I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1050: Come to Spain

Besides, Messi is already very old. 32 years old is already an advanced age for an athlete.

Even now, Messi’s dominance on the court is not as strong as it was at his peak.

Now there is another surgery and a two-year off-season. Whether this can return to the game is still a question.

Many experts have even predicted that Barcelona this year's Champions League is completely Messi (no show).

Barcelona's lottery betting has plummeted, and the odds are terrifying.

After reading the news, Jiang Siming habitually pulled Zhao Xiaoxiao’s pigtails, thought about it, and finally picked up the phone, called Li Chunlan, and asked her to notify Madrid Airport in Spain first, and prepare to go there. trip.

After all, he is a member of his team. Messi is as important to Barcelona as the Lakers could not be without Kobe.

Besides, if Barcelona are eliminated in the Champions League ahead of schedule, they will earn less broadcast fees, and now Barcelona's odds have plummeted.

His boss is also losing money.

Because of emotion and reason, Jiang Siming plans to take a trip to Barcelona.

When the girl Zhao Xiaoxiao heard Jiang Siming talking on the phone that he was going to Spain, the potato chips were immediately gone.

"Dad, I want to go too~ I'm on vacation, can't go out to play too much, right?"

Jiang Siming didn't refuse, and said: "Then you go and ask your mothers, see if they go?"

"Ok!" Zhao Xiaoxiao rushed to tell her mothers about it.

But the mothers said they didn't want to go.

Mainly they are not interested in football. Besides, Jiang Siming said to visit Messi, they are even less interested.

Yingzi even asked dumbly: "Who is Messi?"

The Tuan Tuan on the side replied, "Playing basketball."

"Oh." Yingzi nodded.

Jiang Siming: "..."

Since the wives didn't want to go, he was the only one who took Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Knowing that she was going out with Jiang Siming, Zhao Xiaoxiao was so excited that he didn't want to watch any animation, so he immediately packed up his things.

Several mothers knew that Zhao Xiaoxiao was going out to play, and they all put down their things and went upstairs to pack their bags for the two father and daughter.

After lunch, the two father and daughter set off.

Get on a private jet and head to the destination, Madrid, Spain.

Messi was lying in the best hospital in Madrid. The hospital was full of high-level Barcelona staff.

For Messi's injury, Barcelona is also in despair.

Although there are substitutes, how can the ability of the substitutes be comparable to Messi.

The importance of a super player is vital to the entire team.

Even if the Barcelona executives get headaches again, the hospital doctors will still inform them that if they are to prepare for the operation, don't even think about playing football within two years.

"Oh, that's the only way to go, let's have an operation." The senior management had no choice but to accept the notice.

At this moment, the general manager's phone rang and said a few words after the call. The general manager's face was surprised.

"Segura, what's the matter?" Barcelona's head coach Valverde asked, thinking that something was wrong with the team.

The general manager replied: "Our big boss is coming, ready to prepare, we have to meet him."

When Valverde heard that Messi's business was in distress, there was no time to pick up a big boss.

"I have no time to pick you up. I'm back to the team. You will be taken care of by Messi. I will see him after the game."

Valverde is a man of arrogant personality, he never cared about the boss or not.

He has the ability, and he is not afraid that these bosses will be upset with him. He can go to other teams and there are countless teams that want him to coach.

It's no good to go to China for a few years like Lippi, and leave after collecting the money.

After Lippi left, many foreign football coaches are willing to go to China to coach the national football team.

There is only one reason. The teams that Lippi can't afford to pay, no one blames them even if they have no results. After all, Lippi can't help them, and it's normal that they can't.

And there is a lot of money, so who don't want to do this fat job?

"It's not so good. This is the first time the big boss has come. We have to meet each other anyway. Let's do it all together and give a face."

Segura persuaded that Valverde didn't want him to be difficult after listening, so he agreed.

Everyone came downstairs in the hospital, waiting for the big boss.

"I heard that this big boss is still the new richest man in Asia."

"Well, he is a very young young man, very legendary."

"I only know that he plays basketball very well."

"Basketball is so useless, I hope he knows football, but don't be a layman."


Amidst everyone's discussion, a Rolls-Royce Phantom drove into the hospital and stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

The driver got down and immediately opened the door, and an oriental young man walked out of the car door.

Segura knew at a glance that this was their boss, and immediately walked over, smiling and reaching out.

"Chairman, welcome to Spain."

"Thank you, you are Segura, you have worked so hard to manage Barcelona." Jiang Siming shook hands with him kindly and said a greeting.

Other senior executives also came over to shook hands with Jiang Siming and greeted Jiang Siming. When it was the turn of the head coach Valverde, he had no expression, but was a little impatient and wanted to leave quickly.

"Hello, chairman, I am going back to the team. Messi has an accident. The players of the team are now very confused. I have to go back quickly. I hope you can understand."

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Of course I can understand. I am here this time to deal with this matter."

Valverde was taken aback, wondering what he meant.

Jiang Siming continued: "Take me to see this legendary football player first, can you?"

"Of course, but Messi is about to have an operation, and his mood is a bit bad. If he said something that shouldn't be done, I hope you can understand the chairman."

"That's natural."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he turned to the car and said, "Xiaoxiao, come down."

"Okay~ Dad."

Zhao Xiaoxiao got out of the car obediently and naturally took Jiang Siming's hand.

Segura and Valverde are both surprised, Jiang Siming has a daughter at such a young age? And the daughter is still this old.

How old are Messi’s children? This daughter is at least a teenager, and she is a pretty girl.

Even from their aesthetic point of view, this little girl will definitely be a rare beauty in the future.

"Let's go." Jiang Siming didn't say anything, and led Xiaoxiao to the hospital.

Segura led Jiang Siming all the way to Messi's ward.

At this time, Messi has lost his appearance on the field, but has a look of depression and loneliness.

They didn't even know they had come in, they just stared blankly at his injured right leg.

He knew that he was over, and his career might be over.

Leo Messi’s wife Antonella has been there with tears in comfort, but the effect is not very good.

[Author's digression]: The second is more~ It's madly writing, don't worry.

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