The girl was stunned, she didn't expect when she was photographed.

But now she couldn't argue.

The girl's attitude changed quickly. She immediately took out the wallet from the little girl's arms and handed it back to Jiang Siming with a smile.

"Hey, misunderstanding, handsome guy, just look at the pitifulness of our mother and daughter, let us go this time, we are also the first time, my daughter hasn't eaten for a few days, there is really no way."

Seeing the purse being sent back, the little girl's eyes were full of dismay, and she quietly pulled the corner of the girl's clothes.

"Sister Yu Fei... Yueyue is still waiting for us in the hospital. Without money, Yueyue will be kicked out..."

Helplessness and bitterness flashed through the girl's eyes, and finally she gritted her silver teeth firmly, then turned her head and whispered to the little girl: "It's okay, my sister will find a way."

The communication between the two was very quiet, and the girl couldn't give up and handed her wallet back to Jiang Siming after she said it.

Then she took the little girl and left.

"Wait." Jiang Siming stopped them.

The girl was obviously very irritable, but she could only turn her head and smile: "Handsome guy, is there anything else?"

"Did I say I let you go? My video is enough for you to stay in prison for ten years."

Jiang Siming looked completely unreasonable, but he actually heard the conversation between the two.

Moreover, with the actor's skills, he can tell at a glance that the two are not acting, but really have difficulties.

The girl knows what Jiang Siming said is true, but she cannot be arrested, so she can only plead: "Sir, I beg you to raise your hand and let us mother and daughter go."

"You are not a mother and daughter at all, do you still want to act?" Jiang Siming said.

The little girl stood up and said stupidly: "Big brother, sister Yu Fei is really my mother."

The girl covered her face, quickly pulled her back, called her sister and said it was your mother... This is so bad~

Jiang Siming looked at the little girl amused, and his eyes fell on the girl.

The girl was helpless, she seemed to have guessed Jiang Siming's idea, hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth.

"Sir, if you are willing to let me go, I can promise you to do anything."

"Oh? Anything?" Jiang Siming smiled deliberately.

The girl was unmoved, her eyes resolutely said: "Yes, everything, including going to your house to "compensate" the crime."

The girl sees a child around her, so she can't say it too blatantly, but this is already very vague.

This means that as long as Jiang Siming is willing to let them go, she is willing to sleep with Jiang Siming.

To be reasonable, the girl's appearance is still very beautiful, but she seems to deliberately put herself in ugliness, so the makeup conceals her beautiful face.

But Jiang Siming is such a hungry person, no woman in the family is several times more beautiful than her, and Jiang Siming's vision of women is not generally high.

When I haven't been in a relationship before, I think girls with a score of 70 are so pretty.

Now, those with a score of less than 90 are all popular faces in Jiang Siming's eyes.

"Why are you so sure that I am interested in you? Besides, I don't have any idea about the decayed willows." Jiang Siming said sarcastically.

The girl dared not say anything, and said angrily: "I am not a stubborn willow. I have not been touched by a man. As for why I am sure, because many men used to think like this before, let's go!"

Jiang Siming found a chair next to him and sat down, and said leisurely: "Then tell your story first. What is the relationship between you and the little girl?"

"My daughter."

"Huh?" Jiang Siming stared.

The girl was angry, so she had to say: "It doesn't matter, she is the **** sister I recognize, is it all right?"

"Why steal money?"

"Lack of money."

"What are the difficulties."

"No difficulties, just no money."

It may be that Jiang Siming's words hurt the girl's self-esteem. The girl is still very uncooperative and has a tough attitude.

At this time, the little girl stood up and said to Jiang Siming in a good manner:

"Big brother, in fact, sister Yu Fei didn't steal the money deliberately. Xiaoyueyue in our hospital was seriously ill and had no money to see a doctor. Only then did my sister steal the money. The money stolen by my sister a few times before was spent in the hospital, the doctor Uncle said it was not enough, so sister Yu Fei came out to steal money again."

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