I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1046: The war begins!

Guan Yu also took a sip, but he didn't drink too much, but he also felt like a fire in his throat. The cold weather made him feel hot all over.

"It's really a divine wine, compared to the wine that Guan Mou drank before, those wines are like horse urine!"

Cao Cao took a sip of the wine glass without believing in evil, his eyes brightened, and he quickly took a few more sips.

"It's a good guy who doesn't look back! This wine really makes the good guys reluctant to look back, haha, virtuous brother, you can score me Cao Cao with this wine."

Boss Cao started begging for this wine.

Jiang Siming smiled, and refused without thinking.

"This wine is not much, so let's talk about it later."

Yes, one sentence dismissed Boss Cao.

Boss Cao was helpless, at least taking advantage of this opportunity to drink more.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu thought so too, and besides, they made a bet with Jiang Siming.

Three rounds of wine.

Boss Cao only drank two cups before he fell down and fell asleep on the table.

Liu Bei didn't dare to drink more because he was afraid of getting drunk and making mistakes.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu persisted until the end, and they had already drunk for almost half the altar.

Jiang Siming admitted that these two people are indeed good drinkers.

For 50% shochu, two people can drink half a jar already.

Fortunately, I bet on one altar instead of half, otherwise I would lose.

In spite of this, the two of them were almost unable to hold on any longer, their faces were flushed and they staggered.

"Yide, Yun Chang, have another glass!"

Jiang Siming brought another bowl, and he thought the glass was too small, and they had changed it to a bowl early.

Zhang Fei raised the bowl and smiled dimly: "The prime minister, you are a real man! I have never served Zhang Fei before drinking when I grow up to this age. Today I have taken it, and I have done it!"

"The Prime Minister, I also toast you a glass. The Prime Minister is really a huge amount. It's a pity that my elder brother doesn't drink well, and every time I drink with him, I can't enjoy it." Guan Yu toasted.

Guan Yu also drank too much, so he was confused and said casually, but Liu Bei heard it particularly harsh and worried.

If this continues, his two brothers must be abducted by Jiang Siming.

After all, Jiang Siming has too much temperament to attract generals like Guan Zhang.

Liu Bei has already started to regret coming to Jiang Siming, he seems to have gone wrong with this move...

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei failed to beat the competition in the end, and both fell to the ground drunk, unconscious.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming laughed and said to Liu Bei, "Xuande, it seems that I won."

Liu Bei grimaced, but he could only nod his head: "My two virtuous brothers are overpowered, the prime minister won."

"Okay, let's wait until the two of them wake up from the wine. Come here, help Guan Zhang to rest in the back camp and entertain Liu Bei. If they have any needs, please feel free to satisfy them."

"Thank you, Prime Minister." Liu Bei quickly got up and left.

Jiang Siming rushed to Cao Ren, who was standing outside the account, and said, "Who, so and so, hurry up and take your Patriarch away."

"Yes, Prime Minister." Cao Ren hurried in and carried away the already drunk and inexperienced Cao Cao.

Another day passed, and the set time had passed, and no one came to the alliance.

Jiang Siming gave an order to pull out the camp! The army is out!

This stop is Yuzhang City.

This is also the necessary entrance to enter Huainan.

Naturally, Yuan Shu had already known that Jiang Siming was going to raise troops to fight against him, so he had set up heavy troops in Yuzhang early.

Jiang Siming's 50,000 army wanted to attack hard, at least half the casualties.

After all, siege wars are the hardest to fight and the most expensive battle.

Fortunately, during the Three Kingdoms period, as long as the two armies are not fighting with too great a difference in strength, there will be a one-on-one solo play.

This is also the best way to improve the morale of your army in order to kill the opponent.

Therefore, when the 18th Route princes attacked Dong Zhuo, they did not immediately send troops to attack the city, but came first to solo.

Then there is the classic story of Guan Yu beating Huaxiong and Lu Bu fighting the three heroes.

Although Yuan Shu presumptuously claimed to be emperor, this kid did have some abilities.

In the official history, Yuan Shu was the most powerful warlord in the early period of the Three Kingdoms, and he was very powerful.

Occupying the prosperous areas of Nanyang, Runan and Jianghuai, their strengths have developed by leaps and bounds, with a military strength of over 150,000, and a proper southern brother.

Yuan Shao is the first brother in the north.

Therefore, Yuan Shu was not afraid of Jiang Siming at all. Before Jiang Siming and the others could come, Yuan Shu's general Qiaoyu had already set up his position at the bottom of the city and planned to provoke him.

It was the first time Jiang Siming really came to such an ancient battlefield. He almost itched his hands and wanted to go to the battle himself. Fortunately, he knew that it was too boring to go on his own, so forget it.

The two armies confronted each other, and the strategists of the bridge came out first, beeping, talking about the righteousness, why the master Yuan Shushun came to the throne, etc., and so on. He wanted to take advantage of words first.

Can Guo Jianeng do what he wants? Immediately after he came out, he argued with the military division, and after a few words, he was speechless and humiliated himself.

The sergeant turned blue with anger, and finally retreated to the army helplessly.

Guo Jia also lightly returned to Jiang Siming.

Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia, always feeling uneasy, always feeling that some treasure was taken away.

"When I went to Yingchuan to seek celebrities, I said that Guo Jia had great talents. Unfortunately, I came a step late. This person went to Jiang Bei. Alas, even Xun Yu has become Jiang Bei’s counselor. There are tens of thousands of soldiers, but there is only one talented person. I don't know if Guo Jia is digging. You have to try it anyway."

Cao Cao muttered to himself.

But now, after the babbling is over, it's the solo game between the generals.

A burly man walked out from under the bridge, holding a meteor hammer, saying what his name was Wang Xuan, and shouting arrogantly.

Jiang Siming glanced at the army and asked with a smile, "Who would like to fight this person?"

"Next (the last general) I wish to go!"

With this shout, a large number of people came forward, Dian Wei, Guan Zhang, and even Cao Ren came forward.

Just kidding, how could they pass this opportunity to serve as soldiers.

Jiang Siming thought about it and said with a smile: "I heard that Yun Chang Wen Jiu cut Hua Xiong before Hulao Guan, and his martial arts is amazing. Then I will look at the skills of Yun Chang's third brother this time, and Zhang Fei will take orders."

When Zhang Fei heard it, he stood up with excitement, his eyes as big as bull's eyes.

"Zhang Fei listens to the order!"

"The truth made you play against this person, are you confident?"

"Don't worry, the prime minister, my second brother can kill Huaxiong with warm wine. If Zhang Fei cannot kill Wang Xuan within ten breaths, please take down my head!"

After Zhang Feili issued the order, he mounted his horse and rushed out of the camp by twisting his eighth snake spear.

Zhang Fei deserves to be a fierce general, and within three rounds, he cut Wang Xuan under his horse!

The soldiers in Jiang Siming's formation were soaring, but looking at the camp on the opposite side of the bridge, their morale was weakened by three points.

After Zhang Fei beheaded Wang Xuan, his expression was still unfinished, and he held the Zhangba Snake Spear and asked sarcastically, "Who will fight with Zhang Fei again!"

The bridge gritted his teeth and immediately dispatched three generals, all of which were easily beheaded by Zhang Fei.

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