I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1087: If time goes back to 1998

In 1998, the memory was amazing.

That year, on the spring evening, Na Ying and Faye Wong sang the song "Meet 98" all over the country.

That year, "Titanic" was released in China, deceiving the tears of countless viewers.

That year, the Internet was just emerging in China, and big **** computers became a symbol of wealthy people.

That year...

"Han Zhu Ge Ge" has just been released and has become a TV viewing myth, which has taken the country by storm.

Guorong, Huazi, RT-Mart, Ekin... these superstars nowadays all had just debuted at the time.

Zuxian, Qingxia, Zhu Yin, Manyu... these women who are now married as wives and have children, were already a generation of arrogance at the time.

The theme of this issue is...If time goes back to 1998...

At the recording scene, Jiang Siming walked out from the backstage swayingly.

There was also a sign on the chest, which was the certificate of the private detective.

Jiang Siming stopped and stopped at the scene, and every time he passed, he had to feel that the prop set of this show was too powerful and conscientious.

The audiovisual store is full of CDs and video tapes, and the well-known song "Dang" from the power train is played in the stereo.

The grocery store sells a variety of childhood snacks, hawthorn rolls, gold coin chocolate, and peanut candy.

There are also props such as game halls, bookstores, etc., if there is no live camera and surrounding environment.

It makes people feel whether they really traveled back to the past.

"It's really stressful to upgrade from a melon-eater to a detective."

Jiang Siming muttered to himself, scanned the entire recording site, and found that there were only people in the video store.

Jiang Siming walked in, and Wang Ouzheng was sitting in the video store in a splendid manner. His big red lips, wavy hair, and a long skirt were very characteristic of a charming woman at the time.

When the two met each other, they had a pair of eyes, and they were silent.

Wang Ou recalled the madness of the hotel last night, and he couldn't help feeling still unfinished, and he couldn't help but secretly close his legs.

"Who are you? How do you dress like this? It's strange." Wang Ou controlled his emotions and pretended to record the show as if nothing had happened.

"I heard that your M town had a murder case, I am Detective Jiang who came to investigate."

Of course Jiang Siming was more able to act, and he didn't panic at all.

"But why do you dress so strangely? We don't have you dressed like this in our time." Wang Ou asked'strangely'.

"I came in 2019. This is the dress of the future."

"Really? It's unbelievable." Wang Ou's expression was surprised.

Jiang Siming stopped the two men's thoughts of continuing the show, and said, "Can you take me to see the murder scene?"

"Well, come with me." Wang Ou got up and twisted his waist to lead the way.

When passing by the garden, the second character ghost goes online.

GuiGui's two braided braids this time look very cute. To be fair, the appearance of ghosts has always been a mystery.

The ghost is sitting on the swing in the garden, sulking.

"Little devil, your dad is dead, why are you still playing here, come back with me." Wang Oula walked away with the ghost.

With luggage beside Guigui, he looked like he wanted to run away from home.

"Who is he? It's weird to wear~"

After Wang Ou finished speaking, ghosts came again, all forcibly pretending that they didn't know anything, Jiang Siming said he was very tired.

"He is a detective to investigate the cause of your father's death."

"Why did you take me there, I didn't kill it." The ghost looked rebellious in adolescence.

"Then shouldn't you go, that's your dad."

"He is just my stepfather, not my real dad."

Although the two are performing sitcoms, they can learn a lot from it.

Jiang Siming interrupted, "What is the name of the stepfather's daughter?"

The ghost blurted out: "Stepdaughter."

Just after speaking, Guigui felt that something was wrong and repeated it again.

Wang Ou smiled, she wants to report, Jiang Shen drives ~

Guigui understood it too, and tried to laugh but held back.

The key point Jiang Siming still pretended to be nonchalant, did he drive? No, they wanted to be crooked.

"Okay, stepfather's daughter, I know, then take me to see the murder scene now."

The three of them walked to the Zhenji grocery store. Someone was already eating props and snacks, it was Xiao Bai.

As soon as Xiaobai saw Wang Ou, he called mother. In this episode, he and Wang Ou are in a mother-son relationship.

"Son, what are you doing?" Wang Ou asked.

Not to mention, Xiao Bai is dressed up as a student, and Wang Ou is dressed up as the boss's wife. Standing together like this, the two really look like mother and daughter.

"Mom, Boss Zhen is finally dead." Xiaobai ate snacks and pointed to the dead NPC prop man lying on the table, his tone also revealed happiness.

It seems that their mother and son have a holiday with Boss Zhen.

"Boss Zhen is dead, you still eat the things in his shop, it's unlucky, put it down quickly."

Wang Ou said, "This old man is not ashamed, he is damned."

Ding Ding Ding~

When the car bell rang, He Jiu came over on a bicycle, dressed as a scholar, a tunic suit, a scarf, and a pair of gold glasses. He looked cultural at first glance.

The bicycle is still of the Phoenix brand.

He Jiu put the bicycle off, walked over with his chest raised up, and pretending to hold the gold glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, how come the grocery store starts selling corpses now? How much does it cost? Is there a product certificate?"

He Jiu asked strangely.

"Uncle He, this is my stepfather."

"Ah? It turned out to be Boss Zhen, how could he die? Alas, life is really impermanent, life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves."

After He Jiu finished speaking, Jiang Siming took the lead and applauded: "You deserve to be a literate man. You look like a bookstore owner, right?"

He Jiu arrogantly arched his neck and said, "Yes, I am the owner of M Town Bookstore."

Jiang Siming waited for them to have expressed what they wanted to express, and was about to speak, when the last one came.

Chairperson Sa is no longer a detective today, but dressed as a rogue in the past, with a nunchaku pinned to his waist.

I also dyed a gray haircut for my grandma. I don’t know if it was dyed or he was white...

"Sa Sa, my stepfather is dead." This episode of Guigui seems to be closely related to Sa's host, and rushes to him as soon as he arrives.

Host Sa walked over and glanced at the dead, hehe said: "This old thing deserves to die!"

"Are you a student?" Jiang Siming asked him.

Host Sa contemptuously said: "What do students do?"

"He is our street fighter, working as an employee in the game hall of boss Zhen." Wang Ou explained to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming smiled and pointed at the nunchaku on the waist of the host's waist and said: "Are you using this to collect protection fees?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Host Sa nodded.

Jiang Siming then ridiculed: "Which position is your nunchaku, is it a nunchaku or a three-knot?"

Saw the misfire and held it...

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