I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1027: Plan change

"But your father won't let me marry you." Jiang Siming pretended to regret.

Cai Yan was anxious and said hurriedly: "Cousin, then you take me away. I can follow you, no matter where I go, I am willing."

Jiang Siming wanted to laugh too much, alas, he was going to kidnap a girl again inexplicably.

"Well, two days later, I will pick you up at night, and I will take you to hide in Luoyang first, and make you a friend by the way, female."

Jiang Siming deliberately wanted to see Cai Yan's reaction, but found that she didn't mind.

Also, three wives and four concubines were normal in ancient times. Even if they didn't talk to Jiang Siming, they wouldn't mind if they had other women.

After the two negotiated, Jiang Siming stayed in Cai Yan's room for a while before leaving.

It was mainly the old man Cai Yong who sent several maids to stare at the door.

I was afraid that I would do too much to his daughter.

After Jiang Siming left, Cai Yan completely recovered from his sadness, not only willing to eat, but also apologizing to Cai Yong.

Cai Yong thought that Jiang Siming really fulfilled him, laughed heartily, and asked the steward to send a lot of gold and silver jewelry to Jiang Siming from the house.

However, two days later...A major event also happened in Cai Mansion, Cai Wenji was also missing!

Cai Yong was also anxious to find all over the city, but he still couldn't find it.

It didn't take long for Luoyang's good days to come to an end.

Outside Luoyang, the 18th princes finally came!

Dong Zhuo quickly asked Lu Bu to take the Xiliang Army to garrison at Hulao Pass, and at the same time, under the name of Qingjun, brutally beheaded countless officials in Luoyang.

Yuan Shao's father and uncle were all beheaded.

Yuan Shao in Luoyang City was so angry that he was helpless, after all, he was the leader of the Eighteenth Route princes.

Of course Dong Zhuo was the first to vent his anger.

Lü Bu led his army in the battle against the Eighteenth Route princes at Hulao Pass, and many of them appeared in succession.

Three brothers Liu Guan Zhang, Yuan Shu, Sun Jian and so on.

Also left the reputation of Guan Yu Wenjiu beheading Huaxiong, and Lu Bu during the Three British Wars.

And under the super-power of the 18th Route princes, the Xiliang Army retreated steadily.

When Dong Zhuo saw that the situation was not right, he immediately listened to Li Ru's advice.

Let the Xiliang Army begin to search the people of Luoyang City, so as not to lose their troops and flee.

As a result, Luoyang was completely chaotic. The Xiliang army broke into houses, burned, killed, looted, and even raped women. Even many officials’ homes were not spared.

Luoyang City was full of grief.

Jiang Siming's house was not spared either. A group of Xiliang army broke in forcibly. Just about to go in and search, they saw Jiang Siming standing in the courtyard.

"Hey, boy, just roll aside and kneel down, let the Laozi search it, or I will kill you first!"

Jiang Siming looked at the Xiliang soldier suddenly sneered, and said softly: "It seems that you Xiliang soldiers can't accept it. Such disgusting things have been done. I don't want to take your trash to fight the world. "

"what did you say!"

"Look for death! Cut him off!"

Several Xiliang army rushed in, Jiang Siming walked back without looking back, as if treating them as air.

At this moment, a woman walked out from Jiang Siming's side, holding a very strange thing in her hand and pointed at them.

After only a few silenced sounds sounded, these little soldiers fell into a pool of blood, with a blood hole on their foreheads.

"Master, it's solved, do you want to kill all the enemies outside and nearby?"

"No, since Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Army can't be used, then use this little emperor's reputation."

Jiang Siming's original plan was to wait for Dong Zhuo to completely mess up Luoyang City before killing him, and the power of thunder was in charge of his Xiliang army.

Then take the emperor to make the princes a complete villain.

But now seeing these Xiliang army's virtues, Jiang Siming has no interest in them.

The plan was changed, and Han Xiandi was attacked.

At this time, Dong Zhuo had already incorporated the people, kidnapped all the hundred officials and the emperor, swept away almost all the wealth of Luoyang City, and was about to move to Chang'an.

As for the original Luoyang City, it was burned down by the fire.

Dong Zhuo found that today's Han Xian Emperor was a bit weird, as if he was stupid, his eyes were dull, he didn't cry or make trouble, and he was very obedient.

He couldn't think of killing him. Jiang Siming sneaked into the palace last night and used the hypnotism for Han Xiandi all night to hypnotize him into his own little brother.

Of course, this hypnotic effect cannot last for long, and can only last for three days at most.

Jiang Siming was a bit regretful that he still couldn't refine the puppet pill. If there was a puppet pill, it would be more convenient.

Puppet pill requires intermediate alchemy to be refined.

But being hypnotized for three days is enough.

The Xiliang army was waiting for it, and all officials followed Dong Zhuo's army out of Luoyang in despair.

On the way, Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie suddenly rushed out of Cha Luan and shouted in the distance: "Jiang Aiqing, come and help!"

Everyone looked confused, thinking that Emperor Han Xian was crazy.

"Your Majesty speak carefully, speak carefully, the prime minister has already heard it." The Baiguan next to him quickly silenced Emperor Han Xian.

But Liu Xie, as if he hadn't heard it, still yelled from the sky: "Jiang Aiqing, come here for help, kill Dong thief, Kuang Han room!"

Baiguan's face changed drastically, and Dong Zhuo was furious, and he was about to come over and beat up the little furry boy.

But at this moment, a good horse suddenly appeared in front of the Xiliang Army.

The speed is extremely fast, and it will come in an instant.

On the horseback, a handsome figure appeared on it, holding a simple and unpretentious sword in his hand, and rushed towards the 200,000 Xiliang Army.

Dong Zhuo sneered and said, "This is the helper you rely on, your Majesty? A person wants to save him? Hahahaha, it's a horror!"

Without Dong Zhuo speaking, the Xiliang Army had already started to guard and fired arrows at Jiang Siming.

Countless arrows were shot at Jiang Siming, but I don't know why, no arrow could reach that person, not even the horse he was sitting on could not hurt.

As soon as these arrows came, they separated automatically, and rushed for nothing.

Just as these soldiers stared and couldn't believe it, the horse was already in front of them.

The man waved the ancient sword in his hand, and the armor and shield in the army were like tofu, which shattered at the touch of a touch, and the Xiliang army fell into pieces.

"This...who is this person? Why is there such a fierce general!" Dong Zhuo was dumbfounded.

He originally thought that his son Lu Bu was already the best brave general in the world. Looking at his posture, he might be as strong as Lu Bu?

Within a few breaths, the horse had already entered the army.

"Quick, quick! Fengxian, go and kill this person!" Dong Zhuo's brows throbbed wildly, and there was always an ominous feeling in his heart.

With a cold snort, Lv Bu urged the red rabbit under his hips to kill Jiang Siming.

He didn't think Jiang Siming was so strong, besides, there were so many Xiliang army to help, it was too easy to kill him.

"Hey! Where can the rats report their names, I will not kill the unknown ones!"

Lu Bu didn't get any response when he asked. The other party seemed to ignore him and still wantonly killing Xiliang soldiers.

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