I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1085: Join the Olympics!

I looked up and saw Zhao Xiaoxiao silly at him, still holding a small snowball in his hand.

"Hey, you little villain, see if I don't beat you."

Jiang Siming smiled and put away the cigarette, gave up the idea of ​​being an'audience', took a big step, and went into battle.

For a time, the laughter in the yard was ups and downs, and the family was happy and uncomfortable.

"Master, there are WeChat messages~ many messages~"

When playing was on the rise, Jiang Siming heard Xiaoxian's prompt.

Temporarily stopped the snowball of Spiral Pill in his hand, picked up the phone, and found that it was a message from many people.

They are all people in the professional circle, there are 4am, there are 17 people.

Awei: Watch Weibo! Lao Jiang, look at Weibo! Good news!

17shou: Myojin, check Weibo, there are surprises!

Forever: Brother Jiang, great news! Our PUBG final level card is coming soon!


Jiang Siming was confused by the news. These guys didn't say what they were, they were just there one by one.

Jiang Siming had to open Weibo himself to see what was going on. He didn't expect that his Weibo was also slaughtered by netizens...

"Myojin, our PUBG army will rise next year, hahaha!"

"I'm a good boy, the Olympic Games, this is a rare encounter in a thousand years."

"LOL is also in it. It seems that this year's Olympic Games will be full of highlights."

"I don't know LOL, but for PUBG's gold medal, my Myojin booked in advance!"


Jiang Siming still didn't understand it, but he understood it when he saw everyone @他的微博头条.

[Weibo headline news report]:

The Olympic Organizing Committee announced that the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will join the e-sports event, which will be two games, one is League of Legends, and the other is PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Seeing this, Jiang Siming understood that this was the case.

After learning about it, Jiang Siming was also very happy. One of his favorite games can be in the Olympics, which makes people feel strongly recognized.

Once upon a time, games could only be described as a ‘scourge’ by the older generations, and the chief culprit that harmed their children’s unsuccessful talents.

But Jiang Siming didn't take it seriously. His parents did not have the Internet and did not play games, but they were also unskilled.

Games are only the product of an era. It is people who fail to succeed, not a thing.

The older generations who say this are just looking for excuses for their failed education, just looking for a pot.

Now, the game has not only entered the field of vision of millions of people, it has also been on the Taiga Hall.

Even the Olympics have admitted, will those old-fashioned know that they will be angry?

The second is that Jiang Siming knows that he has more matches to play and more pieces to take.

So this news is really great news for him.

For this reason, Jiang Siming even specially posted a Weibo.

[Latest Weibo]: I would like to say to friends from all over the world who are going to participate in the Tokyo Olympics PUBG competition, the championship has been contracted by me, you can now consider how to get second.

When this Weibo was posted, it was immediately liked and forwarded by thousands of netizens.

"This is too morale! Hahaha, 6666!"

"All professional players, why is my Myojin so good?"

"Only I, Myojin, dare to say this. Do others dare to say this?"

"Myojin's ability to win the gold medal is beyond doubt, but I don't know what the rules will be like."

"It's still early to the Olympics, so if you set up a Flag so early, you are not afraid of being killed by your own milk?"


After posting this Weibo, Jiang Siming glanced at the Olympic time.

It won't start until next summer, it's okay, buddies can afford to wait.

Seeing that there are less than three days left before the New Year's Eve, the Mango Terrace is already politely urging Jiang Siming to go to the rehearsal.

They all say that they have to do things after receiving the money, but Jiang Siming's ethics still has a drop.

He flew to Changsha that day, and Hejiu received him.

After arriving in Changsha, He Jiu immediately took Jiang Siming to the live rehearsal. In fact, Jiang Siming, who is singing, does not need to rehearse.

The main thing is to cooperate with the band and remember when you are on stage, so as to avoid mistakes.

After all, New Year's Eve concerts are all live broadcasts, and no TV station can tolerate sloppy.

The rehearsal was done all morning, and other stars were still adjusting and revising. Jiang Siming had already had hot pot with Hejiu at a restaurant in Changsha.

"Amin, are there any activities tomorrow?"

He Jiu blanched the mutton roll and asked Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming scalded his hairy belly with skillful tactics, his eyes fixed on the bottom of the pot, no time to raise his head, he just replied with his mouth: "Tomorrow? No activity, I plan to go back first, and wait for me on New Year's Eve. Come again."

He Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Would you like to do "Ming Detective" again?"

"Ah? Come again?" Jiang Siming was a little surprised.

The last time we recorded "Mingzheng" was last month.

"As the saying goes, it's better to catch up early than to catch up by coincidence. You don't usually come to Changsha. This time you take advantage of participating in the New Year's Eve concert and you have free time. Or should we record another issue?"

He Jiu smiled like a fox, and even urged: "Didn't we talk about it before, next time you come, let you be a detective, what about?"

Jiang Siming gave He Jiu a ‘sharp’ look, and finally he was overcome by this hot pot.

It is also because Ming Detective is very fun. He participated once and feels good.

"That's great, let's just make that decision. I will send a WeChat message to Wang Ou Guigui and the others. They must be very happy."

After He Jiu finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and told the WeChat group of the ‘Mingzheng Family’ he built.

A few seconds after He Jiu finished sending the message, the phone rang steadily, basically all voices.

He Jiu clicked on the first one, which was the sound of ghosts.

"Wow~Daxia Jiang is finally coming again! I've been waiting for a long time~"

Then automatically play the following voice.

Host Sa: "Then Mr. Jiang just happened to be a detective this time."

Wang Ou: "Look forward to it, Jiang Shen, your little girl is in place!"

Xiao Bai: "I think I can still rescue it, or let me be a detective again in this issue?"

Guigui: "Xiaobai, stop dreaming. In the last issue, you, a dog-headed detective, cast me a good man, and let the'criminal' Saxa take six gold bars. We haven't asked you to settle this matter yet. "

Wang Ou: "That's right, Xiaobai, you will be my son in this episode, and you want to be a detective, dream!"

Xiao Bai: "Ouuuuuuu, that's a misunderstanding~"


He Jiu heard these voices and couldn't help but laugh, then he slapped his head and said: "Almost forgot, Amin, I'll pull you into the group too!"

Before Jiang Siming agreed, he immediately pulled him into the group chat.

[Jiang Siming joins the group chat]

As soon as Jiang Siming entered the group, the group suddenly became more enthusiastic.

"Sahua Sahua~ Daxia Jiang agrees to my friend's invitation~"

"I want too, can I ask for a friend of the little girl?"

"Although the richest man is here, I still want to say that I have never touched money, and I am not interested in money."

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