I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1028: Prime Minister Jiang

Lu Bu was angry, and didn't talk to the other party. Chitu quickly approached, and Lu Bu was about to do it.

At this time, Jiang Siming suddenly kicked off his horse, and he rose out of thin air and flew towards Dong Zhuo.

"Not good! Protect the prime minister!" Lu Bu shouted immediately without expecting Jiang Siming to have such a good light work.

At the same time, he quickly turned his horse to chase Jiang Siming.

But Jiang Siming's speed was like a ghost, and he flew to Dong Zhuo in the blink of an eye. Facing the flustered Dong Zhuo, Jiang Siming made no expression, and a sword pierced his chest.

Fortunately, Dong Zhuo thought in his heart that it was okay. He wore an impenetrable armor next to him, and nothing would happen.

But in the next second, he felt a sharp pain in his heart, and when he looked down, the sword had already penetrated his armor, making him feel chilly.

Dong Zhuo fell to the ground, splashing dust.

And everyone including Lu Bu was stunned. The leader of the Xiliang Army, Dong Zhuo, died so easily? Still dead in the hands of one person.

Jiang Siming drew the sword from Dong Zhuo's heart, and the murderous Xiliang army roared: "Dong Zhuo is dead, those who descend will not kill, otherwise, kill without mercy!"

When Dong Zhuo died, the Xiliang army was in great chaos, and his leaders were dead. In addition, Jiang Siming's aura was amazing.

There are really many Xiliang army who are afraid to put down their weapons.

But more Xiliang army still did not move.

At this time, Lu Bu was the first to react, raising his Fang Tian painted halberd and shouting: "Foot-father died tragically. As his son, I temporarily control the soldiers and soldiers. Soldiers, kill him for me and avenge my father-in-law! "

Lu Bu's words were still very useful, and the remaining Xiliang army rushed towards Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming sneered and swept a large area with one move.

Another stroke of the violent wind slashed, and it was another piece.

Although the power of the orange spell is greatly reduced, the lean camel is bigger than a horse, and it is very simple to drop a few hundred heads in one move.

Besides, Returning Wan Jian to the Sect is not an orange spell, it is a red martial arts faculty, and it can be used without barriers.

After a few tricks, the Xiliang army was dead, not even tens of thousands.

No way, can you imagine a person with a full-level magic costume in an online game running to Novice Village to kill those white numbers?

After that cut, -99999 was all sprinkled.

Lu Bu was startled and suspicious, and immediately began to retreat in his heart.

This person's strength is far beyond his imagination, even if he really matches him, is there really a chance of winning?

In addition, there were eighteen princes chasing soldiers behind him, Lu Bu quickly pulled the reins, shouted a retreat, and fled with the remaining Xiliang army.

It wasn't until the Xiliang Army left that Baiguan believed that all this was true.

Someone really can rely on their own power to kill 200,000 soldiers and retreat.

Who is this person?

The gazes of the hundreds of officials immediately turned to the man, and the heads of Cai Yong and Wang Yun who were in it immediately went down.

Isn't this man... Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming ignored them, but put away the sword in his hand, walked to Han Xiandi, clasped his fists slightly, and did not bow down.

He has no habit of kneeling.

"Weichen is late for help, I hope your majesty will forgive you."

According to the script, Emperor Xian of the Han came over to pat Jiang Siming's shoulder with great emotion, and said: "As expected, the confidant I have been training, Jiang Aiqing, you have done a good job in saving Dong Zhuo and killed the evil Dong Zhuo. I will let you replace Dong Zhuo. Position, rank among the prime ministers, and lead the world!"

"Your Majesty, the minister must do his duty faithfully."

Jiang Siming showed a satisfied smile, and all the officials did not feel outrageous, but were rather happy.

After all, Jiang Siming killed Dong Zhuo, freeing them from the sea of ​​suffering.

Another 200,000 Xiliang army was repelled, and he was still the confidant of Emperor Han Xian. There is nothing wrong with such a person as prime minister.

Emperor Han Xian trusted him so much, this man must be a pillar of the Han Dynasty.

Hanxing is hopeful!

Many veterans even cried.

"Your Majesty, although Dong Zhuo died, Luoyang has been reduced to ashes. The minister suggested that the capital should still be moved to Chang'an." Jiang Siming began to flicker.

"As played by Zhun Aiqing, move the capital to Chang'an." Emperor Han Xian agreed without hesitation.

But Wang Yun was a little worried and said: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, Chang'an is a thousand miles away from Luoyang, and I don't have horses, carts, and enough food to guard. How can I go to Chang'an?"

Jiang Siming took the lead and said: "Wang Situ, don't worry, we will be waiting here, and someone will come to **** us."

"Oh? Dare to ask the prime minister, who is it?"

"Of course it is the 18th princes who came under the name of Kuangfu Hanshi, how can they not help your Majesty?"

"Haha, what the prime minister said is very true! Very true!"

Wang Yun laughed, Dong Zhuo died, he was very happy.

Unexpectedly, the chief book of his mansion, since he was the confidant minister hidden by his majesty.

Wang Yun was fortunate that he didn't neglect Jiang Siming too much, but unfortunately Diaochan would not be anymore, otherwise he could still allow Diaochan to hook up with Jiang Siming to make a relationship for himself.

This is the prime minister, and Situ is not as high as the prime minister.

Cai Yong also regretted it. He had already agreed to Jiang Siming's marriage with his daughter, and now it is all right. Not only did it have no relationship, his daughter also disappeared.

I really lost my wife and broke down.

Jiang Siming suddenly became the prime minister. Although the speed of promotion was a bit unbelievable, after all, all officials understood during the special period.

Besides, Jiang Siming himself was his majesty's confidant, and he was not a rash, and everyone did not complain, on the contrary, everyone wanted to curry favor with Jiang Siming.

Emperor Xian of Han handed over all the affairs to Jiang Siming, and went back to sleep in the carriage.

Jiang Siming is equivalent to becoming the acting emperor, and it is strange that the officials do not agree.

"Report to the Prime Minister that a large number of soldiers have come out of Luoyang City."

"Don't worry, set up your position, wake up your Majesty, ask them to temporarily place their soldiers and horses twenty miles away, and then come to pick them up. Anyone who doesn't follow will be treated as the rebels."

Jiang Siming's trick was ruthless, and he asked them to come over without soldiers.

Anyone who doesn't come is unwilling. In this period, before the big man completely collapsed, no one would dare to risk such a big deal.

Whoever dares to take the lead is the second Dong Zhuo. The world has won him, and many soldiers and advisers will stay away from you.

Not to mention that the emperor's words are useful at this time, even if all the princes are full of wings, no one dares to take the lead in resisting the decree.

Otherwise, how could Lao Cao use this trick to hold the emperor for so many years.

The **** immediately went to deliver the decree, and the eighteenth princes who were about to take advantage of the victory to pursue Dong Zhuo were dumbfounded when they received these decree.

How was the emperor saved? And also gave such an embarrassing imperial decree.

And it won't work if you don't go.

Ask every **** who delivered the decree to know what happened.

"This Jiang Bei is actually the emperor's confidant?" Yuan Shao murmured, unbelievable.

"Jiang Bei is so good? Still becoming the prime minister?" Cao Cao didn't expect that the person who used to go to the brothel with him to prostitute became the prime minister in the blink of an eye.

When other princes learned that the situation was different, they were most worried about seeing the driver.


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