I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1024: I'm talking about that kind of love

After taking a bath and changing clothes, Zhao Xiaoxiao is full of energy.

Jiang Siming gave her two pills for strengthening the body.

【Strong Body Pill】: It can slightly increase all aspects of physical fitness, and the increase is equivalent to the average result of a year of exercise for ordinary people.

After eating, the physique of this girl is comparable to that of a strong adult man.

Whether it is power or speed, it is no different from an adult.

"Wow, Dad, it turns out that cultivation is so simple, just take two pills?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was so excited that he hit a big punching bag with a left uppercut and a right uppercut in the gym upstairs.

She used to hit the sandbags, it was like tickling the sandbags, but now that she can hit such a heavy sandbag, it swings sideways.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and said, "You must remember that if you promised me, if something happens accidentally, you can just wait to go to the juvenile office to celebrate the New Year."

"Don't worry, Dad, I'm a mature girl, so I don't want to show off like those little kids with a little ability." Zhao Xiaoxiao assured.

Jiang Siming was relieved.

"Okay, let's do this first. You have only improved your physical fitness. You haven't practiced yet. After a while, I will find a suitable practice method for you, and I will leave quickly and have a test."

"Oh, Dad, I love you~"

"Silly girl, I love you too."

"I'm not talking about that kind of love."

"I'm talking about that kind of love, hurry up."



As soon as Zhao Xiaoxiao was sent to the school for an exam, Jiang Siming received a call from Zhang Changlan on his cell phone.

"Dong Jiang, the girl you mentioned really took a little girl and was transferred to our hospital."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Yes, this little girl's illness is a bit tricky. She has frostbite."

Jiang Siming frowned, gradually frostbite, this is indeed an intractable disease.

When Jiang Siming was working on the task of treating patients at Heng Ai, he encountered a patient who also had frostbite.

It still depends on Jiang Siming's long-term treatment with Zhen Qi and special Chinese medicine to slowly adjust it.

With Heng Ai, Heng Ai couldn't deal with this disease, he had to go to battle himself.

"Well, I'll come over now."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he hung up and drove to the hospital.

In the hospital ward, Yu Fei's heart was still pounding. She had never been to such an advanced hospital.

Oh my God, this is a hospital, it's a scenic area of ​​luxury villas.

It is no wonder that when she said that she was going to transfer Yueyue to Heng'ai, the doctors and the dean personally drove them to the car, and also said that they would be exempted from medical expenses.

She realized that this hospital was so big and so advanced.

Moreover, after being admitted to Hengai, the attitude of nurses and doctors towards them is totally different from that of the previous hospital.

The director of the hospital came in person and said that she would not charge her a penny.

Thinking of the handsome man yesterday, Yu Fei felt that she must have met a rich second-generation kind person.

It's that this person is really familiar, but he can't remember who it is.

Seems to be seen in a newspaper or magazine.

However, despite changing to a better hospital, the doctor still told her that frostbite is difficult to treat, and their hospital may not be able to cure it.

So Yu Fei was still a little melancholy, but Xiao Guoer was very happy. After all, the child came to such a good place.

There are many beautiful nurse sisters playing with her, and the little girl is very happy.

Yu Fei sighed and said, "I want to be like Xiao Guoer~"

It's a pity that she is the dean, so many children are waiting for her to take care of it.

"Sister Yu Fei, this is a snack given to me by the nurse. You can eat some." Xiao Guoer sat down in front of Yu Fei, holding the potato chip cookies from the nurse.

Yu Fei shook her head and touched Xiao Guo'er's head with a wry smile, and said, "Guo'er, eat by yourself, sister is not hungry."

"Do you eat Yueyue?" Xiao Guoer asked Yueyue who was lying on the hospital bed again.

But Yueyue ignored her because she was still in a coma.

After getting this disease, muscles atrophy, lethargy, and the body will get colder and colder, and eventually become a vegetable.

At present, no country can effectively cure frostbite due to medical conditions.

The probability of cure is less than one percent.

"Yueyue is asleep, I will wait until Yueyue wakes up to eat with her." Xiao Guoer obediently collected the snacks, and took care of Yueyue in the chair with Yu Fei.

At this time, a figure walked into the ward.

Xiao Guo'er looked up curiously, and then shouted in surprise: "It's Big Brother!"

Yu Fei was tired and took a nap on the chair. She hurriedly raised her head and opened her eyes when she heard the sound. It was really the man who was at the airport that day.

"You... hello, thank you for helping us."

Yu Fei hurriedly got up, stuttering, just feeling a little embarrassed.

Jiang Siming smiled and nodded, and said: "Don't thank me, it is not entirely your responsibility to take care of the orphanage. People in our society should also do what they can do."

Yu Fei's heart was warm after hearing this. These words were the warmest words she had ever heard.

She was not reconciled to herself and her parents.

For whatever reason, the orphanage is fully managed by them, and ZF is only responsible for appropriating money every year.

Now that she heard Jiang Siming's words, she suddenly felt that everything was worth it.

"I'm still sorry that day, I stole your wallet and the tone is still so bad, or you can scold me a few words or beat me up."

Jiang Siming said happily, "Am I so careful? Okay, it's all said and done. I came to see a sick child. Let me introduce you."

Yu Fei nodded embarrassedly, and quickly introduced Yueyue to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming walked over and rolled the eyelids of the little **** the hospital bed, looked at her tongue again, and finally sat down to get her pulse.

Yu Fei looked surprised and couldn't help but ask: "Sir, do you... still have medical skills?"

"Why, don't believe me." Jiang Siming smiled while cutting his pulse.

Yu Fei hurriedly shook her head: "I didn't mean that."

At this time, other doctors in the hospital who were in charge of Yueyue's condition walked in.

One of the old doctors laughed and said: "Girl, you are lucky. Our chairman's medical skills are superb. With him as a genius doctor, it is difficult for this little girl to think about it."

Yu Fei heard that although she told herself rationally that this was outrageous, how old is Jiang Siming, is he a genius doctor?

Even these old doctors are so respected.

But after another thought, even if the other party lied to herself, what could she do to cheat, the poor girl, the balance on her body was still the thousands of dollars that Jiang Siming gave her that day.

Could it be a lie? Please, she can see that Jiang Siming doesn't seem to be interested in her at all.

From his eyes, she could confirm this.

In fact, Yu Fei was also a little bit disappointed, after all, she felt that her appearance was still very high.

There are many men who covet her looks, but why is Jiang Siming the only one who doesn't feel at all for her? Is this man so visionary?


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