I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1065: Weight training?

The puppy is currently the strongest king in Hanbok, with a score of 851, ranking seventh, which is terrible.

"Wow, why is this, I want to play too, can you take me one?" Yan Junze was also very excited.

"Ah, then I'll ask hello later, then you don't open it first, if Myojin agrees to come, I can't do anything if I don't agree."

"Okok, good brother." Yan Junze also hurriedly quit the game, the puppy quit so he didn't need to deduct points, hey, happy.

The two hurried to eat chicken, and then both ran to Jiang Siming's room and waited like a good baby.

The puppy turned his head and found that his girlfriend was also eating chicken.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm on the number too, if the idol is willing to take me, exactly four."

"Well...Will it be too embarrassing, the three of us are all vegetables." The puppy said anxiously. He was afraid that Jiang Siming would think they were too vegetables and would not take them...

"Don't worry, the strength of my idol is recognized as the world's first, the **** of PUBG!" Xiaoting said with a proud face.

The puppy was slightly jealous and said: "I am also number one, I am the number one AD in LOL."

"But your No. 1 AD is still controversial. Every year, I complain about you. You see my idol is No. 1 in the world. Does anyone complain about it? Does anyone disagree?"


The puppy tilted his head and was defeated...

Although the puppy was waiting, Jiang Siming still didn't quit the game. The main reason was that he started the quiz, otherwise he wouldn't mind forcing it back.

In this forced retreat, many water friends would call bankruptcy, and see something on the rooftop.

Jiang Siming couldn't bear to watch them jump off the building, coughing cough, mainly this killer was very cool, hehe.

The next step is also simple. Jiang Siming slaughtered wildly in the game all the way, and got two pieces of debris, but it was a kind of rubbish.

Was thrown into the furnace by Jiang Siming.

Because it was killed too fast, the poison circle reached the sixth wave, and I ate chicken...

The total number of kills was 34, and the score skyrocketed to the golden rank.

The puppy and Yan Junze looked at them and swallowed.

"I don't kill as many people as Myojin in a year..." Doggie said.

"I'm worse than you, brother, since I played the game of eating chicken, no one has killed in total." Yan Junze also said.

"Have you... ever considered how I feel?"

Xiaoting suddenly...

After exiting the hall, Jiang Siming checked out the audience, the water friend who voted [No] cried out in the toilet, and the water friend who voted [Yes] laughed Mapi~

"Where is the puppy, are you still there? Send me his ID. I'll pull him. I can't be pulled. When I open it, all friends apply."

Jiang Siming said, this is true, not that he is playing big cards.

His invitation setting has long been turned off, and once opened, it is an overwhelming invitation to water friends.

Within two seconds, many dog ​​fans issued UZI's nickname for eating chicken. Jiang Siming sent the other party an invitation to form a team after inputting.

The other party almost agreed in seconds.

"Come to my LILI channel." Jiang Siming said in the game voice.

"Okay, Myojin, I'm here, what number?"

"The room number is 0000000, and the password is ****. I mute the sound. If you remember, mute it too."

Now that LILI has become popular, the channel number has become the pursuit of countless people who use LILI.

Better channel numbers, like 123456, 55555, etc., can sell for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Like Jiang Siming, many guilds are willing to spend five million to buy it, but is Lao Jiang someone short of money?

In fact, those particularly good LILI numbers have been registered by him a long time ago, and they will be sold later. Hehe, he can also make a small profit.

"Oh. No problem, I'm here!"

Puppy’s LILI account is still very high, and the highest level LILI member is opened, which seems to be a fan of LILI.

"Then prepare, do you want to play in four rows?" Jiang Siming ordered.

It happened that Lin Yuner came in and brought a glass of juice. She was afraid Jiang Siming would be thirsty, so she put down the juice and left.

Jiang Siming drank unceremoniously, leaving thousands of water friends in envious eyes.

"Um... Myojin, can I bring two more people, one is my ex-teammate and retired war **** Letme, and the other is my girlfriend Xiaoting."

The puppy asked embarrassedly.

"Okay, there are exactly four people, pull it, you are the homeowner." Jiang Siming agreed happily.

"Thank you so much, Myojin, you are so kind. I used to ask Gao Dewei to bring it. He always dislikes our food and doesn't want to bring it."

"Why?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"Because he can't take it, he can't eat chicken every time he takes the three of us, and can't eat it all night." The puppy answered honestly.

Jiang Siming laughed loudly and said, "It's not your food, but he's too food, and he can't do weight training. What kind of career is he playing? Next time you will say that."

"Yes, emm...what does this weight training mean..."

The puppy said he was heartbroken, Tiezi~

During the chat between the two, the puppy had already pulled the person in, and the two new nicknames entered Jiang Siming's LILI channel.

One shows that it is a boy and the other is a girl.

"Myojin, hello, hello." Yan Junze was somewhat cautious and nervous.

"Myojin, I am your fan, number one fan~" The other puppy's girlfriend is more lively.

Jiang Siming responded with them with a smile, and the four of them started the four-row mode.

"Where are we going to Myojin?" As soon as I got on the plane, the puppy asked, as if he would go where Myojin said he would go.

The other two are naturally the head of the horse.

Jiang Siming glanced at the map, which was Sano, and subconsciously marked an autistic city.

The three of them made sounds like being choked on drinking water at the same time. Autistic City...their rookie nightmare, that is hell!

"Why don't you change the place?" Jiang Siming guessed their mood.

"No need, just go to Autistic City. What are we afraid of if Myojin is there." The puppy said no.

Jiang Siming happily nodded and said: "If there are too many people, you just fall into the jungle, and you can come in after I finish the fight."

If he was so confident, Jiang Siming would dare to say.

Like if it was Awei, he would say every time he takes them: You are a little closer to me, I'm afraid I will fall by accident. You have to support me.

The puppies and the three of them sighed with emotion. Sure enough, Myojin is Myojin, self-confidence is not built up, it is revealed in the bones!

Jiang Siming flew into the autistic city, which was also full of people.

The three puppies were so scared that they jumped into the wild.

"Myojin, there are too many people. Let's play wild outside and come to support you right away."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "No, you can save your lives first."

After speaking, Jiang Siming jumped off.

The three of the puppies were still searching for things, and then Jiang Siming's killing information popped up in the upper right corner.

Tu Tu Tu Tu... Tu Tu Tu...

The terrifying M416 did not stop shooting in the autistic city.

Both the puppy and his girlfriend couldn't help but start counting, one, three, five, eight...

When the gunfire stopped in Autistic City, they finished counting, 16...

The three of them couldn't help grunting at the same time. Is this... stepping on ants?


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