I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1038: Indoor Karting Competition

"The leader of the red team is Jiang Siming, who also needs to stand up, not make a sound, and canvass for himself."

Jiang Siming really didn't expect that he would become the captain. Okay, now that everything is arranged, I will be the captain once.

Stepping out of the guest group, Jiang Siming walked to the other side of Liu Zaishi and turned to face the other guests.

The expression began to become serious, and his eyes began to rush.

A truly powerful actor, you can read his meaning with just one look.

Jiang Siming's eyes are profound and mysterious. Once he is serious, it seems that there are countless stories to tell you.

Jiang Siming glanced over one by one, and the male guests were shocked, not to mention the female guests.

Song Zhixiao has long been'rebellious', and the essence of Mimei and'Mingchu' is fully revealed.

The two girls Zheng Xiujing and Song Qian blushed, especially when Jiang Siming looked at them, and Zheng Xiujing's rare glamorous school almost didn't hold it.

After looking around one by one, Jiang Siming retracted his eyes and changed back to a smiling face.

"Wow, I want to team up with Captain Jiang." Li Guangmo murmured.

At this moment Liu Zaishi passed the death gaze, Li Guangmo frightened Chrysanthemum and said quickly: "I'm kidding."

The two captains finished canvassing, and the director said: "Okay, now there are guests who choose the team to go to in turn."

The first one was Chishizhen. He went to Liu Zaishi's team without even thinking about it. After all, he was an old teammate and he would definitely support it.

Then Ma Dongxi and Che Youyou both went to Liu Zaishi's team, and finally it was the female guest's turn.

Zheng Xiujing.

"Xiujing, come on, we can't live without you~"

"Yeah, Xiujing, we are your home here~"

"Xiujing~ I sing for you~ As long as you are willing to come, I will kick Guangmo out~"


Liu Zaishi has canvassed for votes. After all, does everyone have a passion for beauty? A girl of Zheng Xiujing's level naturally hopes to be with her.

But Zheng Xiujing looked at Liu Zaishi's team and it was almost full, but Jiang Siming was still a lonely old man.

Although Jiang Siming didn't feel embarrassed at all, he still stood there confidently.

This may be what Zheng Xiujing made a choice.

The little girl stepped twice quickly and plunged into Jiang Siming's camp.

Then you can hear Liu Zaishi's team wailing.

"Professor Du, can I come to your team?" Zheng Xiujing asked with a smile and her beautiful eyes lit up quietly.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Of course, you are welcome."

Then it was Song Qian's turn. Unexpectedly, Song Qian also fell into Jiang Siming's arms. The reason is simple. She and Jiang Siming are the only two Chinese people left in this show, and they must support them.

In fact, even if it wasn't Song Qian, he would be more willing to come to Jiang Siming's side, not for anything else, just because Jiang Siming's eyes flashed him.

Song Zhixiao saw that Jiang Siming's team had only two positions left at once, and he was secretly anxious, but she was the last one to choose, and could only pray that she would not be full.

It was Kim Jong-kook's turn, and Kim Jong-kook also chose to join Liu Jae-shik's team, and Liu Jae-shik's team was one short.

Then came HAHA. HAHA considered it for a while, and decisively abandoned his brother for the sake of beauty and came to Jiang Siming's camp.

"Ha Jae Hoon, you are too interesting!"

"HAHA, you're a silly fellow."

"Catch him over and beat him up."


HAHA laughed, not only didn't panic, but choked up and danced.

Then there was Lee Kwang-soo, this guy, actually joined Jiang Siming's team.

Now, Jiang Siming's team... is full...

In the end, Zhixiao was left with Liu Jae-shik's team.

"I'm going to my Siming's team, Guangzhu. If you don't want to die, you can quickly change back." Ji Hyo glared at Li Guangzhu with his'fierce' eyes.

But the director said: "After the person is selected, it cannot be changed."

Song Ji-hyo has nothing to say now. It is estimated that Lee Kwang-soo will be ‘more sad’ for future RM recordings.

The team is finalized.

Jiang Siming has Lee Kwang-soo, HAHA, Jung Soo-jeong, and Song Qian.

On the other side of Liu Zaishi are Chishizhen, Song Zhixiao, Che You, and Ma Dongxi.

The director team distributed uniforms to everyone, and everyone went into the cloakroom nearby to change their uniforms and walked out.

This is the first time Jiang Siming puts on RM's clothes, which is a set of sportswear, with a nameplate with his name on the back: [Jiang Siming]

The name is written in Chinese, not in Korean, which is quite satisfactory to Jiang Siming.

The two teams assembled separately, and the director team said: "Everyone, your task for the two teams today is the confrontation between the red and the blue. Now, the team that wins each confrontation will get a pennant, and the party with the most pennants will win the final Victory, of course, the pennants can also find ways to **** each other, everything depends on the unity and tacit understanding of your team."

"Now, for the first competition, the Karting Competition, please move to the building behind you. There is the largest indoor karting track in Asia, which is enough for everyone to play."

Emotion is the first point of confrontation here.

Boys are very excited to play karts. After all, boys like this kind of game.

The girls are a little scared, Zheng Xiujing and Song Qian are a little worried, mainly because they are afraid of being hit and their own car skills are not good.

Everyone came to this indoor arena. The area is really huge, with various loops and even ramps.

According to the instructor in the museum, everyone put on specific protective clothing and helmets, and taught everyone simple operations.

After the event, the director announced: "Ten cars are on the field at the same time, and each person gets the opposite score. For example, the first place is ten points, and the tenth place only has one point. The sum of the points is the total points your team has obtained. Ready to start ."

After hearing this, everyone began to ride in their own karts. Ten karts lined up in a row. Fortunately, the place was big enough, otherwise it would only be divided into two groups.

Jiang Siming was sitting aside, next to Zheng Xiujing and Li Guangzhu.

"Captain, or I'll stop them, you should take first place." Li Guangzhu said.

Jiang Siming smiled and shook his head and said, "No, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back if you get stuck. Will they let you go?"

Lee Kwang-soo thought about it, so let's dispel this idea quickly.

Seeing that Zheng Xiujing was a little nervous, Jiang Siming comforted: "Don't worry, even if you drive it, it's okay if you don't drive well. You don't need to care about the rankings, you just have to remember to drive to the end."

"Well, thank you captain." Zheng Xiujing didn't feel so nervous after hearing the consequences.

On the other side, Song Zhixiao watched Jiang Siming comforting his team members and pouted enviously. He blamed Guangzhu for taking her place.

"Si Ming, each is the leader, don't blame me for surpassing you." Song Zhixiao still did not forget to shout to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming replied, "Then you won't cry if you lose."

Song Zhixiao smiled and raised his fan fist: "Wait and see."

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