I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1044: Urban Management Team?

Jiang Siming sighed at the same time: "Why is it not yet time."

"Why does the lord sigh?" Xun Yu asked.

"Oh, I'm sighing that although Chang'an is already prosperous and stable, there are still many places in the big Han that are controlled by those princes, who are not well-known. Thinking of this appearance is a pang of angina~"

Jiang Siming looked worried about the country and the people. The actor was the actor, and he tricked everyone into it.

All the civil and military commanders couldn't help being admired by Jiang Siming's mind, and at the same time I was very fortunate to be able to take refuge in the Ming master!

Just after speaking, a guard hurried over.

"Report to the prime minister!"

"Say, what's the matter?" Jiang Siming looked up.

"Given the prime minister, Huainan prefect Yuan Shu, proclaimed emperor in Jianghuai, established the capital of Shouchun, established the name of the Zhong family, and also issued a message in the world to let all the princes come to worship."

"Hahahaha, I finally waited."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming not only did not get angry, but laughed.

Yuan Shu's proclaiming emperor can be said to be the beginning of the real chaos of the Three Kingdoms.

It was because Yuan Shu became emperor that all the princes were jealous and dissatisfied, and Cao Cao was the first to send troops to destroy Yuan Shu.

But Xiliang Ma Teng Ma Chao and the others took the opportunity to sneak attack on Cao Cao's lair, pulling his whole body together, and then all the princes of the world began to move.

That's what Jiang Siming was waiting for. All he wanted was for them to move, otherwise he would have to come out in Chang'an.

Now it's all right, just send troops out, go out and go around!

Jiang Siming threw the chopsticks away and stood up.

All the civil servants and military commanders also immediately abandoned their appetites and all got up, except for Xun Yu who were worried about the country and the people.

The others are full of expectation and excitement. After all, the lord takes them so seriously, but they have never had a chance to perform.

Now that the opportunity has finally come, they can finally perform well and build a great cause for the Lord.

Especially Guo Jia. Guo Jia originally had a malaise and died soon, but he was cured by Jiang Siming. This life-saving grace, Guo Jia had already pledged allegiance to the death.

Not to mention that Boss Cao came to dig the corner, even when the emperor came, Guo Jia was indifferent and loyal to Jiang Siming wholeheartedly.

He knew that Jiang Siming would definitely not be content with the status quo.

Before long, the Prime Minister's Mansion issued one military order after another, and the general content of the military order was only one.

From now on, let the soldiers live! Cut Yuan Shu!

Jiang Siming also used the hand of Emperor Xianxian of the Han Dynasty to send out an article by Yuan Shuming, summoning the people of the world to crusade against Yuan Shu.

All the princes have received it, but they all seem to plan to watch the fire from the shore and sit back and reap their profits.

Jiang Siming didn't care either. After handing over the task of defending the city to Gao Lan and Zhang Yun, three days later, he sent 50,000 troops and marched to Huainan!

Before leaving, Diao Chan and Cai Yanqian exhorted them, and each embroidered a safety sachet for Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled and put it away and comforted the two little wives.

In fact, how could something happen to him when he went to war, but he wanted to experience the fun of leading soldiers to fight in ancient times.

With T-800 guarding the prime minister's house, Jiang Siming left Chang'an in peace.

The army, with fifty thousand soldiers, set off from Chang'an.

Passing Chang'an Avenue, the people all spontaneously cut the road to send off.

During this year, Jiang Siming reaped all the hearts and minds of the people in Chang'an. The people loved Jiang Siming so much. Even many families set up Jiang Siming's longevity tablet and burned incense day and night.

During this expedition, the people all took out their own food, hoping to do their best to help Jiang Siming win the battle.

After all, they don't want Jiang Siming to lose. If Jiang Siming loses, their prosperous Chang'an may no longer exist.

The army left Chang'an, Xun You and Gao Lan Zhang Yun guarded the city.

Jiang Siming sits in the prime minister's exclusive frame, with Dian Wei and Wei Yan riding on horses, and Guo Jiaxunyu riding on the same carriage.

"Lord, you see that our soldiers and horses are all out, shouldn't we have a name?" Guo Jia asked.

When Jiang Siming heard that, his soldiers and horses always deserve a name, like Boss Cao, what is the name of Qingzhou Army, Hubaoying, and Sun Jian has a white horse.

"What's a good name, you all think about it, and come up with ideas." Jiang Siming didn't think of a good name.

"How about calling Jiang Jiajun?" Wei Yan said.

"Too low, change one." Jiang Siming rolled his eyes.

"Since we are under the banner of the royal family, let's call the royal army!" Dianwei thought.

Jiang Siming looked at him deadly and said, "Dian Wei, don't eat today, go and wash the horse."

Dian Wei didn't know what he said wrong, but he quickly agreed and didn't dare to speak.

Jiang Siming was disappointed with them, so he thought about it, and said, "How about calling the urban management team?"

"City Management Brigade? What's this name?" Xun Yu and the others were confused.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "You don't know how big the city management is. The city management represents a kind of supreme fighting power. Give me three thousand city management and restore my mighty China. Have you never heard of it?"

Everyone shook their heads and couldn't help being shocked. Is the urban management so powerful?

"Forget it, let's not do it. If you are seen by an urban management elder brother, you have to peel off the sake of my younger brother. Our soldiers are all black clothes and black armor. Let's call Xuan Jiajun. The name is just the code name. The key lies in strength."

Jiang Siming doesn't want to think about the name anymore, just leave it alone, just read it well.

After several days of trekking, the Xuan Jia army came to Chen Liu, the gathering place where Jiang Siming issued a message to attack Yuan Shu.

But there is no prince here.

"Lord, it seems that the princes are not willing to send troops." Xun Yu said.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Isn't this in our expectation. It's the same whether they come or not. It's just right if they don't come, which confirms their insubordination."

"Then Lord, shall we attack Yuan Shu now?" Dian Wei couldn't help itching.

Jiang Siming said: "Don't worry, there are still two days before the time we set, and it will not be too late to wait two days. Send orders and set up camp."


Jiang Siming's 50,000 army stood at Chenliu. One day passed, but no one came.

Waiting until the last day, Jiang Siming was watching reports from other places in the Chinese army camp.

Yuan Shao has completely unified Hebei and became the world's largest prince.

Jiang Siming planned to take Yuan Shao after he killed Yuan, and let the two brothers GG out.

"Report! Prime Minister, someone came outside our camp and said to see the Prime Minister."

"Who is it? How many people?" Jiang Siming did not lift his eyelids.

"It's Liu Bei, he has only three people."

Jiang Siming raised his head and smiled. Sure enough, Liu Bei came.

"Let's go, Wen Ruo Fengxiao, take you to meet the fake emperor." Jiang Siming got up, Xun Yu and Guo Jia quickly followed.

Come outside the camp together.

I saw three brothers, Liu Guan and Zhang, standing outside waiting.

Jiang Siming walked over with a smile, and Liu Bei immediately bowed his hand and bowed: "Caomin knocked on Prime Minister Jiang."

"Xuande exempts courtesy, I think we met in the DPRK last year, but we haven't seen each other this year, and the Xuande style is still there." Who wouldn't say polite words.

Liu Bei was thinking in his heart, I haven't had a single soldier, and I'm so charming.

But on the surface, he was still humble and evasive.

They also made it clear that the three brothers came to support Jiang Siming to help the great man and destroy Yuan Shu.

[Author's digression]: Updates, friends, remember to vote for the silver ticket, the silver ticket contest time is almost half past~ Also, let’s talk about the book group number, this is already the third book group, the other two The groups are full, 959669661

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