I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1066: Lipstick and transvestite

"Well, come in, there should be no one in this city."

Jiang Siming's voice came, and the three of them came to Autism City.

Just walk two steps and you can come across a corpse box, there are boxes in almost every place.

And they haven't been licked before, the three of them happily started to make a fortune in Autism.

Jiang Siming sprayed medicine slowly in a room, and he was also shot a lot, but nothing happened.

Every time before someone hit him, he had already killed the opponent in advance.

An M416, from start to finish.

What made Jiang Siming most happy was that this time in Autism City, he picked up a good piece.

"Pick up [Top Lipstick Making Recipe] Golden Shards*1 (1/6). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Top lipstick production formula]: Contains all lipstick numbers in the world, and is more cost-effective than all lipsticks. The charm value of women who apply this lipstick is +10, no matter how ugly a woman is

With this fragment, Jiang Siming can add another product that has taken the world by storm.

Hey, lipstick is something that my wives love to use, so beautiful they still like to use lipstick occasionally, study the lipstick degree and so on.

Let alone other girls, 95 out of 100 working girls can use lipstick.

Lipstick is an indispensable thing for girls, the market for this thing is too impressive.

The most important thing is that almost all well-known lipstick brands are foreign products.

Like Chanel, Dior, Armani, Givenchy, etc., they are all foreign brands.

When Jiang Siming puts out this lipstick, it can be regarded as winning glory for the country.

Just take advantage of the effect of this lipstick, so no one will worry about buying it.

Seeing that it takes six pieces to gather together, Jiang Siming smiled disdainfully, and the local tyrant took out an all-purpose piece and directly filled it up.

He now has 15 omnipotent fragments in his hand, who is afraid of who!

During the time he returned from Paris, Jiang Siming would take a lucky pill every time he started playing the game before playing the game.

Although there are still no good fragments coming out, at least a lot of chicken rib fragments will still be dropped. As these fragments increase, his omnipotent fragments will naturally increase.

Coming out of the room, all three of the puppies searched almost.

"Myojin, I found 98k, give it to you."

The puppy generously wants to contribute his 98k, which is his favorite gun, even if he plays with Gao Dewei, he will not give it.

But playing with Jiang Siming, he still felt that he should hand it over.

Hear that God’s 98k is No. 1 in the world.

"No, I can use Mini14, you can play 98k."

Jiang Siming replied.

"Oh." When the puppy heard this, he was delighted, and took back his 98k, as if the baby was lost and recovered.

"Let's go, there should be no one here, we should go to the resort, there should be someone."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he found a pig cart from outside the city.

The three'little pigs' sat up consciously and were taken away by Jiang Siming.

Under Jiang Siming's driving skills, the car not only has no bumps, it is like walking on the ground in the jungle, and all kinds of elegant flicks have emerged.

The three puppies couldn't help feeling that they had to play the same game as Jiang Siming.

You said that you can forget about spear and body skills, but you can play tricks with a single car skill.

This is like the operation of a group of bronze watch kings, who always feel that the heroes they like play in the hands of others are basically two effects.

Just like the Lord of the Shadow Stream, the bronze player can play him as a child tribulation, and in the hands of a master, that is Shangnin!

Obviously everyone has the same skills, but why are they all kinds of shows, all kinds of pits...

As soon as I drove near the resort, the car was hit by someone in the resort, and the bullet hit the puppy sitting in the passenger seat.

"I'm going, someone, Myojin." The puppy wanted to cut his seat to avoid bullets, but the car was full, so he could only stay in the co-pilot.

Jiang Siming continued driving without a hassle, and began to drive the car in a mess, the other party could not preview at all.

I can only watch Jiang Siming drive the car to the back of the hillside outside the resort to park.

"It's time to fight."

Jiang Siming got out of the car, leaned out from the back **** for the first time, and locked a place in the resort the moment he went out.

The main reason why he said he was irritated was that this guy was wearing too weird clothes.

The black character also wore the clothes of Harley Quinn, a cropped vest, Qinah shorts, and black fishnet stockings on two dark hairy legs.

Two colorful ponytails are on the head, one by one, lipstick and blush on the black face.

On my day, this strange flower Jiang Siming almost didn't even look at it.

PUBG is a game that is very user-friendly, that is, no matter what clothes it is, men and women can wear it.

This can also be regarded as satisfying the hobbies of some transvestites.

Jiang Siming remembered that Cheng He seemed to like this kind of ridiculous outfit, but he was not as sharp as this buddy.

This buddy is still standing on the roof swayingly, for fear that others will not see his "worldly" face.

Jiang Siming lifted the Mini 14 and shot it out three shots without a pause!

The bullets rushed into the center of the eyebrows between the two ponytails of this buddy.

"Fuck! It's Myojin!"

The transvestite boss was confused at first, and then shocked.

Then he quickly wanted to climb downstairs, but Jiang Siming didn't give a chance, and nodded with two shots to make up for the head instantly.

"Uuuuu, I would have known that I would not be sao."

"I told you not to wear this kind of clothes. You deserve to be educated by Myojin." The teammates mocked mercilessly.

The cross-dressing boss retorted unconvincingly: "I am educated, can you not be educated? It sounds like I can beat Myojin in normal clothes, ZZ!"

Jiang Siming really didn't expect that after the death of the cross-dressing boss, a piece of debris came out.

"Pick up [Transvestite Curse] Cyan Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Transvestite Curse]: It can make a normal-minded person fall in love with transvestite, and the spell is out of control. The spell can be used 3 times.

Is there such an operation?

Let a normal person suffer from transvestism? Is this... exciting...

Keep it away and set aside.

Jiang Siming found that his luck had changed since he brought the chubby paper four rows.

Could this little fat paper be a European emperor? Or the other two?

Regardless, Jiang Siming thinks this wave of ‘weight training’ is very profitable.

The latter game becomes even simpler, Jiang Siming alone, with three ‘depressing’, eats chicken easily.

After ate three more in a row, but no more fragments came out, Jiang Siming estimated that Xiaopangzhi and their European spirit had been absorbed by him...

It was not early, and Jiang Siming ended today's game tour. The three puppies were so happy to be like fools, and kept thanking Jiang Siming.

Thanks to Jiang Siming for taking them to eat four chickens. This is considered to be finishing their chickens next year...

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