I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1049: Three horizontal pressure and two vertical

The police immediately arrested the old man and told Jiang Siming that the old man was a habitual offender, and there was no evidence to file the case.

It's all right now, two hundred thousand, enough for him to sit in prison.

The check was also returned to Jiang Siming, who left a sentence to the old man before he left:

"If you die in jail, remember to give me a dream. I will burn you 200,000 coins and spend the rest of your life in jail slowly, so that you don't have to come out to harm people."

Regardless of respecting the old and loving the young, Jiang Siming also depends on whether the old and young are qualified to be respected and cared for.

Things like this old immortal, relying on their own age, behave nonsense and harm society.

Jiang Siming doesn't treat him as a human being, including those bear children.

Jiang Siming never felt that he was a saint, able to tolerate the injustices that happened in his own eyes, let alone tolerating everyone.

After the old immortal was taken away, Jiang Siming also planned to go home.

When I was about to get in the car, another old man with a backpack walked up to a breakfast shop next to my car.

The old man didn’t come to touch his car, but took out a piece of paper money from his pocket and looked at the breakfast in the breakfast shop. A bun..."

"Uncle, you can't always come to my store to do this, you have done this many times, I have sold you at a loss, but you can't keep doing this."

The breakfast shop owner reluctantly said that he was actually not to blame. The breakfast shop was originally a small shop with small profits but quick turnover, and people wanted to eat.

Besides, people said that this old man had been here many times before, and he agreed.

The old man said apologetically: "I know I'm sorry, but... I can only afford this... I can't go to other stores..."

Jiang Siming walked over, whispered a few words to the boss, and left here.

"Master, come on, come to me for a dollar from now on and I will feed you every day."

"Why is that?"

"No, you, I met a noble person, please please, five buns are enough, and I will give you another bowl of porridge."

"No need so much..."

Jiang Siming's car quickly left here quietly.

There is only one reason why he helped the old man. The old man's backpack is three horizontally and two vertical.

Just for this, Jiang Siming already knew his past identity.

That's why he told the shopkeeper that he would cover all the breakfast money for the old man in the future. In the future, employees from Yinghuan Building would pay for it every month.

Jiang Siming sighed that they are all elderly people, the difference is really big.


When I got home, I was already cooking lunch at home.

Song Ji Hyo returned to Korea, but the family was still very lively, after all...there were still the same number of people.

Cooking cooking, playing cards, chatting and chatting.

It's getting closer and closer to the end of the year, and schools have had winter vacations one after another, like Jiang Siming's Yinghuan.

That is to say, Fu Xi has not been on holiday, but it is coming soon.

The company plans to hold an annual meeting, and Jiang Siming will have to attend Fu Xi's annual meeting.

Jiang Siming entered the house, changed his shoes, stepped on a pair of drag children and entered the house.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is occupying the living room TV to watch anime, what is called "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker".

Jiang Siming hadn't read it anyway, but she saw it with gusto.

Jiang Siming walked over and ruthlessly snatched her remote control and replaced it with a sports channel...

"Dad, you grab my TV!" Zhao Xiaoxiao's expression was ‘indignant’.

"Oh, let Dad watch it for a while, just for a while." Jiang Siming and Ge You lay paralyzed on the sofa.

"That's OK, just a moment."

Zhao Xiaoxiao compromised, if Zhao Xuan was probably jealous.

Every time she wants to grab the TV and say something nice to her, it doesn't work, but Jiang Siming just says a word.

Girl, you are discrimination against parents!

"Don't worry, just for a while."

Jiang Siming vowed to promise that his moments, it was really one by one for a while.

Zhao Xiaoxiao also happily didn't want the remote control. He wriggled his small **** in a bag of potato chips and moved to Jiang Siming's arms.

The father and daughter lie on the sofa and just watch TV.

The sports channel is broadcasting this year’s Champions League, and it is the rebroadcast of Barcelona’s Inter Milan in the early hours of last night.

There is no way, watching the Champions League in China, you can only watch it in the early morning.

Because of the jet lag, those who want to watch the live broadcast can only stay up late. Jiang Siming is not an avid fan, just like it.

It's not necessary to stay up all night and wait every day. It's not bad to watch the replay. Anyway, you don't know the score.

It didn't take long to watch, Messi scored a goal here at Barcelona, ​​Jiang Siming nodded approvingly.

"It's not bad. This ball is tricky and well scored. It is worthy of my team."

Zhao Xiaoxiao disdainfully said: "Dad loves to brag, when did you have a football team?"

"Look down on your dad? Your dad has a lot of things. The Barcelona club has long been mine."

Jiang Siming said proudly that he had picked up the Barcelona club's equity from the debris a long time ago.

Although only 75%, there is no doubt that he is the chairman and big boss.

The NBA Lakers also belong to him, but Jiang Siming has not had much time to watch the team, one in the United States and one in Spain.

Nothing Jiang Siming doesn't want to go abroad.

Besides, the two teams are running well on their own. They don't need to worry about them, so they have been left alone.

Isn't this the recent start of the Champions League? Take the time to watch the game today.

"Then why don't you go to see it live?"

"I'm too lazy to go, okay." Jiang Siming grabbed a piece of her potato chip bag and stuffed her mouth with something to stop Zhao Xiaoxiao's about to babble.

The game continued, and in the middle of the game, an accident happened.

When Messi took the ball and cut in, seeing that Messi was too threatening to the goal, the Inter Milan players had to use foul means to stop Messi.

But it may be that the action was too big, Messi tripped over his opponent, then fell heavily to the ground, and his right leg was obviously twisted.

Messi hugged his leg and fell to the ground in pain.

The Barcelona fans at the scene were in an uproar, yelling Milan fouls.

The referee also gave the offender a red card to exit.

However, Messi was obviously not deliberately defrauding the card. The medical team immediately came to the scene to check Messi's situation.

An investigation found it to be unbelievable. The old injury recurred and the new injury was added. Messi's right leg was seriously injured and he must be sent to a doctor immediately.

Jiang Siming didn't expect this kind of thing to happen again, so he picked up his phone and read the news last night.

Unexpectedly, there are hot searches on the Internet. Messi has a serious leg injury and is about to face surgery. He may not be able to play in the next two years.

This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Messi fans and Barcelona fans.

Can't play for two years? This will be a devastating blow to a player.

[Author's digression]: The update is a bit late today, sorry everyone, but the update will not be less.

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