I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1079: Transvestite Liu Bei

If Jiang Siming imprisoned him, didn't Yanzhou and Qingzhou, whom he struck down so hard, give Jiang Siming a wedding gown.

"My brother, Cao Cao, I won't go back to Chang'an with you. There are still many bandits in Qingzhou. I urgently need me to go back to preside over the overall situation and award rewards. I will send someone to collect it. See you later."

The envelope that Cao Cao left to Jiang Siming roughly meant this. After leaving the letter, he ran away with his own soldiers.

But Liu Bei was distressed. He couldn't find a reason to leave Jiang Siming for the time being, and besides, he really needed a reward to strengthen himself.

Without a reward, even if he ran away, he would still be a pauper.

He is not like boss Cao.

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Bei decided to follow Jiang Siming to Chang'an.

Before returning to Chang'an, Jiang Siming also went to Lujiang to bring Xiao Xiao Qiao and Qiao's family.

When the Victorious Division returned to Chang'an, the people of Chang'an rushed out spontaneously and stood on both sides of the road to greet them.

Jiang Siming's prime minister's frame drove into the city of Chang'an. For a while, the people of Chang'an were happy and happier than the New Year.

They knew that the prime minister had won a big battle, and their Chang'an was still solid, and there was no need to worry that such a good day would be gone forever.

The three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang came to Chang'an for the first time and saw this extremely prosperous city and the happy faces of the people.

The hearts of the three brothers were shocked. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei admired Jiang Siming even more, because they knew that it was Jiang Siming's existence that made Chang'an now.

And Liu Bei is more envious and greedy. He imagines that one day he can become such a person.

After returning to Chang'an, Jiang Siming's first thing was to give a reward.

After all, after such a big victory, the three armies must be rewarded.

Emperor Xian of Han still obeyed Jiang Siming's words. He had completely become Jiang Siming's puppet, but no one knew yet.

In this Xuanjia army, almost all have been rewarded. Wei Yan, Dian Wei, Zhang Yun Gaolan and others have all become generals. Xun Yu and Guo Jia have also been promoted successively, and they have held important positions in the civil service.

Liu Guanzhang was also promoted to two ranks, and all became generals.

The awarding process is very cumbersome, and Jiang Siming is almost tired of listening to the eunuch.

After the award, Jiang Siming signaled Emperor Xian to resign from the court and returned to his prime minister's house to accompany his wife.

And Chang'an once again became peaceful and prosperous.

As the days passed, Liu Guanzhang, who received the award, was also very glorious.

But I don't know why, after becoming a general, Liu Bei began to see no one in the barracks every day.

Instead, he stayed in his camp all day long, and often went to the market to buy things, which was a big bag.

It was still wrapped in black cloth, as if for fear of being seen.

Guan Zhang didn't care at first, but after a long time they found it strange.

Later, the two brothers sneaked into Liu Bei's tent one night and found a shocking scene.

Liu Bei was in his camp, discarding the original armored military uniform, but walking around triumphantly in the camp wearing women's clothes.

And there is rouge and lipstick on his face, that is as disgusting as it is.

"How could this be?" Guan Yu looked at his eldest brother in disbelief.

Zhang Fei was even more shocked to speak.

"How can the eldest brother wear women's clothes and apply rouge? No, I have to ask the eldest brother!"

Guan Yu quickly grabbed Zhang Fei and said in a dull voice, "If you go like this, if nearby soldiers come and see, how will your eldest brother see people in the future?

Zhang Fei could only do this when he heard this. The two brothers found Liu Bei the next day and said about it.

But Liu Bei denied it, and refused to admit it.

Zhang Fei argued with him, but Liu Bei gave a stunned face, and finally broke up in a riot.

Even Guan Yu began to feel that Liu Bei was a bit responsive.

In the evening, they ran to Liu Bei's army camp again, and once again saw Liu Bei dressed up in feminine clothes.

The two brothers couldn't bear it anymore and questioned the situation on the spot.

Seeing that he was discovered, Liu Bei had to find an excuse to say that he was just curious and just playing.

Guan Zhang endured the nausea and made Liu Bei swear he would never wear it again.

After all, in ancient times, it was a shame for a man to wear women's clothes.

Not everyone is a super ninja turtle like Sima Yi.

When Sima Yi confronted Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang sent Sima Yi a set of women's clothing in order to provoke him to send troops.

Who knew that instead of being angry, Sima Yi put on women's clothing, thanked Zhuge for his appearance in front of the army, and read a passage of Zhuge Liang's "List of Masters".

This caused Zhuge Liang to vomit blood with anger, speeding up his death.

It can be said that in the Three Kingdoms and even in ancient history, men who dared to wear women's clothing can count on their fingers.

Of course Guan Zhang is not among them, and he is also ashamed to be with him.

But Liu Bei said that he couldn't do it, and said it was his personal hobby, so that they should not interfere.

In this way, the first rift between the two brothers Guan Zhang and Liu Bei appeared.

All this is naturally the ghost of Jiang Siming.

[Transvestite Curse] was used on Liu Bei, turning a normal man into a transvestite monster.

Although this trick is a bit detrimental, Jiang Siming said that there is no way. To blame, he gave it to the big alien in the game, hehe.

Of course, these are not enough, and the divorce offered by Guo Jia has to be used.

During this period of time, Gao Lan and Zhang Xun began to frequently move closer to Liu Bei. The two raised Liu Bei in various ways, saying that Liu Bei was an able minister and a hero in troubled times.

I really hope to fight the world with Liu Bei and so on.

The praise of Liu Bei is almost unpleasant, coupled with the strength of Gao Lan and Zhang Yun, although not as good as Guan Zhang.

But they are also rare fierce generals, and Liu Bei naturally has the intention to win.

This came and went, and Gao Lan and Zhang Yun provoked them. The more Liu Bei looked at Guan Zhang, the more displeased it was.

Guan Zhang also felt that Liu Bei was too much.

The contradiction between the three brothers is getting bigger and bigger.

Jiang Siming watched the conflicts between the three people continue to intensify, but he became more satisfied with this effect.

When the contradiction reaches a certain level, it will explode. At that time, the Taoyuan three knots that have been passed down by Zeng Jin's reputation will completely become history and joke.

After Yuan Shu was killed, the wars of other princes not only did not calm down, but intensified.

First, Lv Bu was greedy for Xuzhou, and began to lead the Xiliang army to attack Xuzhou, and then Cao Cao began to attack Zhang Xiu, Yuan Shao fought hard in the north, and Jiangdong Sun Jian also began to fight Jingzhou.

The world has become one battlefield after another.

Although Jiang Siming is stable and peaceful here, he knows that sooner or later the war will spread over, it is only a matter of time.

After staying in the Three Kingdoms for nearly a month, Jiang Siming left the copy.

Time is approaching, Christmas is coming.

Jiang Siming promised gifts for his wives, but he hasn't gotten it yet...


[Author's digression]: Today's second update~ The update is quite early, haha, there is a chapter, it will be released later, I have to go to the store to be busy with business, and I will write after I am busy. Make more money at the end of the year and make a living, everyone Forgive me~

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