I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1086: Reasons for appointment

Seeing everyone chatting so hot, how could Jiang Siming get cold, and simply took a video of eating hot pot with Hejiu.

Host Sa: "If you have the ability, just post a position. You can see if I can eat it, it will be over."

Wang Ou: "Wow, that's too much! I haven't eaten yet."

GuiGui: "Teacher He, you and Jiang Daxia are chic, we are still struggling to recite our lines, I hate you!"

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with me? It's from Amin."

He Jiu said, this pot is determined not to carry it.

Jiang Siming turned a deaf ear to his ears and continued to speak: "Everyone, see you tomorrow, let's eat first."

After that, Jiang Siming exited the group chat page and came to the main WeChat page, where several more friends added invitations.

GuiGui, Wang Ou, Sa Yingjun and Xiaobai.

Jiang Siming agreed one by one, and after the four were successfully added, they all sent a friendly greeting to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming also responded politely to them in turn. After Wang Ou's WeChat account, he saw not only greetings, but also a wave of dinner.

"If you have time at night, Jiang Shen, can you allow the little girl to invite you to have a meal in Changsha?"

"Give me a reason to make an appointment." Jiang Siming didn't agree for the time being. He was not the kind of person who couldn't walk when he saw a woman, and heeded other people's words when he met a beautiful woman.

"The reason is of course that the little girl admires idols very much. Let me satisfy the little girl's desire to chase stars~"

Wang Ou replied, with a playful expression behind him.

Jiang Siming thought about it for a while, but agreed.

After replying, Jiang Siming turned off his phone and concentrated on eliminating the hot pot on the table.

In the afternoon, Jiang Siming went to the rehearsal again and met Jay Chou who also came to the rehearsal.

"How are you? This New Year's Eve, do you want to sing with me? Think about it yourself." Jay Chou looked provocative.

Jiang Siming did not fluctuate in this regard, and said: "My appearance fee only allows me to sing three songs alone. If you want me to sing with you, you have to pay me overtime."

Jay Chou was not happy anymore, and said aggrieved: "You and the three-year-old chorus have also confiscated his overtime pay, and you will have to pay for overtime when you come to me, hello locomotive."

"Oh, that's good, who made me Jiang Siming."

Jiang Siming responded with a smirk, and he learned the mantra of Jay Chou.

"Well, I won't quarrel with you, anyway, I must sing a song with you, otherwise I will run up to sing with you when you are singing solo."

Zhou Dong began to play tricks.

Jiang Siming is speechless about this, how come the heavenly kings are starting to learn children~

"If you are free in the evening, go to an Internet cafe to have dinner together?" Jay Chou was very excited when he talked about the game.

Jiang Siming refused mercilessly: "No time, someone ordered my dinner earlier than you."

"Who? Is it a girl? Are you asking her or she asking you?" Jay Chou got it right.

Jiang Siming didn't hear it, so do you need to ask about this? As far as his appearance is concerned, of course someone else asked him.

The afternoon time passed quickly. In the evening, Jiang Siming and Wang Ou sat together in an upscale private room in Changsha.

Wang Ou wore a very beautiful skirt today, showing her figure perfectly, with a shallow V and low-cut front collar.

Exquisite makeup was painted on the face, and expensive perfume was sprayed on the body.

She is more beautiful than the one seen in the show.

Obviously the other party has really dressed up very seriously.

"Jiangshen, thank you for agreeing to my request to invite you to dinner. It fulfilled one of my wishes for the little girl. I will toast you a glass."

Wang Ou raised the red wine glass, spoke elegantly, and drank the wine in the glass with great anger after speaking.

Wang Ou, who was drinking a little bit more and anxiously, flew two red clouds on his cheeks, which matched the atmosphere of the restaurant, coupled with the shallow V neckline on his chest, it was very attractive.

This restaurant is actually a couple’s restaurant, romantically decorated everywhere.

When Jiang Siming came in, he was a little wondering why Wang Ou would choose this restaurant.

But Jiang Siming wouldn't look foolishly after others had done it, and he also poured a glass of red wine into his stomach.

He doesn't care about alcohol at all now, he wants to drink as much as he wants. Alcohol is just a fart to him.

At the wine table, the two ate for more than an hour, during which time it was Wang Ou who took the initiative to talk to Jiang Siming, looking for topics.

Moreover, this woman is drinking more and more, and she is half a cup to dry at every turn. It seems that the amount of alcohol is really good.

After dinner, the two left the restaurant together. Wang Ou was already stumbling, and he had to lean against Jiang Siming to stand.

After walking out of the restaurant, Wang Ou was blown by the cold outside, and immediately chilled, making him even more reluctant to leave Jiang Siming's arms.

"Jiang God, your arms are so comfortable~"

Wang Ou said drunkly.

Jiang Siming looked down at her. From his height, he could easily see all the scenery inside the V-neck.

To be reasonable, although Wang Ou's looks are not top-notch, his temperament and clothing are really good, and these two aspects can be compared with Jiang Lan.

Moreover, this woman's natural eyes have the feeling of a fox demon, and a few glances can detract the man's attention.

In Jiang Siming's eyes, Wang Ou can barely score 90 points, which may be one or two points behind Tong Ya, which is harmless.

His most impressive impression of Wang Ou is probably Qin Boruo in "Langya Bang" and Wang Manchun in "The Pretender", they are really amazing.

Such a 90-point woman is so in your arms, I'm afraid it would have been ‘shown’ by other men.

Jiang Siming didn't react much, but said to Wang Ou: "You drank too much, I will take you back to your hotel, which hotel are you in?"

"It's nearby...Millennium Hotel..."

Wang Ou answered in a daze, and he didn't know whether it was really confused or fake.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Si Ming sees many such battles.

Half-arming Wang Ou's slender waist, Jiang Siming helped her back to the hotel and sent her to her room.

As soon as the door was opened, Wang Ou took the initiative, pulling Jiang Siming and dragging him into the room...

Two hours later, Jiang Siming came out of her room, left the hotel calmly, and went back to Hejiu's house to sleep.

The next day, Ming Detective recorded the scene.

A MV was released, showing Jiang Siming sitting in his office.

In the picture, he received a letter inviting him to solve the case, which was an invitation to solve the case.

"I agree to solve the case, but why is this invitation signed on 199..."

Just finished speaking.

Jiang Siming just agreed, and suddenly time and space reversed, and people disappeared in place.

Then, a youthful memory of the 90s appeared.

In the MV, there are classic movies that the post-90s had seen when they were children, such as the era of future warriors, the **** of gamblers, the age of the four kings and so on.

These people represent the youth and past of the post-90s.

Live show, all

It also indicates that this show seems to be related to the 90s...


[Author's digression]: The third shift has been passed, and I will go to the hospital to review with my mother tomorrow. The update may be late, but it’s okay. Even later, the sake will be refilled. I hope you don’t forget to vote these days. , The cashier ticket contest is almost over, everyone, hold on~

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