I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1045: The hero does not look back!

Jiang Siming knew that this guy just wanted to take this opportunity to make a contribution and earn an official position and then go elsewhere to develop his strength.

After all, if there is no help from the court, he has no money and no power, where will he go to conscript.

Although he knew Liu Bei's intentions, Jiang Siming happily agreed and was planning to welcome the three of them into the army.

Soldiers came again.

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, Chen Liu, thirty miles outside the city, found a large number of soldiers and horses coming. The banner of the army was ‘Cao’."

"Grass? Oh, Cao, right?"

Jiang Siming almost thought wrong, Cao, that must be the boss of Cao.

He really didn't expect Cao Cao to come.

"Brother Siming, Brother Siming, but I want to die as a brother!"

As soon as they met, Boss Cao walked over with a ‘sincere’ face, as if he had seen a long-lost good brother.

Jiang Siming was not as happy as he was. He and Cao Cao had met each other in a special way. After a meal, they were still in the brothel.

No matter how much he is a brother, he can't help it if he considers himself his elder brother, who makes this kid older than him.

But Boss Cao insisted on acting like this, and he couldn't help it.

"Brother Meng De, haven't seen you for a long time, you still have the same style."

"Oh! How can I compare to the demeanor of the virtuous brother? I thought that when I met Yuan Benchugang and the virtuous brother, the virtuous brother was just a scholar. I didn't expect it to be the undercover of the emperor. The prime minister above ten thousand people admire him for my brother."

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said, "You and I won't talk about these useless things. Brother Meng De is here this time?"

"Of course it was Kuang helping the Han room and working with the prime minister to wipe out the rebel Yuan Shu. This time I will lead the 10,000 Qingzhou army to help the virtuous brother." Cao Cao replied.

Jiang Siming smiled in his heart, ten thousand? Your Cao Cao has an army of 150,000 in Qingzhou, so you can bring 10,000 when you come to help?

Obviously, I want to catch fish in troubled waters and take credit.

There were not many people in the area of ​​Cao Cao's fight, and it was estimated that they were remnants and weak generals. Even if they were all dead, he didn't feel heartache.

The second is to find out Jiang Siming's details and strength, and third to gain his reputation. After all, he is the only prince to help, and fourth can take credit. When the time comes to defeat Yuan Shu, Jiang Siming will have to give him a reward.

So Boss Cao’s abacus is really loud.

"Then I would like to thank Meng De. It just so happened that Brother Liu, Guan and Zhang also came to help me, how about a drink together?"

"Who can have a drink? You must not get drunk or go home. Brother Xian must have the palace wine, but you can't keep it private."

Jiang Siming smiled disdainfully, and said, "What is the royal wine of the palace, I invite you to drink Erguotou!"

"Erguotou? What kind of wine is that?"

"Just don't ask, if you drink it, you will know that each person has a small cup. Don't make a fool of yourself when you drink too much."

"What? Only a small cup? My virtuous brother, you are too stingy. I always drink a thousand cups of Cao Mengde without being drunk. How can a small cup be enough for me to drink?"

"Yeah, Prime Minister, how can a small cup be enough for me to drink! The Prime Minister is too stingy." Zhang Fei couldn't help but speak.

Zhang Fei, who is addicted to alcohol, loves to drink the most.

Liu Bei quickly stopped him and said, "My third brother, Hugh is speechless!"

Jiang Siming not only didn't mind, but he laughed and said, "Your name is Zhang Yide, right? Then tell me, how much can you drink?"

Zhang Fei said proudly: "The three major altars are pretty much the same."

"I don't think you can do it, at most you have to get drunk."

"Nonsense, when did Zhang Fei drunk me!"

"Then shall we make a bet?"

"What are you betting on?"

"Just bet on the amount of alcohol you drink. If you don't fall down within one jar, you will be able to drink as much as you want in the future."

"Okay! You gamble!" Zhang Fei agreed as soon as he heard how much he wanted to drink.

Jiang Siming smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, you haven't finished listening yet. If you fall, what should you do?"

"This, Zhang Fei can't fall down!"

"Hugh said it's useless. If you lose, how about coming to serve in our army in the future?"

Liu Bei was almost not surprised when he heard that Jiang Siming was openly digging his corner!

He was left with these two brothers and just wanted to refuse.

"This can't work! I, Zhang Fei, swear to follow my eldest brother!" Zhang Fei immediately refused, and Liu Bei let out a sigh of relief.

Jiang Siming guessed it too, he just wanted to try it.

"Well, then, if you lose, during the period of attacking Yuan Shu, you must completely obey the order of the truth. You can do what the truth tells you to do. Of course, the truth will not let you do anything that hurts the truth. Something against morality."

Zhang Fei was silent for a while, thinking in his heart, anyway, this time to join the Prime Minister, the three brothers should also listen to the Prime Minister.

How could he not lose in this calculation, if he wins, he will be able to have a good drink every day.

"Okay! Zhang Yide bet!" Zhang Fei agreed, but Liu Bei was too late to persuade him.

"Hahahaha, well, since Zhang Yide has gambled, Guan Yunchang, do you have the courage?" Jiang Siming looked at Guan Yu.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, two fierce generals, of course he wanted it, but he had to do it step by step.

Although both of them have defects in character, it depends on how to use them.

These two are obviously not suitable for being handsome, but it is still very suitable to be a general.

And someone must be able to hold them.

Guan Yu heard this, of course he is also a good drinker, especially Jiang Siming is so exciting, he has always been good face, naturally refuses to lose to his third brother.

Besides, this bet was really not a big deal, and he agreed immediately.

"Very well, Dian Wei, go and order people to serve wine and food, and then bring out ten altars of Erguotou wine!" Jiang Siming ordered Dian Wei beside him.

Dian Wei licked his mouth and asked weakly: "Master, can I drink it then?"

"That's it."

"Hey, I will go now!"

In the barracks, fine wine and dishes are placed, and ten jars of wine are placed in the Chinese barracks.

The soldiers opened them one by one, and suddenly, a strong aroma of wine filled the entire camp.

"This wine is too fragrant!" Zhang Fei sniffed fiercely.

"What kind of wine is this? I, Cao Cao, have drunk palace jade fermented wine and it doesn't taste so fragrant?"

Dian Wei whispered to the side: "You frogs at the bottom of the well, this is the wine exclusively for the Prime Minister's Mansion. Erguotou, this wine also has a poem!"

"Oh? Read it and listen."

Dianwei pulled his throat and said: "A cup of Erguotou, crying from choking, the life is not ugly, and the hero does not look back!"

Everyone heard how weird this poem was. The front was strange, but the back was very interesting.

Life is pure and not ugly, heroes do not look back!

This poem is good!

"Then go to the bar, virtuous brother!" Cao Cao couldn't wait.

Jiang Siming waved his hand, and the soldiers began to pour alcohol for everyone.

Zhang Fei couldn't wait to take a sip from the wine glass. After drinking it too hard, he really choked with tears and blushed.

"Three brothers, are you okay?" Liu Bei thought the wine was poisonous, so he was so scared to ask questions.

Not only was Zhang Fei okay, but after he recovered, he laughed excitedly: "Good wine! Good wine! I, Zhang Fei, have never had such a strong and beautiful wine!"

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