I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1090: Ten thousand blood books sing new songs

At the beginning of the Mango New Year's Eve concert, the guests on the stage made the audience shout and did not lie to them for a long time. It was Zhang Zhenyue who took the lead!

A song "Goodbye" and "Missing is a sickness" brought up the atmosphere of the concert.

Then various first- and second-tier singers appeared one after another, such as Deng Qi, Cai Yilin, Xue Qian, Zhang Bicheng and so on.

There are also many well-known cross talks and sketches, such as the stage pillars of Deyun Society, the heads of Guo Gang and Yu Qian, the younger brother Qilin Yueyue, the sketch actors Shen Tengmai, Jia Ling Liu Haizhu and so on.

The whole concert continued to be wonderful, so that the audience watched happily, and the ratings of Mango Channel continued to rise.

"What's the ratings?" Director Mango asked in the background.

"1.3 has been broken." The deputy director replied.

Mango Desk frowned and said, "How come there are so few?"

The deputy director sighed and said: "It's not just our big coffee here, but the competition among other stations is too fierce, especially the Jiangzhe TV and Dongfang TV. Dongfang TV has invited the four heavenly kings to gather together and there is also a singing **** Jacky Cheung. ."

"Jiangzhe TV is also ruthless. It invited the favorite TF group and Rocket Girl after 00, and even the original crew of Love Apartment and Wulin Biography have invited fried memory rice. The audience loved this set."

"Then where are we now?"

"Temporarily in the second, but not far from the third."

The manager of the Mango station paused for a while, and asked, "Is it JAY's next game?"

"Well, it's Zhou Tianwang's. After he sang, it was Jiang Siming's, and the two had a chorus show afterwards."

The director of Mango smiled triumphantly, and said proudly: "We haven't done anything yet, they have done their best. This year's New Year's Eve ratings, we are set for Mango!"

The deputy director also laughed. They believed that Zhou Tianwang and Jiang Siming's ‘combined boxing’ was enough to destroy the fighting spirit of other stations!

When Jia Ling Liu Haizhu contributed a hilarious sketch "Everything is the Best Arrangement", the audience made enough laughter.

Soon after, Mango made a big move!

"Next, let us welcome with the warmest applause. The singing voice has accompanied us to grow up after 8090, JAY with countless classic songs! Week!"

As soon as Wang Han's voice fell, the audience went crazy, yes, especially the post-90s generations, they were excited as if they won the five million prize.

Especially Zhou Dong's appearance on the stage was enough to destroy their sanity.

This is the Zhou of the Heavenly Kings, just like the influence of the God of Song and the Four Heavenly Kings on the youth of the 6070 generation.

Even Jiang Siming himself has no way to dislike Jay Zhou. He also grew up listening to his songs.

Coupled with Zhou's character, he never hype, never engages in scandals, loves his wife, and is extremely filial to his mother.

From him, you can hardly find a point that can hack him.

Such idols, Jiang Siming is also very fortunate that he was born in the right era. When he was a child, his idols were JAY, Lin Sansui, Doctor, Xu Song and others.

Rather than being born in an era that likes plastic face, Xiao Xianrou can only rap basketball, Lu Han, Xu Kun, Yifan, etc.

If he was fascinated by such people as idols when he was a child, Jiang Siming would probably want to delete his childhood memories when he grows up...

After Jay Chou appeared, the song "Qilixiang" brought the atmosphere of tonight to the climax, and the ratings of Mango Channel broke 2.0!

There is no doubt about Jay Chou's popularity and strength!

Then he sang super nice classic songs such as "Scent of Rice" and "Snow Like Snow". After the three songs, Jay Chou also temporarily retired and left the stage.

The audience was very unwilling to give up, and many audiences saw that Jay Chou was gone and wanted to change the channel.

But when Hejiu came to the stage to report the next guest on stage, the remote control that many viewers in front of the TV had already pressed down suddenly stopped.

"Fuck it is Jiang Siming! I want to keep watching, this guy must sing a new song!"

I don’t know how many people have the same idea.

When Jiang Siming starts to sing, it means three things. His own songs are classics and beautiful, and most likely new songs!

Jiang Siming's music influence is definitely not better than that of Jay Zhou, but his popularity in the music world is constantly increasing.

His fan party is almost catching up with his game fan party.

The reason is that Jiang Siming can always produce new songs, even if one or two are good, this guy is so good in every capital.

This ability is reasonable, and Songshen does not have this strength.

If it continues, it is estimated that in less than three years, Jiang Siming will become the youngest king in the music world.

But to the audience's surprise, Jiang Siming did not sing a new song, but sang a "Little Love Song". Although he was still loved by the audience, he was still a little regretful.

Surprisingly, Jiang Siming did not leave. The band teacher changed the rhythm and stage lighting, but Jiang Siming continued to stay.

Wow! This is superstar treatment.

Time is precious for such a big concert, and generally even first-line artists can only perform one show.

Jay Chou is a heavenly king, so he can sing three songs.

The other singers just leave with one song.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming's treatment was better than that of first-line singers.

The second song is not a new song yet, a sweet and playful song "Why not?", which makes the atmosphere of the scene once again great.

However, fans still have expectations and look forward to Jiang Siming's new song.

"New song! New song! New song!"

I don't know who led it. Soon, everyone on the scene began to shout, calling on Jiang Siming to sing a new song.

Jiang Siming, who had just finished singing "Why not" and was waiting for the audio, smiled, raised the microphone and asked, "Do you look forward to the new song so much?"


The audience responded.

"Okay, I will meet everyone's expectations, the next song, a new song."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the backstage screen lit up with subtitles.

Song: "The Wind Is Up"

Lyricist: Jiang Siming

Composer: Jiang Siming

Singing: Jiang Siming

This is also called the most beautiful three-quote poem by Jiang Siming's countless fans. Jiang Siming's songs are like this, and there has never been any composer or lyricist to help.

He is alone, composing his own music.

The owner of Zeng Jin’s three most beautiful quote poems, Xueqian, has all been blown up. He is just a few poems, and Jiang Siming is each one!

It's just that the name of the song makes the audience a little confused. Is this a slow song or a fast song, a love song or another song?

Jiang Siming walked slowly on the stage, his steps gradually stopped and stopped in the middle of the stage.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Siming closed his eyes, raised his hand, and randomly drew a hook in the air.

Hook a stop, the music starts!

The audience also subconsciously stopped speaking, for fear of disturbing Jiang Siming's performance.

The audience looked very familiar with this singing gesture.

This was the first time Jiang Siming participated in "Singer". The first was on the stage, which conquered all the audience.

[Author's digression]: I just took the high-speed rail and subway back to my home from a different place. I wanted to write the third shift as usual, but I was too tired and exhausted. After a day of driving, I will write a shift today. Two changes will be made tomorrow. Tomorrow is not four or five. Please approve it~

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