I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1041: Guanhuaxiangxiang

Jiang Siming got closer and closer to Xiangxiang, and stopped three meters away.

It was not that he wanted to stop, but Xiangxiang herself, came over to Jiang Siming.

The breeder thought that Xiangxiang was going to hurt Jiang Siming. Just about to pull Jiang Siming away, he found that Xiangxiang walked to Jiang Siming's feet and began to sniff his trouser legs.

Then to the horror of the breeder, Xiang Xiang started rubbing his head against Jiang Siming's trouser legs, and his small paws fluttered cautiously on Jiang Siming's body, begging for a hug.

Jiang Siming was happy, and it was really useful. The giant panda started to be an animal with ample aura. The more aura animals, the less resistant to him.

"I think I can hug it." Jiang Siming said, squatting and hugging Xiangxiang.

Xiangxiang didn't resist, but happily acted like a baby in Jiang Siming's arms and kissed Jiang Siming's cheek affectionately.

Not to mention that the breeder was shocked, Zheng Xiujing and the others were equally shocked.

This task is...completed one?

Let the panda take the initiative to embrace, isn’t Jiang Siming just being embraced by the panda?

Fortunately, the program team said that everyone has to be hugged by the panda, otherwise they can already get the pennants.

"Ouba, it seems to like you very much!" Zheng Xiujing said with envy.

Song Qian also joked with greedy eyes: "Does it think that the **** is too handsome?"

"I think it is very possible." Zheng Xiujing is willing to believe this.

Li Guangzhu was not convinced, and said, "Then I can too."

After speaking, Lee Kwang-soo walked over. He just wanted to touch Xiangxiang with his hand, but was slapped by Xiangxiang demonstrating. Fortunately, he quickly took it back, otherwise he felt his hand hurt.

"Sir, you still don't get close to Xiangxiang, it doesn't like you."

The breeder quickly pulled Li Guangzhu away, and Li Guangzhu almost cried out of grievance.

Didn’t Xiangxiang like handsome guys? Isn’t he? Woo...

And Zheng Xiujing, Song Qian and HAHA tried it, but none of them could escape the fate of being rejected by Xiangxiang.

The four of them stepped back a few meters, they could only watch Jiang Siming holding Xiangxiang with extremely envious eyes, and unscrupulously touched his head to tease him.

They also want to touch it, but the key is not allowed~

Jiang Siming held Xiangxiang in his arms and said with a smile: "Xiangxiang, can you help me? My friend needs to complete the task. Would you go and hug them?"

Unexpectedly, Xiangxiang froze for a moment, as if thinking about it. After a few seconds, it began to loosen.

Jiang Siming put it down, Xiangxiang really started to walk towards Zheng Xiujing and Song Qian, staying in the arms of the two for a while, and then immediately returned to Jiang Siming's arms.

As for Lee Kwang-soo and HAHA, Xiangxiang said that he didn't want to go.

"You have seen it too, it doesn't like you." Jiang Siming hugged Xiangxiang again and shrugged at the two.

Lee Kwang-soo and HAHA's heart is cold in the twelfth lunar month with snowflakes.

But in the end Jiang Siming went to find another panda for the task. He also liked Jiang Siming very much and was willing to satisfy Jiang Siming's request.

Finally, the two of them fulfilled their wishes and completed the task.

On the other hand, the blue team is still in full GG status. Even if you ask grandpa to tell grandma, there are still no giant panda birds.

Jiang Siming hugged Xiangxiang, followed by four players, and walked to the blue team swaggeringly.

Liu Zaishi's eyes widened when he saw the fragrance in Jiang Siming's arms, what the hell? Why did Jiang Siming complete the task?

"Not only was the captain finished, we were all embraced by the panda, hehe." Li Guangzhu started to cry.

"Axi, you are very lucky to find such an obedient and docile panda." Chi Shizhen said sourly. He believed that this panda must be naturally hospitable and loves people.

HAHA disdainfully said: "Then come and see if you can hold the fragrance?"

"Come on." Chi Shizhen didn't believe in this evil, and walked over. Just as he was about to raise his hand, Xiangxiang's little bear paw called.

Chi Shizhen shuddered and backed several meters.


The red team laughed presumptuously.

Zhixiao walked over and looked at Jiang Siming blankly and said, "I want to hug too."

"Okay, Xiangxiang, go and hug her." Jiang Siming put down Xiangxiang without hesitation.

"Captain, how can I let sister hug, she is our'enemy'." Lee Kwang-soo said.

Jiang Siming said speechlessly: "We have completed the task, you are not four foolish, and she does not complete the task even if she hugs the blue team alone."

Li Guangzhu has nothing to say now, it seems that what the captain said...makes sense.

As soon as Xiangxiang was put down, she ran into Zhixiao's arms.

Song Zhixiao was incoherent with joy and touched Xiangxiang very tenderly and cherished.

"Si Ming, how can it listen to you like this?"

Song Zhixiao asked curiously. The others were also looking at Jiang Siming. They were also very curious.

Jiang Siming smiled and asked:

"Don't you know that we Chinese people ride pandas to work and school every day?"

Everyone was stunned, let alone, after this show was broadcast, how many foreigners believed in Jiang Siming's words?

Is it true that online rumors are that China’s pandas are distributed per capita, one per family?

Good deed, this is great too!

If this is the case, they all want to become Chinese nationality...

At the end of the second round of confrontation, the red team naturally won.

The blue team hasn't completed the task yet, and it's a complete failure.

When the same pennant as before was issued to the red team, Lee Kwang-soo became the flag bearer.

Carrying the flag, he is arrogant and silly.

Jiang Siming and Zheng Xiujing both held their foreheads, and didn't want to admit that they were in the same team with this guy.

"Guangzhu." Jiang Siming called out suddenly.

"What's the matter, Captain?" Lee Guangzhu asked cheerfully.

"In the future... you still don't want to play that kind of foolish movie." Jiang Siming said.

"Why? Do you think those movies will affect my IQ?"

"No, it looks too much."


Everyone: "Hahahahaha..."

At the end of the second round of confrontation, everyone reluctantly came out of the Panda Pavilion.

Before leaving, Xiang Xiang was very reluctant to bear Jiang Siming, pulling Jiang Siming's trouser legs and reluctant to leave him.

Fortunately, after Jiang Siming said that he would visit it often in the future, Xiangxiang could only watch Jiang Siming leave.

Jiang Siming also liked this cute creature a little bit. If it weren’t for the lack of conditions at home, he would be like applying for one...

Of course, if other venues allow it.

After leaving the Panda Pavilion, everyone went to the third confrontation point non-stop.

And this confrontation is a power-type confrontation!

Mud water wrestling!

The program team has already arranged the venue, a large muddy puddle, and the two sides will send their respective players to have a one-on-one wrestling matchup in the muddy puddle.

The one who wins can continue to challenge the next one until the opponent has no one to fight.

For this match, both Jin Zhongguo and Ma Dongxi are eager to try, and they have been recording for a long time, and finally they have reached their home court.

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