I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1021: Diao Chan, the first beauty of the Three Kingdoms

With Jiang Siming's repeated insistence, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were not polite and began to hug from left to right, so happy.

Jiang Siming looked at them like Brother Pig, and almost didn't believe that these two would be a prince in the future.

After staying in the brothel for a while, Jiang Siming felt boring. He made a decisive excuse to slip away, leaving Yuan Shao and Cao Cao already impatient.

I wish Jiang Siming hurry and leave the two of them to do things.

After leaving the brothel, Jiang Siming returned to Cai Mansion and began to live in Cai Mansion with peace of mind.

Soon half a month passed, and the court began to chaos. Dong Zhuo spent the night in the palace, raped the Yin court lady, and forcibly became the sub-father of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, an extremely human minister.

At this time, Dong Zhuo's true face is undoubtedly obvious.

The court officials had nothing to do with him. Whenever there were voices against him, Dong Zhuo would clear them one by one, using extremely cruel methods.

He even forced Manchao Baiguan to drink human blood, and recruited concubines from the Han Ling Emperor's concubine to attend the night.

The behavior of beasts and beasts makes people and gods angry.

Baiguan wanted to get rid of Dong Zhuo and then hurry up.

In the past half month, Jiang Siming did nothing. He stayed in Cai Mansion, studying the herbs planted in Qiankun Ring, chatting with the little girl Cai Yan every day, and **** her from time to time.

The relationship with Cai Yan was a thousand li, half a month later, in Cai Yan's little head, only Jiang Siming was in full gear.

The relationship between the two was naturally seen by Cai Yong, who was not flustered on the surface but was worried.

Cai Yan had previously promised to be rationed to the young master Wei Zhongdao of the Hedong Family Wei Family.

Seeing that Wei's family is coming soon to propose marriage, his daughter is sweet and sweet with Jiang Siming every day.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that his daughter likes Jiang Siming.

But Jiang Siming is his own disciple, his beloved disciple, Cai Yong is not good to say anything.

So after thinking hard, Cai Yong thought of a way to control Jiang Siming as an official.

With Cai Yong's position, it is very simple to ask for a part-time job for Jiang Siming.

Soon, the edict of the imperial court came down, and Jiang Siming was conferred as the master book of Sagong Wang Yun's mansion.

This position can be said to be huge, after all, although the court is chaotic, the official positions are still there.

Sagong Wang Yun, that was one of the top officials in the court, who could serve as the master book in his mansion, but one of the most anticipated beauties of the heavenly servants.

This is because Cai Yong had a very good relationship with Wang Yun, so he could arrange Jiang Siming, a man who had never been an official, into Wang Yun's mansion.

In the Han dynasty, the master book is generally the assistant official who manages the documents, and the master book with the army is in charge of money and food.

Similar to the nature of the Ministry of Finance, but if there is no march, it is an accountant in charge of clerks and accounts.

Jiang Siming finds this canonization quite interesting, he hasn't been an official yet.

The old man Tianzu wanted him to be, but he didn't want to.

Now in ancient times, it would be nice to be an ancient official.

(Reader: Are you sure you didn't go to Diao Chan in Wang Yun's mansion? Jiang: I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense.)

After happily accepting this official position, Jiang Siming will move away from Caifu.

Cai Yan, who knew the news in the backyard, couldn't accept it, and immediately ran to reason with Cai Yong.

But Cai Yong ate the weight of the weight, and even refused to let her see Jiang Siming's last side.

Cai Yan could only hide his face and cry and leave, and went into the room on a hunger strike to protest.

Jiang Siming didn't know this, because he had come to stay in Wang Yun's mansion temporarily.

Wang Yun's mansion is much more luxurious than Cai Yong's mansion. Sikong is Sikong, and the official mansion is naturally bigger.

Jiang Siming briefly paid a visit to Wang Yun. Wang Yun, an old man, was quite proud, and he didn't look forward to Jiang Siming's relatives, just let him do his job.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to talk nonsense with him. He didn't come to help you, but he came to find your goddaughter.

I have always heard that Diao Chan's beauty should only be seen in the sky, the national beauty and the fragrance of the sky, the closed moon and the shameful flower, etc.

Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, and his wife Cao are also fond of women.

It's just that Jiang Siming lives far away from Wang Yun's house, and he never has the chance to see him.

Fortunately, at this time, Wang Yun was persecuted by Dong Zhuo in every possible way. He swore to kill Dong Zhuo as his own duty, and began to brainwash Diao Chan continuously.

Wang Yun wanted to use beauty tricks to let Diao Chan seduce Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu.

But how can Diao Chan be so easily persuaded, ancient women regarded chastity more important than life.

Wang Yun could only call Diao Chan to the foreign palace and enlighten him every day.

Diao Chan knew that his own resistance could not shake Wang Yun's determination, so she could only wash her face with tears every day.

Until one day, Diao Chan lost sleep at night and ran to the lake in the mansion, staring at the free fish in the lake in a daze.

A figure suddenly appeared beside her.

"It's not good to come to the lake without sleeping at night."

Diao Chan was taken aback. Looking back, a handsome young man was standing beside her.

"who are you?"

"Master of the house, Jiang Bei Jiang Siming." Jiang Siming said lightly.

"So you are the closed disciple of Master Cai Yong, I have heard of you, why don't you sleep?"

Diao Chan had heard that there was a new master book in the mansion, not only Cai Yong's disciple, but also a beautiful man with a dragon and a phoenix from the maids.

Now it seems that what those maids said... right...

"Long night, I just want to see what the rumored first beauty of the Han Dynasty looks like. Now that I have finished reading it, I will leave next."

Jiang Siming saw Diao Chan's face, it was indeed a flowery face, a stunner in the world.

If Cai Yan scores 90, Diao Chan scores 95, and she still has no makeup. It would be even more beautiful if she put on makeup.

No wonder it can fascinate so many men.

This kind of appearance seems to be born for costume.

Especially the voice is like a yellow oriole, with a natural and sweet voice.

Somewhat similar to Xiaoxian's voice.

"Axian, her voice is similar to yours."

Jiang Siming communicated with Xiaoxian silently.

"Huh, Master, Xiaoxian's voice is better than her~" Xiaoxian didn't provoke him.

Jiang Siming laughed in his heart, and stopped teasing him.

"The son stayed." Diao Chan stopped Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming said this inexplicable thing and left, making Diao Chan confused and shy at the same time.

After all, Jiang Siming said she was the number one beauty in the Han Dynasty, and she hadn't heard such praise yet.

"Miss Diao Chan, is there anything else?" Jiang Siming stopped.

"I'm upset by myself, and my heart is full of sorrows. Mr. Jiang is a talented person, can I help the little girl?"

Diao Chan blushed and invited boldly.

She would never do this before, but recently she was forced by Wang Yun to be unable to do it, and she was very confused.

Jiang Siming turned his head, glanced at Diao Chan's sincere eyes, and finally turned around and walked back.

The two of them sat in the stone pavilion, watching the courtyard growing stronger in autumn and the moonlit courtyard.


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