I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1025: Donate to the school

Today, Yu Fei also specially removed yesterday's makeup and meticulously added some light makeup, which belongs to the peak period of her appearance.

However, Jiang Siming saw her still that way today, and she was not even as attractive to him as Xiao Guoer.

And a very funny scene appeared in the ward.

Jiang Siming sat and took his pulse, and several old doctors stood beside him, just like a pupil, watching Jiang Siming's movements very carefully.

This obviously should be changed. Why does Jiang Siming look like their teacher...

"Well, it's gradual cold syndrome, but this patient's condition is much lighter than the previous one, and it is much easier to treat."

After Jiang Siming's diagnosis, several old doctors rushed over and said: "Jiang Dong, can you teach us the set of needles you used last time?"

Jiang Siming looked up funny: "You all want to learn?"

Several old doctors nodded like pecking rice, and said: "We are all Chinese medicine doctors, and we especially admire your acupuncture skills."

"Okay, then learn by the side and let the nurse bring my things." Jiang Siming did not refuse.

His medical skills were originally given by fragments, and he did not rely on this craft to make ends meet, he could teach other doctors, and they would be able to save more patients in the future.

He has no traditional ideas that are not spread out.

Seeing Jiang Siming's permission, several doctors were so excited that they were so excited that they went to prepare acupuncture and other tools for Jiang Siming.

"Your name is Yu Fei, right? Before you start, you help and give this child a bath. There is a bathroom in this ward. I will arrange for two nurses to help you."

Jiang Siming Chao Yu Fei said.

Yu Fei nodded ignorantly, and immediately started to do it.

Yu Fei went to bathe the child, while Jiang Siming began to tease Xiao Guoer.

"How old is it?"

"7 years old, big brother~"

"Have you gone to school?"

"Not yet, my sister said that I will send Guoer to study when I have money in the future."

"What's your real name?"

"Yu Guoer."

"Your surname is Yu, too, are all other friends in your courtyard surnamed Yu?"

The little girl shook her head and said, "No, other friends have names before. Father Yu snatched Guoer from a trafficker. There is no name, so the name is Yu Guoer."

"So that's the case, did you find your parents?"

"Not yet." The little girl said, a little lost.

Jiang Siming sighed and hugged her in his arms.

He had watched a Huang Bo movie called "Dear" before. This movie was about human traffickers abducting and selling children. Huang Bo ran out of wealth and time looking for children in order to find children.

In the movie

There is also a "Lost Orphan" by Liu Tianwang, which also tells this story.

Even Zhao Xiaoxiao was almost kidnapped by traffickers.

For these people, Jiang Siming also hated them in his heart and destroyed countless families.

If he had the opportunity to meet these people again, he would definitely make his move heavier than last time! Also cruel.

"Do you want to go to school earlier?" asked Xiao Guoer in Jiang Siming's arms.


"Well, my brother promises you that he will send you to school soon, OK? Not just you, but other children in the orphanage can go to school."


"Of course, brother never talks nonsense." Jiang Siming smiled.

Xiao Guoer was so happy that he put his arms around Jiang Siming's neck and kissed him on the face.

"Thank you elder brother, I will be your eldest brother's wife when he grows up!"


Jiang Siming was embarrassed, and squeezed her face dumbly and said: "It's not necessary, do you know if you study hard."

"Yeah!" Xiao Guo'er nodded.

The old doctors on the side couldn't help laughing.

Soon, Yu Fei came out of the bathroom holding Xiaoyueyue and finished the shower.

Jiang Siming put down Xiao Guoer and began to treat him.

One silver needle was pierced on Xiao Yueyue's body, and soon the cold rushed out of the silver needle.

One silver needle after another freezes, and Jiang Siming's needle application speed gradually increases.

Yu Fei hugged Xiao Guoer and watched Jiang Siming's serious needle injection, only then could she believe it was true.

Although Yu Fei didn't know medicine, she also believed that Jiang Siming was really a genius doctor with the action of applying needles in his hand and the group of old doctors who were shocked by the wide-eyed people behind.

Yu Fei was not only grateful to Jiang Siming, but also admired.

"If his future boyfriend has half of his skills, even if he is a pauper, this girl will definitely marry him without hesitation. Of course, the premise is that he is willing to accept the operation of an orphanage..."

Yu Fei shook her head and realized that she wanted to be awkward. She blushed and took a peek at Jiang Siming, and she was relieved to find that the other party was focusing on her without paying attention.

Before long, the injection was over.

Jiang Siming put away the acupuncture and said to the old doctors behind him: "According to the previous patient's traditional Chinese medicine formula, give this child one pair a day, and he will be cured after one month."

"Don't worry Jiang Dong, leave it to us."

Jiang Siming nodded, got up from the chair, and said to Yu Fei: "Let her stay in the hospital for a month. During this period, if you have anything to do, I will let the nurse look at her around the clock and pick up the person in a month."

Yu Fei was grateful and took Xiao Guoer and bowed to Jiang Siming: "Thank you, sir."

"All said no." Jiang Siming waved his hand, and then thought of something.

"By the way, in the future, if a child in your yard is sick, please send it to Hengai. It is free. I will also ask Hengai doctors and nurses to go to your orphanage for free physical examinations every once in a while. You will help take care of the children. , We also help you take care of their health."

At this moment Zhang Changlan also came over, took a bank card and handed it to Yu Fei.

"Dean Yu Fei, this is a fundraiser organized by Heng Ai for your orphanage. The doctors and nurses of the whole hospital and even many patients have donated money for you, a total of 230,000. You can collect it."

Yu Fei didn't know what to say for a while, but she could only thank her with red eyes.

"Dean Zhang, you are too interesting, why don't you tell me about the fundraiser?"

Jiang Siming smiled and said to Zhang Changlan.

Zhang Changlan smiled and said, "Jiang Dong, don't slander a good person. You just came today, and we have to have a chance to tell you."

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Okay, then I will donate some too."

"How much do you plan to donate, Chairman?" Zhang Changlan was curious.

"You call me only after you have donated. I can't be compared to you. Let's just let me let someone build a school next to the orphanage. It will be convenient for the children in the future to study."

Jiang Siming thought for a while and said, it seems that you don't know how much to donate, so it's not as useful to donate something.

Building a school is easy for him, and he has a construction company, so he can do it himself.

"Chairman's atmosphere!" Zhang Changlan and other doctors gave thumbs up.

"Go, go, don't slap me, all right, take care of them, I have something to do, I have to go first."

Jiang Siming finished speaking with a chuckle, and then teased Xiao Guoer before leaving the ward, ready to go to school to pick up Zhao Xiaoxiao from school.

This girl should have finished the exam too.

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