I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1080: The pleasure of opening a gift

Christmas came as scheduled. On this day, Jiang Siming stayed at home in his pajamas, watching TV, feeding the cats, and teasing the foxes.

It's like forgetting the gift.

After dinner in the evening, the wives suddenly found that Jiang Siming was missing.

"Hey, where did this bad guy go? He said he played cards with us tonight."

Reba looked around at home and said strangely.

"You should go out and find a chick, you don't know when he will be free." Yingzi put on a mask and hugged Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Both mother and daughter have facial masks on their faces, and I don't know why Zhao Xiaoxiao, the little girl, likes to apply this stuff.

Zhao Xiaoxiao interrupted and said: "My dad would like to have a hundred and eighty young mothers living in the house, changing one a day, and it won't be the same for three hundred and sixty-five days a year."

The women in the family were amused, and it seems that even Xiaoxiao understands her father's temperament.

"I said, who is secretly burying me at home, whoever burying me has no gifts today."

Jiang Siming's voice came from outside the house.

Reba was surprised: "Why did you go?"

Jiang Siming leaned at the door and looked at the girls in the room with a smile.

"Do you want to see surprises?"

"Surprise? What surprise?" The women wondered.

Jiang Siming gestured and made a request, and said, "Just come out and see, don't blame me for not reminding you, it's gone when it's late."

Reba was closest to the door, and immediately walked two steps to the door.

Because it was cold in the winter, she didn't want to be close to the house, so it was more comfortable in the house.

But after looking at the door, she screamed.


"What's wrong? Xiaorerere, why call it such an exaggeration."

"Let's play it, I think Reba colluded with my dear to make us play."

"I'll take a look."

The women walked to the door one after another, and looked out of the house with curiosity.

I saw that in the large courtyard of the manor, suddenly I didn't know when, there was a huge Christmas tree.

What I usually see is just a tall Christmas tree, but this Christmas tree is as big as a small house.

The trees were covered with small lanterns and gifts, twinkling and twinkling, and outside, it was snowing for some reason.

With snowflakes flying, this Christmas tree is shining in the night sky, extremely romantic!


This time it was a collective exclamation from the women in the family.

"I want to go out to see!" Zhao Xiaoxiao wanted to run outside after saying, the mask on her face fell off.

Jiang Siming grabbed the little girl's back, as if he was picking up a little chicken.

"You are not afraid of catching a cold even if you wear a pajama, change your clothes and go out again."

Jiang Siming’s wives also said the same: “Don’t even want to go out without changing your clothes. By the way, I remind you that there are only two gifts for each person, first come first served.”

Everyone, what else are you talking about? Change your clothes!

"I just got off work, I didn't have time to take a shower and change my pajamas."

Li Shengxue covered her mouth with a smile, and walked out first.

Then, the wives put on coats and boots one after another, walked out of the house, and came to the yard, under this huge Christmas tree.

A-Nan and Ari had been playing in the tree for a long time, and Jiang Siming moved the tree over and they both came to occupy them as toys.

Many gift boxes were hung on the branches.

Li Shengxue couldn't help choosing a small box, took it down, and opened it. Inside was a bottle of Chanel's out-of-print limited-level perfume.

This vial is worth more than 300,000 yuan.

Girls don't like perfume, just like lipstick, it is a must-have for women.

Li Shengxue happily collected it.

"You can choose one." Jiang Siming reminded from the side.

Upon hearing this, Li Shengxue chose a bigger one this time.

When I opened it, it was a rose carved out of red agate.

"This looks good~" Li Shengxue fell in love with it at once, and refused to let it go.

Reba, who came out the fastest at this time, saw Li Shengxue's gift and was envious.

"I want to choose too." Reba rubbed her little hands, don't want that cuteness.

Li Shengxue smiled and raised the present in Yang's hand, and said: "I'm done with my selection, Reba, come on."

Reba walked to the tree, took a look, and finally picked a pink gift box.

When you open it, it is a sapphire necklace! This gem is about the size of the Heart of the Sea.

"Quickly, put it on for me." Reba excitedly took the necklace and asked Jiang Siming to put it on her.

Jiang Siming took the necklace with a smile and put it on from behind her.

On Reba's white neck, there is a blue glittering gemstone necklace, which matches Reba's face, a match made in heaven.

"Does it look good?"

"Take the word? It's so nice." Jiang Siming praised.

Reba turned around in a big circle of joy, and then chose a small gift box.

After opening, a Bentley car key lies inside.

"The car is outside, go and see for yourself." Jiang Siming smiled.

Reba hurried out after listening to it, and lying quietly outside the door was a bright red Bentley sports car, an elegant sports car specially built for women.

After Reba got in the car, she started to play around with this car, she changed the car~

Then, the wives came out one by one, under the Christmas tree, choosing their gifts.

The gifts are unknown, whoever chooses it is whoever chooses it. This inexplicable sense of winning makes them all addicted.

It's like a wife buying you a bunch of gifts. You know these gifts are good things, but you don't know what they are.

You take down one, the PS4 game console, another one, brand-name sneakers, and another one, a sports car...

This feeling of unknown and unwrapping gifts is really wonderful.

"Hahaha, I got a gift of this kind, come and see it." Zhao Xuan said with a smile.

The women hurriedly gathered around to see that there were only ten cards in the gift box chosen by Zhao Xuan.

It says [Massage Beating Card]: With this card, you can call your husband to massage your back for two hours.

The girls are happy, and there are such gifts? It's so interesting, they want it too.

In this way, everyone pulled down the gifts from the tree, but those valuable gifts were ignored.

On the contrary, the cards arranged by Jiang Siming are very popular.

What else did the girls get [Cooking card] [Intercourse summon card] [Housework card] and so on.

Jiang Lan, who had drawn the [Intercourse Summoning Card], was flushed with red. I didn’t hold this card. If I didn’t take it, I couldn’t bear it... so shameful~

After spending more than two hours in the yard, everyone had enough fun and returned home.

This wave of gifts today made the women extremely satisfied. After entering the house, each of them gave Jiang Siming a kiss.

They said that sleeping at night would give him a wave of sleep together.

It made Jiang Siming bloody, and I can’t wait to have two more hands now, I want to take a bath sooner...

Hey, it seems that my efforts are not in vain.

This kind of little surprise in life is indispensable, and is the best flavoring agent for married life.


[Author's digression]: Third update~ Today's update is over~ Dear friends, don't forget to vote~

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