I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1040: Panda Pavilion

People can distinguish the aesthetic gap between East and West, but the panda does not exist.

People almost all over the world think pandas are the most beautiful and cutest animals in the world, and pandas have survived on the earth for 8 million years.

The ancestors belonging to the animal kingdom are very high in both their appearance and research value.

Moreover, the panda's combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the brown bear, but it is not aggressive towards people and only eats a vegetarian diet. Obviously, it can rely on strength to feed, but it must rely on face.

The bear people will never surrender unless they provide food and shelter. This is too appropriate to put on the panda.

The popularity of pandas in the world can definitely kill all animals in the world.

At that time, a zoo in Ireland lost 1 million pounds a year, and no one looked at it.

Later, they gritted their teeth and stomped their feet to rent a panda. In less than a year, they not only paid off all their debts, but also made a profit of more than 3 million pounds.

I also rented pandas in South Korea, but Korean people want to watch them, so they have to make an appointment and wait in line. It takes almost a month to get an appointment because there are too many people watching.

In order to lease the giant pandas, the Netherlands applied to China for 16 leases before finally being approved.

For this reason, the Dutch ZF even spent 50 million to build a giant panda palace.

When the giant pandas were taken to the Netherlands, tens of thousands of Dutch people greeted them on the street.

That guy, it's like seeing God.

So Jiang Siming and Song Qian can’t understand their feelings, alas, no way, who makes us want to see pandas at any time~

Ten people came to the Shanghai Giant Panda Pavilion.

Liu Zaishi and the others, after arriving here, their voices were much lower, for fear of disturbing the panda's rest.

They have also been to see pandas in South Korea. The staff in the museum strictly prohibits them from making loud noises, feeding food, and even taking photos with no flash.

They are afraid that these people will accidentally frighten the pandas, and they will have to pay China a large amount of money at that time.

That's why Liu Zaishi and the others have developed this habit, and they definitely don't dare to speak loudly when watching pandas.

Everyone enters the panda house, and you can see many bamboo forests as soon as you enter. In the bamboo forest, you can also vaguely see a few black and white shadows.

This must be the panda, everyone is watching intently, as if they have forgotten that there are tasks.

The naive panda captured everyone's hearts in an instant, regardless of gender.

Even Jiang Siming was seduced by this cute thing.

Although he is from Huaxia, he has only seen pandas once or twice, mainly because he has no time to see them.

The last time I saw it was when I was in college, I went to watch it with my classmates.

And there were only a few at that time, which is much more like now.

This is also the result of the country's meditation cultivation and protection.

Now the panda has changed from an endangered first-class protected animal to a second-class.

But... it doesn’t matter even if it’s level two, because it’s still a national treasure...

So if my panda brother fights with other animals in the zoo, he never cares whether they are protected animals.

Panda: Are there any Chinese treasures for Class 1 protected animals? Labor and capital are fighting to protect animals!

But the panda can only be seen outside the fence. Want to go in and touch the panda and take a photo with the panda? Don't think about it for tourists.

Those who say that they can take a photo with the panda are all bluffing. If there is such a thing, you can directly call to report it, and it is estimated that you will still get the report bonus.

Of course, if you are a special person and want to go in and see, you have to put on protective clothing and disinfect before being allowed to come in and get close to the panda.

This is not discrimination, the main reason is that if all are allowed, there will be countless tourists who want to take photos with pandas.

It is easy to bring bacteria and viruses to the panda, causing the panda to get sick and die.

Besides, there are too many people, the panda will be very tired and bored, which will affect its daily routine and regularity, and is not conducive to panda birth and development.

However, panda pavilions in various places will randomly select some tourists every year and take them to visit.

Liu Zaishi and the others thought they could only watch it outside, but they didn't expect that the program team would let them in to change clothes and disinfect.

This can give them too much excitement. Sure enough, the country of abundance is cowhide, unlike their country where there is one, it is really scared in the mouth.

Except for their country's ZF high-level, celebrities can not contact.

The ten people excitedly ran to put on protective clothing, and after they went into the disinfection room to sterilize the poison, they actually walked into the panda base.

"I think I am worth it in my life." Liu Zaishi exclaimed with excitement. Although it is a joke, it can be seen that he is really happy.

At this time the task was issued.

"You need to find a panda in the panda base within an hour, gain panda favor, and let it embrace each of you actively. Which team finishes the fastest, which team can win."

Damn, it's so hard!

However, everyone automatically ignored the difficulty of this task because they were able to communicate with pandas at close range.

Whatever it is, they can get in touch with pandas up close, and they are willing to take on the most difficult task!

The red and blue teams started to work separately, looking for pandas in the base.

The blue team quickly spotted a giant panda eating bamboo, and quickly walked over, accompanied by a professional breeder, so there is no need to worry that they will disturb the panda.

Liu Zaishi and the others approached the panda and charged their brains for three minutes before calming down and starting the task.

But helplessly, how could they say anything, the panda still sat there gnawing on the bamboo and ignored them.

Helpless, they used many methods, feeding bamboo, singing, and dancing, but none of them worked.

They found out that this task seemed difficult to complete.

And after seeing their situation, the red team has no confidence in themselves.

"Should we not find a panda that looks a little more lively? Isn't it hoped to be bigger?"

Zheng Xiujing suggested.

"How about that one?" Li Guangzhu pointed and saw a bright black and white panda climbing a tree at the end of the bamboo forest.

It looks only a few years old, but it looks better than other pandas.

Not only is it naive, but the hair is very bright. The white hair is like snowflakes. Under the black eye sockets, the big eyes blink and blink, as if they can speak and are full of aura.

Everyone is also attracted by this panda.

The keeper smiled and said: "You should give up. This is just the panda sister with the highest appearance in our panda house, named Xiangxiang, but she has a high-caliber personality and never likes to contact people. You used to go away. Even we can only feed her when she is hungry."

It's a pity everyone heard this, but Jiang Siming's eyes are bright.

He has [Animal Affinity] in the body, and I don't know if it will work for pandas.

"I'll try it." After getting permission from the breeder, Jiang Siming walked towards the cutest and cutest panda step by step.

The panda also discovered Jiang Siming, but to the surprise of the breeder, Xiangxiang walked away without seeing Jiang Siming.

Instead, she stood still and stared at Jiang Siming, but her breeder was completely ignored by Xiangxiang.

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