I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1022: Abduct Diaochan

"Mr. Jiang, do you believe in fate?"

Diao Chan interrupted the silence.

"Believe it or not, in yourself, those who believe in fate, those who confess fate, those who do not believe in fate, disobey."

Jiang Siming answered her.

But Diao Chan remained unmoved, and still said timidly, "But my fate is already doomed."

"There is no bet that is not doomed, it depends on whether you dare to change your fate."

"Mr. laughed, how can I change my destiny as a little girl."

Diao Chan laughed at himself and said, "Foster father wants me to please Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, and to instigate separation between them, let me sacrifice myself and save the man."

"Heh, a joke, how does the big man need you to be saved by a weak woman? Besides, you can't save the big man at all. You are just a tool for Wang Yun to avenge Dong Zhuo."

Jiang Siming's straightforward words made Diao Chan's face pale. In fact, she had thought about it this way, but she didn't believe it.

Now that Jiang Siming said it, she knew that it seemed to be the case.

She was just a tool for Wang Yun to kill Dong Zhuo.

Kuangfu Hanshi is nothing more than a high-sounding word.

"Then... Then what should I do..." Diao Chan said bewildered.

Jiang Siming looked into her eyes and said, "Run away."

"Escape? Where do I go? This is where I grew up. Diao Chan has never been far away."

"That's why you feel that your destiny is destined. You don't even have the courage to escape. How can you change your destiny?"

Jiang Siming shook his head and sighed, Diao Chan said guiltily: "Please teach me, Mr."

"Well, I will buy a mansion in Luoyang these few days and take you out secretly at night. You will live there temporarily. When the situation changes, I will arrange for you to go elsewhere. How about?"

Jiang Siming also couldn't bear to watch Diao Chan's fate return to history, becoming Dong Zhuo's plaything and Wang Yun's tool.

"Is this really okay... But how can Mr. take me out of the house? Sagong's mansion is heavily guarded, and we can never get out."

"Just leave it alone, just answer me, do you want to leave?"

"I do."

Naturally, Diao Chan wanted to leave this place of right and wrong. After Jiang Siming's enlightenment, she wished to stay away now.

"Think about it? You know, after you're gone, you're no longer a righteous lady of Sikong, and no longer a lady of gold."

"The Nujia has thought about it, and Diao Chan is willing to be an ordinary woman from now on, weaving and embroidering, rough tea and light rice, and will never regret it."

"Well, wait for my news in three days, and prepare yourself."

Jiang Siming left after speaking.

"The slave family thanked Mr. Jiang, a great kindness, which will never be remembered forever."

Diao Chan bowed, her delicate body made people want to hold her in her arms.

Jiang Siming did not respond, and left without looking back.

Chic, what is chic, is this it?

The next day Jiang Siming was looking for a suitable mansion in Luoyang, and finally chose a very partial mansion. As for the silver?

Just kidding, is he always the one who lacks money? There is so much gold in the family.

After happily buying this small mansion, Jiang Siming ran to the zombie copy to bring the T-800 robot to the Three Kingdoms.

Gray fragments can't be used, but T-800 is black fragments, hehe.

And the robot is not a living thing, so it can be brought over in the Universe Ring.

Letting T-800 over is just letting her be a guard.

After getting it done, three days passed quickly.

At night, Diao Chan was standing in the stone pavilion by the lake in crude linen, and Jiang Siming arrived as scheduled.

"It's just running away. It's not about making you really be a maid. Your clothes are not as good as a maid." Jiang Siming looked at Diao Chan in a ‘equipment’ and said.

Diao Chan blushed, and said embarrassedly: "I...I don't know what to wear. I'm afraid that it will not be convenient to run away from other clothes, which will delay my husband."

"Don't worry, I want to escape, no one in this world can stop me." Jiang Siming smiled.

"World?" Diao Chan didn't understand this new word.

"It's a big man, let's do it." Jiang Siming rolled his eyes, and it was too hard to communicate with these ancients, as was the chat with Cai Yan before.

"Then sir, what am I going to do?"

"You don't have to do anything, just come over and let me hug you."


"Ah what, I'm so loud I'm afraid others won't hear me."


Before Diao Chan's words fell, she was held in Jiang Siming's arms, and then she took off.

Diao Chan turned pale with fright, and quickly grabbed Jiang Siming's arm, but didn't realize that his whole body was attached to Jiang Siming's body.

Several longitudinal shadows of Jiang Siming disappeared in Wang Yun's mansion.

When he reappeared, he was already in Jiang Siming's newly bought mansion secretly.

"Stay in this mansion temporarily, let her buy it if you need it, she is your personal maid, remember, don't go out, just let her summon if you have something to do."

Jiang Siming settled down well or Diao Chan with weak legs, and then asked T800 a few more words, then left here and returned to the palace.

The next day, something serious happened in the palace.

Diao Chan is gone!

Wang Yun rushed up and down anxiously, mobilizing all the people in the house to search but found nothing. Wang Yun sent someone out to look for it. After searching for two days, there was still no news.

Diao Chan seemed to have evaporated. There was no news, only a farewell letter to Wang Yun.

Wang Yun was furious with anger, and his full plan was thus invalidated, making it mad for everyone.

As the instigator of all this, Jiang Siming stood on the sidelines with cold eyes.

I have been in the Three Kingdoms for almost a month, and it is time to go out temporarily.

Anyway, this instance time will not pass because of his withdrawal, so Jiang Siming doesn't have to worry about the Luoyang Mutiny.

Withdrawing from the instance, it was dawn, and Jenna in her arms was still sleeping soundly.

Jiang Siming looked at the faint light that was gradually shining outside the window, and he was emotional that it had only been a day in reality, but he had lived in the Three Kingdoms for a month.

And it seems that this copy can't end within one or two years, it's okay, anyway, I really like the atmosphere of the Three Kingdoms.

I haven't seen Lao Lai Liu Huangshu and the first think tank Zhuge Liang yet.

It seems a little difficult to unify the world, because he has no soldiers and horses...

This is a problem, Jiang Siming thought for a while, not considering it for now.

If it doesn't work, kill Dong Zhuo or unify his Xiliang army.

Anyway, it was a matter of flipping hands, which was easier for Jiang Siming than drinking water.

Carefully detached from Jenna's jade arm, Jiang Siming got up to wash and began to go downstairs to make breakfast for the wives.

Generally, Jiang Siming would take the initiative to do early when he gets up early, and he can't always let his own woman work for him.

Sometimes it's good for men to cook.

Besides, Jiang Siming, who has [proficient in cooking skills], is also very happy to cook.

What's more, today is when Zhao Xiaoxiao's final exams, this cheap dad himself has to express himself.


[Author's digression]: The third update has been passed, dear friends, remember to vote for sake every day. Sake wants to participate in the silver ticket contest, thank you~

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