I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1048: Encounter

After Boss Cao finished speaking, Jiang Siming nodded and said: "Very well, come here, castrate all these people, strip them all and hang them on the tower. They are not fed, only water until they die!"

"Here!" Xuan Jiajun immediately took these Qingzhou troops away.

"In addition, Cao Cao, although your subordinates did this, you can't get rid of your relationship as the coach. I order you to compensate these girls with one hundred taels of silver each. Is there any problem?"

"It's natural, Cao Ren, to give each of these girls a hundred taels of silver, and to make up for it."

Boss Cao felt quite upset in his heart, but on the surface he still had to break his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

Jiang Siming's approach really made him lose face.

But what can we do? Jiang Siming is the prime minister, he is just a Qingzhou pastoralist, and Jiang Siming has countless ranks in terms of official rank.

Besides, Cao Cao's reason is not good enough.

Jiang Siming went to the center of the soldiers again and said loudly:

"If my Xuanjia army also has such a scum, we should also deal with it this way. We are soldiers, not bandits. If we act as bandits under the name of a soldier, how is it different from a beast!"

This statement immediately won the hearts and minds of the people in the entire Yuzhang City and the respect of countless soldiers.

Especially Guan Yu and Zhang Fei both admire Jiang Siming even more.

Liu Bei has nothing but envy. Originally, these scenes were what he wanted to do, but it was a pity that Jiang Siming did it...

He knows too well the truth that people who are in favor of the people have the world.

After this incident, there really were no soldiers daring to mess around, and Cao Cao didn't want to be ashamed anymore, so he ordered strict orders.

After fixing this incident, Jiang Siming was temporarily offline.

If you want to completely wipe out Yuan Shu, you can't do it within a month or two.

So don't worry, take your time first.

I heard that there was Er Qiao in the city of Lujiang. After he broke Lujiang, Jiang Siming wanted to see how beautiful these two stunning sisters were.


It is rare for Zhixiao to come to Huaxia, so the sisters in the family entertain her warmly.

It's a pity that Zhixiao can only stay for two days and is about to leave.

Artists of her level usually have a full schedule, either announcements or shows, or filming.

Yoona was as busy as her when she was in Korea.

Now when she comes to Huaxia, she is much more relaxed. At most, she is shooting commercials and participating in several shows.

The lazy Lin Yoona felt that she had gained weight, even though it was her illusion...

Song Zhixiao, who was satisfied after two days of playing, got in Jiang Siming's car, sent to the airport, and flew back to South Korea.

Jiang Siming came out of the airport reluctantly and drove home.

As soon as the car returned to the city, an old man on the road walked up to his car.

At first, Jiang Siming thought it was the old man who had some disease and got lost because of walking unsteadily.

But he found that the old man was coming from his car.

Jiang Siming had already slowed down, and he came over, then deliberately knocked Jiang Siming's car with his forehead, and then lay on the ground.

Jiang Siming was happy, but he didn't expect that one day he would encounter the legendary Porcelain.

There are so many cars here. The old man doesn't hit him, he has to hit him. Obviously he still knows that his car is expensive.

Someone was lying in front of the car, of course Jiang Siming couldn't drive anymore, so he couldn't just press it over.

If there is no one nearby without monitoring, Jiang Siming might really have this plan.

He really dislikes this kind of people who touch porcelain. Is there any difference between touch porcelain and blackmail criminals?

Jiang Siming stopped the car, opened the door and walked down, walked to the front of the car leisurely, looked at the painful old man on the ground, sneered: "Uncle, what, do you think I have money?"

The old man not only did not deny, but admitted unscrupulously.

"What's the matter, it depends on you being rich. Lao Tzu, what I am ruining today is you. I can't get up without a hundred thousand."

Jiang Siming lit a cigarette and leaned against the front cover of the car, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll give it to you."

The old man was overjoyed and just remembered.

"After you die, I will burn you one hundred thousand yuan coins for you to spend, and I will burn you a crutch by the way."

The old man got angry and lay back on the ground again, when the curious crowd gathered around.

The old man started to act with a painful expression on his face.

"Bumping into someone, he ran into someone and said cool words, and cursed me to die, the heart is not ancient~"

Many onlookers who didn't know the truth really believed it, after all, Jiang Siming's performance was too calm and leisurely.

"Why is this man like this? You can't be so arrogant if you have money."

"People who drive Lamborghini, of course some capital is arrogant."

"It's okay if you hit someone. It is recommended that the traffic police take it away for strict investigation."

"How familiar is this man."

"It doesn't matter who it is, don't want to run if you hit someone."


Hearing the comments of these onlookers, Jiang Siming was really speechless to these fools.

Listening to the wind is rain, as long as you see what you see, never doubt and consider whether it is true.

This is the same as many keyboard men on the Internet. When they catch one thing, they begin to express justice.

In fact, this matter is a malicious hype. They are deceived in circles without knowing it, they are taken advantage of and they are proud and feel that they are messengers of justice.

For this kind of person, Jiang Siming just wants to say that even if I have a low IQ, I have to play with my IQ.

First of all, you should find out if it is true or not, if there is another hidden story, and if the person who posted the matter is authoritative, and if it is someone with ulterior motives.

Can I evaluate it if I understand it?

It was NC who made comments indiscriminately.

The old man looked at Jiang Siming's eyes, filled with smug expressions of the villain.

Jiang Siming sighed, it's not that the old man has become bad, it's really the bad guy who has grown old.

If that's the case, don't blame him for being too cruel.

"How much do you want, make a price." Jiang Siming walked over and said quietly to the old man.

"Just one hundred thousand, now at least two hundred thousand."

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Jiang Siming happily took out the checkbook, wrote a check and handed it to the old man.

The old man took it. In order to prevent it from being a fake, he even took Jiang Siming to a nearby bank for certification. After confirming that it was correct, he wanted to leave with joy.

Before leaving, I did not forget to say something like Jiang Siming: "Young people should be like this long ago. You are so rich. You should take some money to show respect to us old people. In the future, you should focus on the bright spots and fight against your uncle. You It's still tender."

Jiang Siming nodded with a smile, and said, "The old man's lesson is that you might go to jail and fight with people in the future."

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Siming did not speak, but called the police, and soon the police came.

Jiang Siming released all the videos and audios secretly recorded by Xiaoxian in his mobile phone, and the evidence is conclusive.

The reason why he first gave him 200,000 yuan was to confirm the charges.

If he didn't give the money, the old man would at best just touch people.

However, the receipt of the 200,000 yuan means that he is extorting, and there is audio and video evidence, and he can't deny it if he wants to deny it.


[Author's digression]: The fourth one! Friends, isn't it good? Silver ticket, bring it, forbid, white prostitution (akimbo)!

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