I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1089: New Year's Eve concert!

Ten minutes later, the six people assembled in the conference room, and they all finished searching for evidence.

Everyone began to report their findings in order.

It may be that the last issue was too simple and Jiang Siming found the murderer, so in this issue, the program group specially set high difficulty.

After talking about their inferences and the evidence they found, everyone discovered that all five of them were very suspicious.

Wang Ou was harassed and his son owed huge sums of money. It was normal to be forced to kill someone.

GuiGui was abused by the family and hated his stepfather. It is excusable to want to kill and escape here.

Under Xiaobai's investigation, He Jiu found that he was a murder novelist, and it was entirely possible that he had killed people because he was not inspired, and his novels continued to sell well.

Host Sa was fined 10,000 yuan for breaking down the equipment in the game hall before. He was unable to pay back the money, and Host Sa was the boyfriend of the kid.

The boyfriend saw that his girlfriend was domestically assaulted. If he starts to kill, it makes sense.

After this pass, it seems that everyone has the possibility of being a killer.

In the first round of voting, the detective must make a choice. He now has to vote alone.

If both this round and the last round are cast right, Jiang Siming will get the most gold bars.

On the other hand, if you make a mistake in this round and make a mistake in the last round, there is nothing.

Generally, the first cast of detectives relies on the sixth sense to get confused, not to mention cases that are much more difficult than before.

Coming to the voting room alone, Jiang Siming took off a pair of handcuffs and paused in front of the nameplates of the five people. In the end, Jiang Siming chose Sa to host.

He is not relying on intuition, but on analytical basis.

Boss Zhen was killed by a blunt weapon in the back of the head. A woman shouldn't have that much strength.

That can rule out Guigui and Wang Ou, and although Xiaobai's suspicion is great, he owes Boss Zhen a huge sum of money.

But Sa Bawang searched his room and gave many photos, all of which were photos of Xiaobai with many celebrities.

What penguin horse, Ali horse, etc.

Will such a young man with a pattern and lofty aspirations dare to borrow 50,000 yuan to start a business, will he commit a murder for 50,000 yuan?

In the end, Hejiu had the least motive for killing, just to write a novel, and he had a good relationship with Boss Zhen, so there was no reason to kill him.

That's why Jiang Siming set his sights on Sa Bawang. He was a small gangster himself. He put his fight on his mouth and was influenced by the young and Dangerous.

Coupled with debts and domestic violence against his girlfriend, he is most likely to kill someone.

Of course, these are only temporary inferences and analyses by Jiang Siming.

He is not sure if it is.

It can only be said that the suspicion of Sa Bawang is greatest in his heart.

The detective vote ended, and the second round of evidence search, Jiang Siming became more careful, and the points around were all about Sa Bawang.

Finally, in a corner of the Sabawang game console, an old game console was covered with a floral cloth.

Jiang Siming found the blood on the floral cloth.

"The floral cloth cannot be a murder weapon, but if it is stained with blood, it means that the murderer should have wrapped some heavy weapon in the floral cloth to kill the murderer."

Jiang Siming looked around the game hall, and finally, the goal was locked on the game currency.

"If the floral cloth is wrapped in a lot of game coins, it can be used as a murder weapon. This murder weapon is completely unexpected and the most difficult to discover."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he immediately asked everyone to find coins with blood. There was blood on the cloth, and the coins must have blood.

Even if the murderer was washed, there should be water stains.

In such a short time, Jiang Siming felt that he didn't even have time to wash, so there should be blood on the coin.

But everyone looked at the cash register and found no coins with blood. Some were just clean coins.

Jiang Siming pointed to the game console and said, "I haven't found the coins in the game console yet."

Hearing this, Sa Bawang's expression changed subtlely.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they looked for the key cleanly and opened the coin box of the game console one by one.

Finally found a coin with blood inside.

Everyone turned their gazes to Sa Bawang. Sa Bawang began to become wise and threw the pot to Xiao Bai.

"That's Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai is the murderer, because he is the only one who played games in my store today."

Jiang Siming said happily, "Bai Zhuangyuan is only a guest. Do you think the guest can carry so many coins to go out?"

"I went out to do errands on the way, and he must have secretly taken the coins from the cash register." Sa Bawang insisted.

"What are you doing out?"

"Looking for a snakehead is a smuggler, let him take me to Xiangjiang."

"Why are you going to Xiangjiang?"

"Of course it is to develop my career. With so few people in M ​​Town, I can't receive any protection fees. My career has reached a bottleneck, you know."

Jiang Siming smiled and retorted again: "If Xiaobai kills people while you are out, but his mother can prove that he is looking for his mother, it takes less than two minutes from the game hall to the grocery store. It takes more than half an hour to walk. Do you think it is possible for a murderer to kill in two minutes and then arrange to hide the weapon and disguise the scene?"

"You have to remember that this game has a rule, that is, only the murderer can lie, and there is only one murderer, so it is impossible for Wang Ou and Xiaobai to lie together. There is only one truth, and that is you, lying."

Jiang Siming's retort made Host Sa completely speechless.

He covered his face and slumped on the chair, and said, "I killed it, I admit it..."

Then the host told the specific process, which is almost the same as Jiang Siming inferred.

But the story is very moving, that is, Sa Bawang tried to kill his girlfriend in order not to hurt his girlfriend again.

But the ending was miserable for Host Sa, and he had no gold bars to take.

And Jiang Siming voted right in the first and second votes, and he got the most gold bars.

This program also ended successfully.

After the show ended, Wang Oute chose to change the ticket he was leaving tonight, and once again invited Jiang Siming to dinner, and then... the story of seven in and seven out...


The third day, the long-awaited last day of 2019, is here.

All major TV stations across the country have already sounded gongs and drums, and the New Year's Eve concerts began at 6 o'clock in the evening.

The Mango Channel was not to be outdone, and the concert opened soon after.

The scene of the New Year's Eve concert held at Mango Terrace was located in a gymnasium in Changsha. Nearly 100,000 auditoriums were filled.

Only the tickets are collected at the Mango Terrace.

At the beginning of the New Year's Eve concert, it was a hot dance group that drove the atmosphere.

Then He Jiu and Wang Han, the two stage post hosts, appeared on the scene.

"Welcome to watch Mango TV's global exclusive New Year's Eve concert on the last night of 2019!"

"This New Year's Eve concert is destined to be a fight between gods. This New Year's Eve is the most luxurious lineup I have hosted!"


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